
20080408-Loadrunner-COM Vuser Functions (LRC)

[u][b]Creating Instances[/b][/u]

lrc_CoCreateInstance: Creates an instance of an object and returns the unknown interface.

lrc_CreateInstanceEx: Creates an instance of an object on a remote machine and can return multiple interfaces.

lrc_CoGetClassObject: Fetches the class factory for the specified class. The class factory can then be used to create multiple objects of that class.

lrc_Release_Object: Releases a COM object no longer in use.

[u][b]IDispatch Interface Calls[/b][/u]

lrc_DispMethod: Invokes a method of an interface using the IDispatch:Invoke method.

lrc_DispMethod1: Invokes a method and gets a property of the same name using the IDispatch interface.

lrc_DispPropertyGet: Gets a property using the IDispatch interface.

lrc_DispPropertyPut: Sets a property using the IDispatch interface.

lrc_DispPropertyPutRef: Sets a property by reference using the IDispatch interface.

[u][b]Type Conversion From String [/b][/u]

lrc_ascii_BSTR: Converts a string into an ascii BSTR.

lrc_ascii_BSTR_by_ref: Converts a string into an ascii BSTR reference.

lrc_bool: Converts a string into a Boolean variant.

lrc_bool_by_ref: Converts a string into a Boolean variant reference

lrc_BSTR: Converts a string into a BSTR.

lrc_BYTE: Converts a string into a byte.

lrc_char: Converts a string into a char.

lrc_char_by_ref: Converts a string into a char reference.

lrc_currency: Converts a string into a currency value.

lrc_currency_by_ref: Converts a string into a currency value reference.

lrc_date: Converts a string into a date.

lrc_date_by_ref: Converts a string into a date reference.

lrc_double: Converts a string into a double.

lrc_double_by_ref: Converts a string into a double reference.

lrc_dword: Converts a string into a double word (dword).

lrc_float: Converts a string into a floating point number.

lrc_float_by_ref: Converts a string into a floating point number reference.

lrc_GUID: Returns the GUID of a named object.

lrc_GUID_by_ref: Returns the GUID of a named object.

lrc_hyper: Converts a string into a hyper integer.

lrc_hyper_by_ref: Converts a string into a hyper reference.

lrc_int: Converts a string into an integer.

lrc_int_by_ref: Converts a string into an integer reference.

lrc_long: Converts a string into a long integer.

lrc_long_by_ref: Converts a string into a long integer reference.

lrc_short: Converts a string into a short integer.

lrc_short_by_ref: Converts a string into a short integer reference.

lrc_uhyper: Converts a string to an unsigned 64 bit hyper integer.

lrc_uhyper_by_ref: Converts a string to an unsigned 64 bit hyper reference.

lrc_uint: Converts a string into an unsigned integer.

lrc_unsigned_int: Converts a string into an unsigned integer.

lrc_uint_by_ref: Converts a string into an unsigned integer reference.

lrc_ulong: Converts a string into an unsigned long.

lrc_unsigned_long: Converts a string into an unsigned long.

lrc_ulong_by_ref: Converts a string into an unsigned long reference

lrc_ushort: Converts a string into a short integer.

lrc_unsigned_short Converts a string into a short integer.

lrc_ushort_by_ref: Converts a string into a short reference.

[u][b]Assignment to Variants[/b][/u]

lrc_variant_<Type-Name>Array: Assigns an array of Type-Name to a variant.

lrc_variant_ascii_BSTR: Assigns a string to an ascii BSTR value in a variant.

lrc_variant_bool: Assigns a string to a Boolean value in a variant.

lrc_variant_BSTR: Assigns a string to a BSTR in a variant.

lrc_variant_BYTE: Assigns a string to an unsigned char (byte) value stored in a variant.

lrc_variant_char: Assigns a string to a char type in a variant.

lrc_variant_CoObject: Assigns an IUnknown interface pointer to a variant.

lrc_variant_currency: Assigns a string to a currency value in a variant.

lrc_variant_date: Assigns a string to a date value in a variant.

lrc_variant_DispObject: Assigns an IDispatch interface pointer to a variant.

lrc_variant_double: Assigns a string into a double-type value in a variant.

lrc_variant_float: Assigns a string to a float-type value stored in a variant.

lrc_variant_int: Assigns a string to an integer in a variant.

lrc_variant_long: Assigns a string to a long integer stored in a variant.

lrc_variant_scode: Assigns a string to an error code value in a variant.

lrc_variant_short: Assigns a string to a short integer in a variant.

lrc_variant_uint: Assigns a string into an unsigned integer in a variant.

lrc_variant_ulong: Assigns a string to an unsigned long integer in a variant.

lrc_variant_ushort: Assigns a string to an unsigned short integer in a variant.

