

{"info":{"title":{"content":"一台車都送不起?張勇宣布寵粉福利,卻被網友調侃太過小氣","en":"Daniel Zhang announced the benefits of pet fans, but was ridiculed by netizens for being too stingy"},"description":{"content":"一台車都送不起?張勇宣布寵粉福利,卻被網友調侃太過小氣5月1日,哪吒創始人張勇在個人賬号那釋出視訊恭喜自己破了十萬粉絲,...","en":"Can't afford to give away a car?Daniel Zhang announced the benefits of pet fans, but was ridiculed by netizens for being too stingy On May 1, Nezha's founder Daniel Zhang posted a video on his personal account to congratulate himself on breaking 100,000 fans,..."}},"items":[]}