

{"info":{"title":{"content":"撕扯女方衣褲緻其當衆裸露,男子應當觸犯的罪名","en":"Tearing a woman's clothes and pants to expose her in public is a crime that a man should commit"},"description":{"content":"2023年6月24日,福建省福州市的被告人戚某撕扯女友衣褲緻其完全裸露,并強行拖拽到店門口當衆對其侮辱。2024年4月1...","en":"On June 24, 2023, defendant Qi X in Fuzhou City, Fujian Province, tore his girlfriend's clothes and pants to completely expose her, and forcibly dragged her to the door of the store to insult her in public. April 1, 2024..."}},"items":[]}