

{"info":{"title":{"content":"廚房有個超500億的“細菌窩”?這份健康小貼士請查收","en":"There is a \"bacterial nest\" of more than 50 billion in the kitchen? Please check out this health tip"},"description":{"content":"你覺得你家最容易滋生微生物的地方是哪裡?是很久沒刷的馬桶,還是攢了一星期沒洗的髒衣服,又或者……垃圾筐裡攢了好幾天的垃圾...","en":"What do you think is the most common place in your home to grow microbes? Is it a toilet that hasn't been cleaned in a long time, or a dirty laundry that hasn't been washed for a week, or ...... There are days of garbage in the garbage basket..."}},"items":[]}