

{"info":{"title":{"content":"大S驗毒結果測出服用違禁藥但與其處方藥成分相符,本人公開回應","en":"The drug test result of Big S was found to be taking illegal drugs but the ingredients of the drugs he prescribed were consistent with them, and I responded publicly"},"description":{"content":"自從與汪小菲展開離婚大戰時,就被對方爆料服用違禁藥品的大S,這些年一直深陷磕藥風波。汪小菲說她,還冒用他人處方購藥。而在...","en":"Since the divorce battle with Wang Xiaofei, Da S, who was exposed by the other party to take illegal drugs, has been deeply involved in the drug turmoil over the years. Wang Xiaofei said that she also fraudulently used other people's prescriptions to buy medicines. And where..."}},"items":[]}