
West 8 景觀總監 Donna Bridgeman:對抗千篇一律的“相似性”

West 8 景觀總監 Donna Bridgeman:對抗千篇一律的“相似性”






如果你關注景觀建築學,一定聽過West 8 —— 國際知名的景觀設計公司。West 8成立于1987年,總部位于荷蘭,由Adriaan Geuze和Paul van Beek共同創立。與傳統景觀不同,West 8從大尺度的城市設計和景觀規劃出發,以創新性和可持續性聞名。他們的設計理念融合了自然與人工環境的元素,創造美觀、宜居、功能強大的公共空間,項目涵蓋城市公園、濱水區、城市廣場和景觀改造等不同領域。

作為全球領先的景觀設計公司,West 8與政府、城市規劃機構、開發商等合作,透過獨特的視角與設計切人點關注環境,主要項目包括著名的美國紐約總督島公園,荷蘭鹿特丹庫爾辛格大街改造,休斯頓植物園,上海張江藝術公園,墨西哥巴雅爾塔灣海濱景觀,以及多倫多濱水公園等。

在赢得美國紐約總督島國際設計競賽後,West8成立了北美第一家分部,該項目也獲得了ASLA分析與規劃類榮譽獎。在West8 擴大北美團隊,尋求更多國際合作之時,我們邀請到了West 8的設計總監Donna Bridgeman,從West 8的團隊組成、合作方式以及發展計劃切入,探讨景觀設計中如何對抗千篇一律的“相似性”。

West 8 景觀總監 Donna Bridgeman:對抗千篇一律的“相似性”

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West 8 景觀總監 Donna Bridgeman:對抗千篇一律的“相似性”

West8 知名項目作品


West 8 景觀總監 Donna Bridgeman:對抗千篇一律的“相似性”

Donna Bridgeman-Rossi

West 8 景觀設計總監, PLA


Global Award for Sustainable Architecture TM

ASLA Professional Awards

The International Urban Landscape Gold Award

The Bijhouwer Award

The Green Pin

The Veronica Rudge Green Prize for Urban Design

The Lifetime Achievement Award for Architecture of the Mondriaan Fund

采訪/文案 Interview & Record|Yiyuan Shao (HGA 景觀設計師)

Magic Sun (Coen Partner 景觀設計師)

編輯 Editor|Yiyuan Shao

West 8 景觀總監 Donna Bridgeman:對抗千篇一律的“相似性”






您在ASLA大會的分享中提到有一個有趣的觀點,是關于設計的“相似性”。能否詳細的講述一下West 8 德雷克塞爾廣場的案例和休斯頓植物園的兩個設計是否打破了這種“相似性”?

There is another interesting point in the session you mentioned at ASLA is about sameness. Do you think Toronto Waterfront and Houston Botanic Garden achieve the goal of fighting sameness?

Donna: 這很難說,因為有很多方法可以比較項目,比如類型學、設計和施工過程等。一個公園、一個花園或一段水濱常常被由此歸類,總會有内在的相同性。盡管我們有幸與想法不同的客戶合作,我們的工作方式是通過傳統的合同流程,保護機構、政府、贊助人、客戶等不同關系的建構方式也可能導緻雷同。

Donna: It’s difficult to say, because there are so many ways to compare projects together, from discussions of typology, design, and construction. Because a park, a garden, or a waterfront, is categorized as a typology there will always be an inherent sameness. Although we have been fortunate to work with clients who think differently from the outset, the way we build and contract work is through a traditional contractual process; the way a client relationship is structured as a conservancy, government agency, or individual patron also could lead to sameness.

West 8 景觀總監 Donna Bridgeman:對抗千篇一律的“相似性”

德雷克塞爾廣場© West8

以德雷克塞爾廣場項目為例,這個設計是将費城具有紀念意義的第30街車站對面的地面停車場改造成一個充滿活力的綠色空間,促進社群參與和協作。West8和SHOP Architects與私人開發商和機構合作,打造了這個高品質的公共空間。

Taking the project of Drexel Square as an example, like what I mentioned yesterday, this design transforms the parking lot opposite the Philadelphia’s 30th Street Station into a vibrant green space, fostering community engagement and collaboration.


