
The nuns are also crazy

author:I am not Jia Baoyu

In a monastery high on the mountain lived a group of nuns who usually had to ride their bicycles down the mountain every day to buy supplies... Suddenly one day... The old nun couldn't stand it anymore... Gather everyone and say, "If you are whoever... Riding down the hill and yelling... I'll put the chair cushions of my bike back in!"

The nuns are also crazy

Teacher: "Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian became husband and wife, and later the white snake was crushed under the Lei Feng Pagoda by Fahai, what does this story tell us?" Xiaoming: "Don't mess with single dogs, especially older ones!" ”

The nuns are also crazy

Walking on the way home, suddenly rushed out of a few big men, with a knife to let me take off my pants, fuck, I suddenly chrysanthemum a tight, thinking that I will not touch the perverted bar, who knows I stripped naked, they looked down and left, the next day the girlfriend agreed to my marriage proposal, on the wedding day, I saw a few brothers-in-law, always feel as if I have seen it somewhere, it is really strange!


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