
mac歌曲傳到iphone_如何在iPhone,iPad,Mac或Apple TV上檢視歌曲歌詞

mac歌曲傳到iphone_如何在iPhone,iPad,Mac或Apple TV上檢視歌曲歌詞


mac歌曲傳到iphone_如何在iPhone,iPad,Mac或Apple TV上檢視歌曲歌詞

Apple Music is the way to listen to music on Apple’s devices, and while there are alternatives, the integration is second to none. There are some pretty great features, too—like being able to follow along with song lyrics.

Apple Music是在Apple裝置上聆聽音樂的一種方式,盡管有其他選擇,但這種內建是首屈一指的。 也有一些很棒的功能,例如能夠跟着歌詞一起跟随。

Apple Music isn’t the only music streaming service available on Apple’s platforms, but even though Spotify and others are more than capable, there’s something about using software designed specifically for a platform and Apple Music is a great example of that. There’s plenty to love in there, too, and song lyrics is one of those features that you might not use an awful lot but are very glad to have when you can’t quite make out that one word in your new favorite song.

Apple Music并不是Apple平台上唯一可用的音樂流服務,但是即使Spotify和其他平台功能強大,使用專門為平台設計的軟體仍存在一些問題,Apple Music就是一個很好的例子。 那裡也有很多值得愛的地方,歌曲歌詞是您可能不會使用太多功能的其中一項功能,但是當您無法在新的喜歡的歌曲中完全認出一個單詞時,很高興能擁有它。

Unfortunately, Apple has a history of failing hard when it comes to making features discoverable, and this may be another example of that. It’s likely that you didn’t even know that Apple Music supports lyrics, so we’re here to not only remind you they exist but also to show you how to get to them. The method differs slightly depending on whether you’re listening on a Mac, Apple TV, or an iOS device, so let’s take a look at both options.

不幸的是,蘋果在使功能變得可發現方面有過失敗的曆史,這可能是另一個例子。 您甚至可能都不知道Apple Music支援歌詞,是以我們在這裡不僅要提醒您它們的存在,而且還向您展示如何擷取它們。 根據您是在Mac,Apple TV還是iOS裝置上聽音樂,方法會略有不同,是以讓我們來看看這兩種選擇。

在iPhone或iPad上檢視歌曲歌詞 (Viewing Song Lyrics on iPhone or iPad)

To get started, open the Music app and start playing the song for which you want to view the lyrics. Then, swipe up on the music controls at the bottom of the screen to see the “Now Playing” screen.

首先,請打開“音樂”應用并開始播放要檢視其歌詞的歌曲。 然後,向上滑動螢幕底部的音樂控件以檢視“正在播放”螢幕。

mac歌曲傳到iphone_如何在iPhone,iPad,Mac或Apple TV上檢視歌曲歌詞

Finally, tap the “Show” button beside where it says “Lyrics.”


mac歌曲傳到iphone_如何在iPhone,iPad,Mac或Apple TV上檢視歌曲歌詞

在Mac上檢視歌曲歌詞 (Viewing Song Lyrics on a Mac)

On a Mac, open iTunes (sorry, it’s the only way!) and start playing the song for which you want to view the lyrics. Next, click the “More” icon at the top of the screen and then click “Lyrics.”

在Mac上,打開iTunes(對不起,這是唯一的方法!),然後開始播放要檢視其歌詞的歌曲。 接下來,點選螢幕頂部的“更多”圖示,然後點選“歌詞”。

mac歌曲傳到iphone_如何在iPhone,iPad,Mac或Apple TV上檢視歌曲歌詞
mac歌曲傳到iphone_如何在iPhone,iPad,Mac或Apple TV上檢視歌曲歌詞

在Apple TV上檢視歌曲歌詞 (Viewing Song Lyrics on Apple TV)

The Apple TV might not be the first place you think about listening to music, but it does work like a charm and might make sense if your Apple TV is part of your home entertainment setup.

Apple TV可能不是您考慮聽音樂的第一位,但它确實具有魅力,并且如果Apple TV是家庭娛樂設定的一部分,則可能很有意義。

No matter what speakers it’s connected to, start playing the song and then swipe up on the Touch surface of your remote before selecting the “More” icon. That’s all there is to it.

無論連接配接到哪個揚聲器,都開始播放歌曲,然後在遙控器的Touch界面上向上滑動,然後選擇“更多”圖示。 這裡的所有都是它的。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/398039/how-to-view-song-lyrics-on-an-iphone-ipad-mac-or-apple-tv/

