

{"info":{"title":{"content":"乒壇大震動!陳夢實力碾壓王曼昱一騎絕塵、兩人差距到底有多大?","en":"The table tennis world is shaking! Chen Meng's strength crushed Wang Manyu, how big is the gap between the two?"},"description":{"content":"體育比賽中永恒的話題,莫過于選拔公平性的争議。最近備受關注的2024年巴黎奧運會中國乒乓球隊女單選拔,正是一個典型的案例...","en":"There is no eternal topic in sports competitions than the controversy over the fairness of selection. The women's singles selection of the Chinese table tennis team at the 2024 Paris Olympics, which has attracted much attention recently, is a typical case..."}},"items":[]}