

{"info":{"title":{"content":"68歲老人午休時死,醫生苦勸中老年人,午睡要牢記“四不要”","en":"The 68-year-old man died during his lunch break, and the doctor advised the middle-aged and elderly to keep in mind the \"four don'ts\" for napping"},"description":{"content":"68歲的武爺爺是一位非常熱心的人,鄰裡有什麼困難都會給予幫忙,是以在小區很受歡迎,大家看到他都會熱情的打招呼。武爺爺閑來...","en":"The 68-year-old Grandpa Wu is a very enthusiastic person who will help the neighbors if they have any difficulties, so he is very popular in the community, and everyone will greet him warmly when they see him. Grandpa Wu is idle..."}},"items":[]}