

{"info":{"title":{"content":"綠園區紅十字會到互助社群走訪慰問困難群衆","en":"The Red Cross Society of Green Park visited the mutual aid community to comfort the people in need"},"description":{"content":"為弘揚“人道、博愛、奉獻”紅十字精神,切實幫助困難群衆解決實際困難,把黨和政府的溫暖送到困難群衆手中,4月28日,長春市...","en":"In order to carry forward the Red Cross spirit of \"humanity, fraternity and dedication\", effectively help the people in need to solve practical difficulties, and send the warmth of the party and the government to the people in need, on April 28, Changchun City..."}},"items":[]}