

{"info":{"title":{"content":"美國撤銷英特爾、高通向華為供應晶片許可,對華為有哪些影響?","en":"What is the impact of the U.S. revocation of Intel and Qualcomm's license to supply chips to Huawei?"},"description":{"content":"中美晶片戰的未來走向:美國的崛起與中國的挑戰在中美晶片戰的較量中,雙方都在積極布局未來。美國憑借《晶片法案》的大力支援,...","en":"The Future Trend of the U.S.-China Chip War: The Rise of the United States and China's ChallengeIn the contest of the U.S.-China chip war, both sides are actively planning for the future. The United States relies on the strong support of the CHIPS Act,..."}},"items":[]}