We created eight concrete paths in this elliptical lawn. This kind of Mecator pattern not only enhance connectivity between areas but also divides the public space appropriately. This design looks simple, but the collaboration method is unique: the client was a developer and a university; a public-private partnership which is a rare occurrence. We collaborated with some private developers and institutions to create this high-quality public space. Although from typology stand point, it might look similar. But the way of collaboration is unique.

West 8 景觀總監 Donna Bridgeman:對抗千篇一律的“相似性”

休斯頓植物園 © West8


Another example of unique collaboration would be the Houston Botanic Garden. The client group was a group led philanthropic effort with funding being generously contributed by individuals and families, although it is a public garden, which could also be seen as going against similarity.


The ambition was a collection that spoke to the uniqueness of the Houston climate because it does freeze and it's going to continue to freeze due to the Gulf Stream being pushed down by climate change, a unique parameter in which to provide a library of living plants. Additionally, the project integrates Houston's waterways into the overall concept, providing an immediate landscape feature. The original design intention of the entire project is to adapt to local conditions and seek a balance between plants, soil, terrain, materials, etc. This is a uniquely Houston experience.

West 8 景觀總監 Donna Bridgeman:對抗千篇一律的“相似性”

休斯頓植物園© West8


But to your point, there are a lot of material and ‘off-the-shelf’ components to these projects that are ‘the same,’ for example cut stone; you see that everywhere. What I hoped to speak to was the little twists and ways we can intervene as Landscape Architects.

就像在為休斯頓的花園設計和建造的入口噴泉時,如果定制精确尺寸的石材,會産生大量的材料浪費,不僅需要額外資金, 噴泉也會失去材料的豐富性和表現力。基于低影響開發的理念,我們便與合作的團隊尋找廢棄材料:我們的團隊當時與石材供應商一起飛去了多米加共和國,在那裡我們找到了這種叫做卡利普索珊瑚石的石灰岩。我們從場地上手工挑選了64塊卡利普索珊瑚塊來制作綠牆: 在這些表面凹凸不平的石材中,我們挑選了一些有凹槽或者有洞的石材,還有一些在不同程度上嵌入某種土壤的石材。對于這64塊石材的細節把控,使得整個水景牆的設計變得與衆不同。

For example the entrance fountain that was designed and built for the garden. For exact dimensional stone there would have been a significant amount of material waste and additional funding required. The fountain also would have lost the richness and expression of the material. We worked with our team to source waste material; Our team flew to the Dominican Republic with our stone supplier, where we found this limestone called calypso coral stone. We hand-selected 64 calypso coral blocks from the site to create the green wall: among these stones with uneven surfaces, we selected some with grooves or holes, and some with soil in it. The detailed control of these 64 stones makes the design of the entire water feature wall unique.

West 8 景觀總監 Donna Bridgeman:對抗千篇一律的“相似性”

休斯頓植物園舊石複用© 圖源網絡


Besides that, these stones are wastes because the surface is not smooth and clean (deeper and more regular stones are preferred.), and the reason for this distinctive surface is the humid tropical climate similar to that of Houston. : These stones are affected by wind erosion, soil deposition, salt and other conditions, forming its unique texture.Given the priority to move water and to host plants we saw an opportunity to employ a material differently, working within our parameters but looking for that little twist.

West 8 景觀總監 Donna Bridgeman:對抗千篇一律的“相似性”
West 8 景觀總監 Donna Bridgeman:對抗千篇一律的“相似性”

休斯頓植物園© West8

West 8 景觀總監 Donna Bridgeman:對抗千篇一律的“相似性”






我們想談談景觀設計理念和方法。衆所周知,自成立之日起,“可持續”一直是West 8的重中之重,你們是通過哪些政策實作“第二自然”的目标呢?

We’d like to chat about some design concepts and approaches. As we know from the day West 8 was founded, sustainability has been at the forefront of the firm's work. What are the strategies West 8 typically uses to achieve the goal of second nature?

Donna: 可能很難解釋我們所做事情的廣度。自公司成立以來,我們所有項目的本質都是傾聽各個專業人士的意見,包括土地、系統、生态、社會、經濟和基礎設施等,觀察規律并確定通過景觀設計師的視角閱讀所有資訊。在這個大的背景下,或者說全局性的方法下,我們進行調整、增加但從不删除。這始終是我們設計的出發點。我們不希望帶給場地毫不相幹的東西,而是堅信了解場地肌理,才能帶來成功的設計。

Donna: It might be difficult to explain the breadth of what we do, but inherent in all our projects - since the inception of the firm - has been the element of listening to the people that are at the table, to the land, the systems, ecological, social, economic, and infrastructure, observing patterns and making sure you're reading all of this information through the lens of a landscape architect. Within this larger context – or systemic approach - we make adjustments, adding but never erasing. This is always the point of departure; we don’t bring something not of the place, but instead believe that the context needs to be understood for our design to be successful.


