

{"info":{"title":{"content":"【99元\/5袋】百年非遺老字号“劉美燒雞”!老湯慢鹵,醬香濃郁,不可錯過的美味!","en":"【99 yuan\/5 bags】100-year-old intangible cultural heritage \"Liu Mei Roast Chicken\"!"},"description":{"content":"五一小長假想好怎麼玩了嗎?去人山人海的旅遊景點亦或是宅家追劇、打遊戲?不管是出行還是宅在家裡必不可少的就是美食!燒雞因為...","en":"Do you want to have a good time during the May Day holiday? Go to crowded tourist attractions, or stay at home to catch up on dramas and play games? Whether you are traveling or staying at home, the indispensable thing is food! Roast chicken because..."}},"items":[]}