

{"info":{"title":{"content":"紅軍偵察英雄曹達興:劉伯承相中的人才,突襲、夜襲、奇襲的高手一、楔子二、智取長岩鎮三、奇襲瓢兒井四、夜襲鹽井坪","en":"Cao Daxing, the hero of the Red Army's reconnaissance: Liu Bocheng's talent, the master of surprise attack, night raid, surprise attack 1, wedge 2, wisdom to take Changyan Town 3, surprise attack on The 4th well, night attack on Yanjingping"},"description":{"content":"一、楔子1935年4月7日。西風、古道、瘦馬。枯藤、老樹、昏鴉。蒼涼的古道上走來一匹瘦馬,此馬瘦骨峋嶙,不僅秃尾而且渾身...","en":"I. Wedge April 7, 1935. West wind, ancient road, skinny horse. Dead vines, old trees, crows. On the desolate ancient road came a thin horse, this horse was thin and rugged, not only bald but also full of ..."}},"items":[]}