Reading the layer of second nature, it's not about what's going on right now, but it's about seeing the layers and interweaving them together with what is possible.

用一個案例解釋這一切是如何運用于實踐的:項目位于荷蘭南部的澤蘭, 在這條連接配接海防的大型基礎設施高速公路邊,West 8 創造了一種大地藝術形式,對開車的人來說是一種具有标志性的、令人興奮,但同時也對場地是一種很好的介入,并且非常巧妙地融入了當地環境。這一些列的高台不僅為行駛在風暴潮防護堤上的汽車提供了引人入勝的圖案視角,它也豐富了鳥類栖息地,并将海景全景展現在眼前。

A good project to explain would be one of our earliest, in the south of the Netherlands, in Zeeland. Within this large infrastructural motorway, connecting to the coastal defense, West 8 created a form of land art, something iconic and exciting to the driver, but also sensitive to the land and incredibly integrated within the place. Five years after the works on the Eastern Scheldt storm surge barrier were completed, West 8 designed the surrounding landscape of the Eastern Scheldt by ironing out the sand depots and covering these vast plateaus with shells. These beds are the ideal rest place for the black and white coastal birds which seek to camouflage in the landscape at high tide.

West 8 景觀總監 Donna Bridgeman:對抗千篇一律的“相似性”
West 8 景觀總監 Donna Bridgeman:對抗千篇一律的“相似性”

© West8

我們收集了數千磅的黑色贻貝殼和白色蛤殼,将它們鋪設成美麗的條紋,就像大地上規模令人難以置信的冰川條痕。這個項目實在東施爾德風暴潮防護堤完工五年後完成的。West8 設計了東施爾德周邊的景觀,将沙堆修整平整,并用貝殼覆寫這些廣闊的高台。這些貝殼床是黑白相間的海岸鳥類理想的休息地;它們會在漲潮時的景觀中僞裝自己——這是一種關于鳥類的築巢模式,當它們開始在貝殼中栖息和繁殖時,條紋圖案開始逐漸混合,自然再次回歸。

We collected thousands of pounds of black mussel shells and white clam shells, delineated into beautiful stripes, like striations across the land at an incredible scale. The project was about the nesting patterns of the birds, and, as the birds start to inhabit and populate the ridged pattern, the lines start to mix, and the site returns to nature once more.

West 8 景觀總監 Donna Bridgeman:對抗千篇一律的“相似性”

© West8


I think that – as a statement - that's something exquisite and exceptional that you rarely see anymore. I'm happy that I work at a firm that did those kinds of projects, where that caliber of thinking is our fundamental and our baseline.


When we talk about ‘Sustainability’ as landscape architecture, there is a temptation to be locked into the toolkits, the benchmarks and criteria. Within that lens, it can be hard to do a project like this, which at its core is about using a waste material in an innovative way. For example, one of the biggest pollutants from the building industry is construction waste. Our discipline can look at what the waste products are of all the systems at play, intervene where possible, and make something a little different and more responsive to your locale. It’s not always possible – and we often try in small ways to buck the trend and sneak these kind of adaptive reuse, or sustainable benefits where we can, to benefit everyone.





感謝分享這個别具一格的項目,作為景觀建築師,我們确實需要将低影響開發整合到獨特的設計中。不僅是我們,其他學科也是如此。我們身處同一個世界,面臨着同樣的問題,需要将可持續性作為目标。West 8是如何通過多學科合作來實作這一目标的?

Thanks for sharing this unique project. Not only for us, but also for other disciplines, we’re in the same world and we’re having the same issue. We all need to set sustainability as the goal. In terms of this shared goal, we wonder how multi-disciplines work to achieve the shared goal as West 8 is an international firm of several talented architects, urban designers, landscape architects, and industrial designers.

