
參加婚禮的宣萱和歐陽震華在停車場相遇 因為太開心紅包都忘車上了

{"info":{"title":{"content":"參加婚禮的宣萱和歐陽震華在停車場相遇 因為太開心紅包都忘車上了","en":"Xuan Xuan and Ouyang Zhenhua, who participated in the wedding, met in the parking lot because they were so happy that they forgot to get into the car"},"description":{"content":"昨天,娛樂圈掀起了一場歡樂的旋風,許紹雄嫁女成為了當天最熱門的話題。而在這個喜慶的日子裡,宣萱和歐陽震華的一段搞笑插曲更...","en":"Yesterday, the entertainment industry set off a whirlwind of joy, and Xu Shaoxiong's marriage became the hottest topic of the day. And on this festive day, a funny episode between Xuan Xuan and Ouyang Zhenhua is even more..."}},"items":[]}