
OpenCASCADE Linear Extrusion Surface

abstract. opencascade linear extrusion surface is a generalized cylinder. such a surface is obtained by sweeping a curve (called the “extruded curve” or “basis”) in a given direction (referred to as the direction of extrusion and defined by a unit vector). the u parameter is along the extruded curve. the v parameter is along the direction of extrusion. the form of a surface of linear extrusion is generally a ruled surface. it can be a cylindrical surface, or a planar surface. key words. openc

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abstract. opencascade linear extrusion surface is a generalized cylinder. such a surface is obtained by sweeping a curve (called the “extruded curve” or “basis”) in a given direction (referred to as the direction of extrusion and defined by a unit vector). the u parameter is along the extruded curve. the v parameter is along the direction of extrusion. the form of a surface of linear extrusion is generally a ruled surface. it can be a cylindrical surface, or a planar surface.

key words. opencascade, extrusion surface, sweeping

1. introduction

一般柱面(the general cylinder)可以由一段或整個圓弧沿一個方向偏移一定的距離得到。如下圖所示:

OpenCASCADE Linear Extrusion Surface

figure 1.1 extrusion shapes


OpenCASCADE Linear Extrusion Surface

figure 1.2 swept surface/ loft surface


2.cylinder surface definition

設 w是一個機關向量,c(u)是定義在節點矢量u上,權值為wi的p次nurbs曲線。我們要得到一般柱面s(u,v)的表達式,s(u,v)是通過将 c(u)沿方向w平行掃描(sweep)距離d得到的。記掃描方向的參數為v, 0<v<1,顯然,s(u,v)必須滿足以下兩個條件:

v 對于固定的u0, s(u0, v)為由c(u0)到c(u0)+dw的直線段;

v 對于固定的v0:

OpenCASCADE Linear Extrusion Surface


OpenCASCADE Linear Extrusion Surface


OpenCASCADE Linear Extrusion Surface

figure 2.1 a general cylinder obtained by translating c(u) a distance d along w.


OpenCASCADE Linear Extrusion Surface





3.display the surface



OpenCASCADE Linear Extrusion Surface

figure 3.1 general cylinder for: circle, arc, line



通 過對opencascade中一般柱面的類中代碼進行分析可知,opencascade的這個線性拉伸柱面 geom_surfaceoflinearextrusion是根據一般柱面的定義實作的,并不是使用nurbs曲面來表示的。當需要用nurbs曲面來 表示一般柱面時,需要注意控制頂點及權值的計算取值。

5. references

1. 趙罡,穆國旺,王拉柱譯. 非均勻有理b樣條. 清華大學出版社. 2010

2. les piegl, wayne tiller. the nurbs book. springer-verlag. 1997

3. opencascade team, opencascade brep format. 2014

4. donald hearn, m. pauline baker. computer graphics with opengl. prentice hall. 2009

5. 莫蓉,常智勇. 計算機輔助幾何造型技術. 科學出版社. 2009
