
How to make beef with tomato in sour soup?

author:Love chubby life

It's cold, and I want to cook some hot meals, but it's hard to eat alone, and it seems that a lot of dishes I want to cook seem to be difficult to start. After thinking about it, I decided to make a sour soup tomato beef! Very under the meal [teeth] .

How to make beef with tomato in sour soup?

The beef bought this time is very tender, the snowflakes are very dense, and as for what part of the cow, it is not clear. But when cutting beef, be sure to cut the pattern, or don't strip the teeth between the teeth. The beef I cut this time is thicker.

Ingredients: tender fresh beef, tomatoes, shallots

(Ingredients such as soy sauce, salt, starch, oil consumption, peanut oil, etc.)


First, cut beef, with soy sauce, starch, oil consumption, a few grains of salt to stir, then put peanut oil and continue to stir to lock in the water. When you're done, wait ten minutes and cook.

Second, while waiting, you can boil water for later. Then pour boiling water to soak the tomatoes so that it is easy to peel the tomatoes, remember to soak them, so as not to be too soft. Next, cut the diced tomatoes and set aside in a bowl.

3. Heat the oil in the pot, put a little shallot and stir-fry, put three small bowls of water, put the diced tomatoes, and cook until the water is boiling. Then put the beef, remember to put it piece by piece. Finally, cook for another three minutes, sprinkle a little green onion and come out of the pot.

Eating a hot meal in the cold winter, a pot of nutritious and appetizing hot soup, is the most suitable. This dish is suitable for fat loss, pregnant women, office workers who rush to work and cook back and forth. Simple, quick and delicious. Give it a try!

Life is your own, be nice to yourself! Guys, it's cold, add clothes!