[u][b]Create New Variants [/b][/u]

lrc_variant_empty: Creates an empty variant.

lrc_variant_null: Creates a NULL variant.

lrc_variant_variant_by_ref: Creates a new variant containing an existing variant.

lrc_variant_null_by_variant: Converts a string to a null variant stored by another variant.

lrc_variant_empty_by_variant: Converts a string to a empty variant stored by another variant.

[u][b]Assignment to Variants - By Reference and By Variant[/b][/u]

lrc_variant_<Type-Name>Array_ by_ref: Returns a reference to an array of Type-Name in a variant.

lrc_variant_ascii_BSTR_by_ref: Assigns a string to an ascii BSTR value stored by reference in a variant.

lrc_variant_BSTR_by_variant: Assigns a string to an ascii BSTR value stored by a variant to a variant.

lrc_variant_bool_by_ref: Assigns a string to a Boolean value stored by reference in a variant.

lrc_variant_bool_by_variant: Assigns a string to a Boolean value stored by a variant to a variant.

lrc_variant_BSTR_by_ref: Assigns a string to a BSTR value stored by reference in a variant.

lrc_variant_BYTE_by_ref Assigns a string to a char (byte) stored by reference in a variant.

lrc_variant_BYTE_by_variant: Assigns a string to a char (byte) stored by a variant to a variant.

lrc_variant_char_by_ref: Assigns a string to a char stored by reference in a variant.

lrc_variant_CoObject_by_ref: Assigns an IUnknown interface pointer to a variant.

lrc_variant_CoObject_by_variant: Assigns an IUnknown interface pointer to a variant of a variant.

lrc_variant_currency_by_ref: Converts a string into a currency type value stored by reference in a variant.

lrc_variant_currency_by_variant: Converts a string into a currency type value stored by a variant to a variant.

lrc_variant_date_by_ref: Assigns a string to a date type value stored by reference in a variant.

lrc_variant_date_by_variant: Assigns a string to a date type value stored by a variant to a variant.

lrc_variant_DispObject_by_ref: Assigns an IDispatch interface pointer to a variant.

lrc_variant_DispObject_by_variant: Assigns an IDispatch interface pointer to a variant of a variant.

lrc_variant_double_by_ref: Assigns a string to a double-type value by reference into a variant.

lrc_variant_double_by_variant: Converts a string to a double type value stored by a variant to a variant.

lrc_variant_float_by_ref: Assigns a string to a float-type value stored by reference in a variant.

lrc_variant_float_by_variant: Assigns a string to a float-type value stored by a variant to a variant.

lrc_variant_from_variant_by_ref: Gets a variant from within a variant.

lrc_variant_int_by_ref: Assigns a string to an integer stored by reference in a variant.

lrc_variant_long_by_ref: Assigns a string to a long integer stored by reference in a variant.

lrc_variant_long_by_variant: Assigns a string to a long integer stored by a variant to a variant.

lrc_variant_scode_by_ref: Assigns a string to an error code value stored by reference in a variant.

lrc_variant_scode_by_variant: Assigns a string to an error code value stored by a variant to a variant.

lrc_variant_short_by_ref: Assigns a string to a short integer stored by reference in a variant.

lrc_variant_short_by_variant: Assigns a string to a short integer stored by a variant to a variant.

lrc_variant_uint_by_ref: Assigns a string to an unsigned integer stored by reference in a variant.

lrc_variant_ulong_by_ref: Assigns a string to an unsigned long integer stored by reference in a variant.

lrc_variant_ushort_by_ref: Assigns a string to an unsigned short integer stored by reference in a variant.