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Dear, this is the LearingYard Academy!

Today, the editor brings the "

Research on Evolutionary Game and Countermeasures of

Tripartite strategy Selection of Agricultural Supply Chain

Finance Based on Blockchain".

Welcome to visit!

1 内容摘要(Content summary)


Today, I will share the mechanism analysis part of the article “Evolutionary Game and Countermeasure Research on Blockchain-Based Agricultural Supply Chain Finance Tripartite Strategy Selection” from the three sections of “Thinking Guide, Intensive Reading, and Knowledge Supplementation”.

2 思維導圖(Mind mapping)


3 精讀内容(Intensive reading content)

3.1 傳統農業供應鍊金融運作模式概述

3.1 Overview of Traditional Agricultural Supply Chain Finance Operation Models


(1) The “core agricultural enterprise + farmers + financial institutions” model: this model relies on the core agricultural enterprise as a bridge to connect farmers and financial institutions, using the expected income from the sale of agricultural products as collateral for the loan, with the core enterprise being responsible for the supervision of funds, guarantees and the sale of agricultural products at the same time, with the aim of dispersing the risk of the loan and broadening the sales path of the farmers, so as to realize the dual goals of financing and market expansion. It aims to diversify loan risks, broaden farmers' sales paths, and realize the dual goals of financing and market expansion.



(2) “Core Agricultural Enterprise + Agricultural Park + Farmers + Financial Institutions” model: on this basis, the Agricultural Park is added as a supervisory service platform, and the production and sales supervision, technology transfer and product flow control are strengthened through the formal agreement to further enhance the security of the loan, and to deepen the cooperation in order to reduce the overall risk of supply chain finance.



(3) “Core agribusiness + agricultural production cooperatives + farmers + financial institutions” model: the introduction of agricultural production cooperatives as a collection of farmers, with farmers cooperating in the form of land shares, a four-party agreement to ensure that the cooperative is the main body of the loan, and the core enterprise assumes joint and several guarantee responsibility, promoting large-scale production and sales, optimizing risk management and profit distribution structure. Optimizing risk management and profit distribution structure.



(4) Summary:


3.2 參與主體角色與特征

3.2 Roles and Characteristics of Participating Subjects


Core agribusiness: plays a key role, is strong and highly credible, utilizes advanced technology, has extensive market access, and can effectively act as a guarantor in financial transactions.


Financial institutions: the suppliers of capital for agricultural supply chain finance face the challenge of high costs of collecting information from farmers.


Agricultural cooperative organizations: they are composed of farmers with land as shares, and are limited by their knowledge and natural conditions, with a weak capacity to resist risks and difficulty in obtaining financing on their own.

3.3 農業供應鍊金融固有風險

3.3 Risks inherent in agricultural supply chain finance


Agricultural risk: arises from fragmented production, experience limitations and market volatility, affecting the stability of returns.


Legal risk: Contract design flaws and implementation problems may lead to disputes and affect trust in cooperation.


Credit risk: Participants' defaults may trigger losses and repayment difficulties.


Business operations risk: Operational failures in technology, product processing, pricing and settlement can undermine the foundation of trust.


3.4 Coupling of Blockchain and Agricultural Supply Chain Finance and Strategy Implications


(1)Coupling analysis:


Subject level: blockchain technology facilitates direct interaction among participating subjects, reduces intermediate links and improves the efficiency of cooperation.



Information level: blockchain's non-tamperability enhances data transparency, reduces information asymmetry and improves decision-making quality.



Reducing the risk level: smart contracts are automatically executed to ensure compliance with the terms of the contract and reduce the risk of breach of contract, while the blockchain traceability function helps in risk management and credit assessment of agricultural products.



(2)Strategy Selection Analysis


Given the high degree of coupling between blockchain and agricultural supply chain finance, building a new model based on blockchain can significantly improve information asymmetry and encourage credit behavior. Core enterprises are more willing to provide guarantees due to the enhanced credit environment, financial institutions are more daring to lend in a transparent and low-risk environment, and agricultural production cooperatives are actively repaying their loans in a transparent and efficient environment, forming a virtuous cycle that ultimately promotes the healthy development of the entire agricultural supply chain finance.


4 知識補充(Knowledge supplement)

什麼是耦合性?(What is coupling? )


Coupling is the degree to which different modules or components are dependent and related to each other in the field of software engineering. This concept helps assess the complexity of the internal structure of a system and the independence between modules. Specifically, it measures how changes within one module can affect the functionality of other modules. System design pursues low coupling, i.e., modules maintain small dependencies between them so that each module can be developed, tested, and updated independently without causing major disruptions to the overall system, which is conducive to improving the maintainability, testability, and future scalability of the software. On the contrary, modules in a highly coupled system are closely connected, and changes in any single module may affect many other modules, increasing the difficulty of maintenance and the risk of errors. Therefore, by designing clear interfaces and following good programming practices and design principles, it is crucial to realize low coupling between modules and build a healthy software architecture.





That's all for today's sharing.

If you have a unique idea about the article,

please leave us a message,

and let us meet tomorrow.

I wish you a nice day!



徐乙. 基于區塊鍊的農業供應鍊金融三方政策選擇的演化博弈及對策研究[D]. 江蘇科技大學, 2022.




