

{"info":{"title":{"content":"漢字将在網際網路中滅亡?美國人發明電腦,壓根沒想過把漢字打出來","en":"Will Chinese characters perish in the Internet? Americans invented computers and never thought to type out Chinese characters"},"description":{"content":"漢字在網際網路時代遭質疑,創新求變應對挑戰。網際網路時代,漢字的生存狀況一直備受關注。有人認為漢字過于複雜,不利于資訊傳播,...","en":"Chinese characters have been questioned in the Internet age, and innovation has been sought to meet the challenges. In the Internet era, the survival of Chinese characters has always attracted much attention. Some people think that Chinese characters are too complex and not conducive to the dissemination of information,..."}},"items":[]}