

{"info":{"title":{"content":"後續!警車高速逼停私家車事件,警方通報:停職調查、嚴肅處理","en":"Subsequent! In the incident of a police car being forced to stop a private car at high speed, the police reported: suspension for investigation and serious handling"},"description":{"content":"日前,一輛警車高速上逼停一輛私家車的視訊,引發網友極大關注,還有消息稱警車是報複性執法,輿論持續發酵,當地公安釋出通報:...","en":"A few days ago, a video of a police car forcing a private car to stop at high speed aroused great concern among netizens, and there was news that the police car was retaliatory law enforcement, public opinion continued to ferment, and the local public security issued a notice:..."}},"items":[]}