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"Logistics Overview (21): International Logistics I"

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國際物流,即與跨國銷售的貨物相關的物流活動,主要包括企業 出口産品、進口原材料、貨物運往國外組裝或加工等。

International logistics, which is the logistics activities related to goods sold across countries, mainly include exporting products, importing raw materials, and shipping goods for overseas assembly or processing.

一、宏觀環境影響Macro environment impact

1、政治因素Political factors


A common political restriction on trade is tariffs, which are taxes imposed by governments on certain imported products. Another type of trade restriction is known as non-tariff barriers, which are restrictions imposed on imported products in addition to tariffs.


Embargoes, or trade bans between specific countries, are another type of political restriction related to trade, usually caused by tense political relationships.

2、經濟因素Economic factors

許多不同的經濟因素,例如匯率波動、市場規模、收人、基礎設施、經濟一體化等,都會影響國際貿易,繼而影響國際物流。當一個國家的貨币相對其他貨币貶值時,進口産品的或本變 高,但出口通常會猛增;當一個國家的貨币相對其他貨币堅挺時,會出現相反的 情形。

Many different economic factors, such as exchange rate fluctuations, market size, costs, infrastructure, economic integration, etc., will affect international trade, and therefore affect international logistics. When a country's currency depreciates relative to other currencies, the prices of imported products or services usually increase, but exports typically surge; when a country's currency remains strong relative to other currencies, the opposite situation occurs.

3、文化因素Cultural factors

文化因素包括宗教、價值觀、禮儀、信仰和語言等。關于語言,搬運工可能無法閱讀和了解出口國的語言,在一些國家搬運工是 文盲也并不奇怪。是以,必須使用警示性的符号而不是文字。海運船舶上的貨物運輸通常會有識别托運人、收貨人、目的地和件号(在多件次的貨運中)的顯著标記。

Cultural factors include religion, values, etiquette, beliefs, and language. When it comes to language, some movers may not be able to read or understand the language of the destination country. In some countries, it's not uncommon for movers to be illiterate. Therefore, it's necessary to use warning symbols instead of text. Cargo transportation on maritime vessels usually involves prominent markings to identify the shipper, consignee, destination, and piece number (in the case of multiple pieces of cargo).

二、國際單證International documents


In a sense, documents can act as a kind of non-tariff barrier. Since there are many documents that may be used in international freight, here are just a few commonly used documents.

商業發票本質上類似于國内的提單,概括了整個交易并應當包含一些關鍵資訊,如對貨物的描述、銷售條款和付款方式、發貨數量以及貨運方式等。商業發票通常是送出給海關部門的最 重要的單據。

A commercial invoice is basically like a domestic bill of lading, summarizing the entire transaction and should include key information such as a description of the goods, sales terms and payment methods, quantity of goods shipped, and the method of shipment. Commercial invoices are usually the most important documents submitted to customs authorities.


The certificate of origin clearly states the country where the product is made, which may be required by the government for control purposes or by the exporter to prove the place of production.

托運人出口報關清單(shipper'sexportdeclaration)包含了有關的出口交易材料,例如運輸方式、交易參與者以及出口物的描述。SED往往是一個國家 官方出口統計的基礎。

The shipper's export declaration (SED) contains information about the export transaction, such as the mode of transportation, the parties involved in the transaction, and a description of the exported goods. SED is often the basis for official export statistics in a country.

三、銷售條款 Sales terms

決定銷售條款 (termsofsale)指的是在談判中工作的各方,任細考慮可能的物流管道并決定賣賣雙方移交以下内容的時間和地點:1.實體貨物(物流管道) 2.支付貨款、運費以及在途貨物的保險(财務管道)。 3.貨物的法定所有權(所有權管道)。 4.所需的單證(單證管道)。5.控制或監管在途貨物的責任,如牲畜運輸情況下(物流管道)。

The terms of sale refer to the time and place of transfer of physical goods, payment, shipping, insurance, legal ownership of goods, required documents, and responsibility for controlling or supervising goods in transit.






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