West 8 景觀總監 Donna Bridgeman:對抗千篇一律的“相似性”

© West8

Donna:正如我剛才所說的,West 8 是一個多學科背景的工作室,團隊由景觀設計師、建築師、城市設計師和規劃師、工業設計師、生态學家,甚至受過農學和工程學教育訓練的人員組成。這不僅因為我們在圖層和系統中運用了大量 GIS,以及使用 Revit 進行 BIM 模組化,更重要的是,我們通過多學科經驗建立更廣闊的視角,将多種可能性彙集起來。

Donna: When we describe West 8 as a multi-disciplinary studio, it means that our team is comprised of landscape architects, architects, urban designers and planners, industrial designers, ecologists, even people trained in agronomy and engineering. It’s not just that we use a lot of GIS for layers and system, and that we can work across BIM modeling with Revit, but our multidisciplinary experience is a wide palette, a cross-over of all the avenues.

自公司成立以來,West 8 一直工作在景觀設計專業的“邊緣”(多學科交叉)。位于阿姆斯特丹東港改造項目 (Borneo-Sporenburg) 是多學科交叉的一個重要案例,它的最終品質是通過景觀設計師視角下,對所有建築突破本質的協同指揮與調配實作的。這個項目

Since the founding of the firm, West 8 has always worked on the fringe of the profession of ‘Landscape Architecture’. Borneo-Sporenburg in the Eastern Docklands of Amsterdam is a case-study for so many disciplines, but it’s defining quality is due to the groundbreaking nature of all of the Architecture being orchestrated through the lens of a Landscape Architect. West 8 led their transformation into one residential district with 2500 mainly low-rise dwellings, in a high density of 100 units per hectare.

在這個工作流程中,West 8 的每個人都能參與和互相協作。辦公室裡的各學科之間完全沒有界限。這種心态與工作方式使我們能夠與不同學科的專業人士建立對話,在面對更廣泛的職業(從工程師和顧問到合作夥伴、客戶)時,建立共同話題與高效了解。

Within this workflow, today, every single person at West 8 is expected to be able to engage and collaborate with each other. There are no boundaries between the disciplines in the office - at all. This mindset enables us to create a dialogue with the professionals of those disciplines, a shared language and efficiency of understanding when it comes to wider professions, from engineers and consultants to partners and clients.

West 8 景觀總監 Donna Bridgeman:對抗千篇一律的“相似性”






West 8 總部位于荷蘭鹿特丹,赢得紐約總督島公園國際設計競賽後設立了北美辦公室,您認為歐洲和美國項目在設計重點和項目類型上有何異同?West 8的團隊成員是如何協同合作,實作跨學科協作的呢?

West 8 is based in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, and established its North American office after winning an international design competition for Governors Island Park (an icon for the city, a beacon in the harbor). What are the similarities and differences in design focus and project types between European and U.S. projects? How do people usually work as a team to work on different projects?

Donna: West 8 的組成結構是北美辦公室10 人,加上鹿特丹總部和比利時辦公室,共計80餘人。員工們分别來自 18-19 個不同國家。當我們在鹿特丹和費城之間開展項目時,跨地域、跨文化、跨學科的交流使得團隊能夠獲得更廣泛的回報。費城團隊每天下班時,我們會進行工作移交和同步,以便在另一端項目可以繼續進行。這樣的工作模式可以實作快節奏、高效率的運作。在過去的幾年裡,大家都适應了這種跨時區的工作模式,也很大程度上避免了開車與航空飛行的能源浪費。

Donna: The North American office is only around 10 people, but together with our headquarters in Rotterdam and the Belgium office, our studio includes about 80 people, with anywhere between 18 to 19 different countries represented by the staff. , As we work on every project between the two offices (Rotterdam and Philadelphia), it enables us to get input from a wide range of backgrounds and cultures. When our team logs off for the day, we handover and synchronize so the projects can continue to develop. Its fast-paced, but efficient. In the last few years, everyone's caught up with us in regards to working across time-zones and being efficient with fuel and flights.

© West8


During the Pandemic, the North American Office was working remote, either on site or from their homes and we took the opportunity to look at our employee’s quality of life, how people were living and working, and decided to move the office to Philadelphia. Relocating was about putting into practice what we design for, the human scale, the beautiful streetscape, and was to allow more people from broader backgrounds to be able to work at the firm, where everyone could walk to the office.


That being said, all of our projects succeed because we work hand in hand with local communities, the people who are on the site, have lived in this area and know the local vernacular, the way of making, the way of building, the way of thinking. For now, we’re back to the office and we continue to work remotely with other offices across time-zones and countries. This approach helps us work efficiently as a team, for the best output.




