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Dear, this is LearningYard Academy!

Today, the editor brings you

'Zhe Xue (1): Reflections on University Life'.

Welcome to your visit.

一、思維導圖(Mind mapping)


二、大學感觸(Reflections on the University)


In October 2020, standing at the entrance of the school, I looked at the stone monument inscribed with 'Quanzhou University of Information Engineering', tightened my grip on my luggage, and took a big step into the campus, starting a new chapter in my life after turning 18.


In my freshman year, I was filled with curiosity about the entire campus. Wherever there was an event, I would go. I also ran for class committee positions, participated in clubs, and competed for student council positions. The most impressionable moment was my first activity after entering university - the freshman speech contest. When I saw the contest announcement, I was constantly wondering whether to participate. The hesitation and indecision about wanting to challenge myself yet being afraid stopped me from submitting the application form. That night, as I tossed and turned in bed, I realized that I couldn't stay in my comfort zone forever and needed to dare to express myself in front of others. So, I handed the application form to the class monitor. On the day of the contest, I arrived at the classroom early and rehearsed my speech repeatedly. When it was my turn to go on stage, I took a deep breath and fluently delivered my speech in front of over a hundred people. Although I only received an honorable mention, it was like a key that unlocked the box I had kept sealed in my heart for a long time. I was no longer afraid of making mistakes. After that, I started participating in more and more activities, gaining more and more, and gradually gaining confidence.


In my sophomore year, I started to engage with my major courses, and the teachers introduced relevant competitions in class. I often daydreamed about participating in them. When a classmate invited me to join their team, I readily agreed without hesitation. From the initial stage of project selection, market research, to the later stages of planning and implementation, we held countless meetings and revised our reports numerous times. Each member invested 100% of their enthusiasm and effort. Perhaps, this is the charm of competition. Although we only reached the provincial level, when we sat together after the competition, we all felt that what we had learned in those few months far exceeded the results brought by the competition. In the following days, our team continued to participate in various competitions and won numerous awards. The knowledge we gained and the friendships we made in these competitions will be forever remembered.


During my junior and senior years, the question that everyone heard the most was, 'Are you preparing for graduate school entrance exams, civil service exams, or looking for a job?' I chose to take the graduate school entrance exams. From the moment I made that decision, I knew I couldn't go out and play with my friends as often as before. I would go to the library after class, and even on days without classes. As a result, the library became the place where I spent the most time every day. The most touching thing was that every time I returned to the dormitory from the library at night, I would open the door and see snacks left by my friends on the table. I would eat the snacks while listening to them talk about interesting things that happened around them while I was away. This was the happiest moment during my graduate school entrance exam preparation. My friends were my spiritual support on this journey. They always patiently listened to my anxieties and worries, accompanying me through one difficult moment after another.


Looking back on my college life, I believe these four years are the most unforgettable in my life. I will always remember the laughter in the dormitory, the green lawn in the library, the puppies playing on the grass, and our hardworking selves in the classroom. Now, I am also full of anticipation for my three-year graduate school life. What kind of three years will it be? I think it will undoubtedly have a significant impact on my personal academic growth, professional skills, and life perspectives. I look forward to the wonderful three years of graduate school life in the future.






That's all for today's sharing.

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I wish you a nice day!



文案 | hzy

排版 | hzy

稽核 | Ann