

{"info":{"title":{"content":"70年前,隻15人支援五星紅旗,4号作品支援185票,為何選擇前者","en":"70 years ago, only 15 people supported the five-star red flag, and the No. 4 work supported 185 votes, why did you choose the former?"},"description":{"content":"在1949年的春風裡,中國大地上正在上演着曆史的巨變。經過多年的内戰與抗日戰争,中國共産黨上司下的人民解放軍逐漸占領了大...","en":"In the spring breeze of 1949, great changes in history were taking place on the land of China. After years of civil war and the War of Resistance Against Japan, the People's Liberation Army under the leadership of the Communist Party of China gradually occupied the Great ..."}},"items":[]}