
外媒曝本·阿弗萊克和詹妮弗·洛佩茲已分居 婚姻關系紅燈大亮

{"info":{"title":{"content":"外媒曝本·阿弗萊克和詹妮弗·洛佩茲已分居 婚姻關系紅燈大亮","en":"Foreign media revealed that Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez have separated, and the red light of their marriage relationship is bright"},"description":{"content":"近日,外媒曝本·阿弗萊克和詹妮弗·洛佩茲疑似感情破裂準備離婚,目前大學已搬出兩人的愛巢。雖然雙方并未回應,但媒體在消息曝...","en":"Recently, foreign media revealed that Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez are suspected of having a broken relationship and are preparing for divorce, and Ben has now moved out of their love nest. Although the two sides did not respond, the media revealed the news..."}},"items":[]}