

{"info":{"title":{"content":"孫小寶心梗住院,疑似因直播收費引争議、侵權被索賠30萬上火所緻","en":"Sun Xiaobao was hospitalized with a heart attack, which was suspected to be caused by a dispute over live broadcast fees and a claim of 300,000 yuan for infringement"},"description":{"content":"還記得當年與魏三共同登上春晚,甚至已故知名主持人李詠都幫其“擡轎”的孫小寶麼?這個一度聲名響徹整個東北的頂級笑星,當年還...","en":"Do you still remember Sun Xiaobao, who appeared on the Spring Festival Gala with Wei San back then, and even the late well-known host Li Yong helped him \"carry the sedan chair\"? This top comedian, who was once famous throughout the Northeast, was also..."}},"items":[]}