
假面騎士歌查德第四彈卡包追加騎士 邪劍仙最終形态星塵龍解鎖

{"info":{"title":{"content":"假面騎士歌查德第四彈卡包追加騎士 邪劍仙最終形态星塵龍解鎖","en":"Kamen Rider Gotchard's fourth card pack has been added to the final form of the Knight, Evil Sword Fairy, and Stardust Dragon has been unlocked"},"description":{"content":"假面騎士歌查德有關這次涉及到的第四彈方面的卡包情報,這次帶來官方追加的新的騎士卡片,這次的騎士卡片數量不多,但是涉及到的...","en":"Kamen Rider Gotchard about the card pack information about the fourth bullet involved this time,This time I bring a new knight card that has been officially added.,This time there are not many knight cards.,But it's involved..."}},"items":[]}
