

{"v":1,"info":{"title":{"content":"上廁所不能輕易去,一天水都顧不上喝,你卻說當幼稚園老師很輕松上廁所都不敢輕易去喝水?沒感覺“口渴”,也顧不上幼稚園老師不輕松,希望能給她們尊重略略寄語","en":"You can't go to the toilet easily, you can't drink water for a day, but you say that when the kindergarten teacher is very easy to go to the toilet, you don't dare to drink water easily? I didn't feel \"thirsty\", and I didn't care that the kindergarten teachers were not relaxed, hoping to give them a little bit of respect"},"description":{"content":"點選右上角,關注“幼稚園全攻略”。人生百年,立于幼學。幼教不易,任重道遠。記得前兩年有個梗叫做“帶薪拉屎”,指的是有些職...","en":"Click on the top right corner to follow the \"Kindergarten Full Guide\". Life is a hundred years, standing in early childhood. Early childhood education is not easy, and the task is heavy and the road is long. I remember that in the first two years, there was a terrier called paid, which refers to some jobs..."}},"items":[]}
