

{"info":{"title":{"content":"為什麼國産手機充電速度都到200W了,蘋果還在堅持用20W慢充?","en":"Why is the charging speed of domestic mobile phones up to 200W, and Apple is still insisting on 20W slow charging?"},"description":{"content":"手機快充技術一直是業内熱門話題,國産手機廠商和蘋果在這一領域存在明顯差距。國産手機已推出200W的極速快充,而蘋果仍堅持...","en":"Mobile phone fast charging technology has always been a hot topic in the industry, and there is an obvious gap between domestic mobile phone manufacturers and Apple in this field. Domestic mobile phones have launched 200W fast charging, and Apple still insists..."}},"items":[]}