聽起來不同分部之間有很多工作上的相似之處,多學科方法和遠端工作對每個人都很有效。與歐洲相比,您認為北美有哪些發展機會或是限制?另外,West 8在中國開展了一些大項目,未來是否有在中國擴大與發展的計劃?

It sounds like there are many similarities between different sites. The multidisciplinary approach and also the remote work works well for everyone. Compared with the team in Europe, do you think is there any development opportunities/constraints for North America? We also noticed that the West 8 has been working on some great projects in China. We wonder if West 8 has any plans to expand and develop in China.


Donna: As for constraints, we have to be selective about what projects we do from our North American studio because our work is so immersive, the approach of working hand in hand alongside local people. In a way, it’s like surfing - you prepare for the wave together with someone who knows the waters, and then you jump on with them, listen to them, and help them realize something good in their community. We’re looking for more opportunities and collaborations to expand, but within the realities of how much we can accomplish within our team.

West 8 景觀總監 Donna Bridgeman:對抗千篇一律的“相似性”

© West8

在鹿特丹總部,我們有一支中國團隊,他們專注于城市地标項目十多年。我們與中國的一些優質客戶有着非常良好的關系,并緻力于精品花園、濱水公園、大型城市規劃和可持續發展架構等項目。以我個人經驗及從團隊學到的來說,建構長期的合作關系十分重要。在 West 8,我們會勇于在現場表達自己的想法,在整個施工和執行階段都在場,以確定每個細節的實作。我們期待繼續擴大和發展在中國的優質項目合作。

Within the Rotterdam office, we have a Chinese team that has been working for over a decade on landmark projects. We have a very good relationship with some select clients in China, working on projects from boutique garden design, waterfront parks, and large-scale urban planning and sustainability frameworks. From my own experience and learning from the team, the relationship of building timeframe is very intense. At West 8, we have never been afraid to have our voice on site, for our team to be present across the construction and execution phases to ensure that the vision to the details is delivered. We are looking forward to continuing to expand and develop our portfolio of quality work in China.


Within the North American office, our team works across projects within the larger Americas, including new work in Mexico, Uruguay and also Argentina.




我們非常欣賞這種跨地域,跨文化,跨學科的合作方式,然而在一些多學科交織的大公司,建築師會先做決定,這對景觀設計師似乎并不公平。結合今年ASLA 「Scale Up」的主題,您對剛入行的景觀設計師有什麼建議?

Thank you for the introduction to the West 8 team composition, collaboration methods, and future development. We greatly appreciate this cross-regional, cross-cultural, and interdisciplinary approach to collaboration. However, in some multidisciplinary corporations, architects tend to make decisions first, which may seem unfair to landscape designers. In light of this year's ASLA 'Scale Up' theme, what advice do you have for landscape designers who are just starting out?

Donna: 我完全明白。作為景觀設計師,我們必須更加堅強地争取我們的權利,争取我們的席位。但是,作為同時擁有M.Arch和 MLA 的人,作為景觀設計師的好處在于有更廣闊的視角來看待項目和工作。

Donna: I completely understand. As Landscape Architects, we have to be stronger in fighting for our case, for our seat at the table, but - as someone who has both an M.Arch and an MLA - I think the benefit of being a Landscape Architect is that we have a much wider lens in which to look at a project and to work.


When we think about environmental projects, and how important they will be going forward in the built environment, my advice is to young professionals is to diversify and collaborate. Constantly reading, experiencing, and working with consulting teams as partners is always beneficial. Learning how different disciplines approach a site is useful knowledge, in order to get a wider perspective and collectively come to the best outcome possible.

West 8 景觀總監 Donna Bridgeman:對抗千篇一律的“相似性”
West 8 景觀總監 Donna Bridgeman:對抗千篇一律的“相似性”




出品/ Production: ArchiDogs 築格傳媒

采訪及文案 / Interview/Record: Yiyuan Shao (HGA 景觀設計師),Magic Sun (Coen Partner 景觀設計師)

校對/Proofread: Sherry Li, Fangying Shi

專欄策劃 / Column Planning: Miranda, Jiqing Zhu

特别鳴謝 / Acknowledgement: ASLA, West 8

發文編輯|Yiyuan Shao (HGA 景觀設計師)

專欄/稽核編輯|冰晔 Heloise