
教育整頓·我為群衆辦實事丨漫漫遠山路 你是我心裡最深深的牽挂我為你翻山越嶺 卻無心看風景

{"v":1,"info":{"title":{"content":"教育整頓·我為群衆辦實事丨漫漫遠山路 你是我心裡最深深的牽挂我為你翻山越嶺 卻無心看風景","en":"Education and Rectification, I Do Practical Things for the Masses 丨 Long Mountain Road You are the deepest concern in my heart, I have crossed mountains and mountains for you, but I have no intention of looking at the scenery"},"description":{"content":"漫漫遠山路你是我心裡最深深的牽挂翻過了一座座山越過了一道道嶺偏僻的村落低矮的房屋曲折陡峭的山路為你漫漫遠山路我奔赴而來1...","en":"Long mountain road You are the deepest concern in my heart Over a mountain over a series of remote villages Low houses Twisting steep mountain road for you Long mountain road I rushed to come 1..."}},"items":[]}
