
【圖像處理】-012 同态濾波1 理論依據2 實作3 效果

【圖像處理】-012 同态濾波



  • 1 理論依據
    • 1.1 圖像形成模型
    • 1.2 同态濾波
  • 2 實作
    • 2.1 Matlab實作
    • 2.2 OpenCV實作
  • 3 效果
    • 3.1 Matlab
    • 3.2 OpenCV

1 理論依據

1.1 圖像形成模型

  形如 f ( x , y ) f(x,y) f(x,y)的二維函數用于表示圖像,在空間坐标 ( x , y ) (x,y) (x,y)處, f f f的值或幅度是一個正的标量,其實體意義由圖像源決定。當一幅圖像由實體過程産生時,其亮度值正比于實體源(例如電磁波)所輻射的能量。是以, f ( x , y ) f(x,y) f(x,y)一定是非零的和有限的,即

(1) 0 &lt; f ( x , y ) &lt; ∞ 0 &lt; f(x,y) &lt; \infty \tag{1} 0<f(x,y)<∞(1)

【圖像處理】-012 同态濾波1 理論依據2 實作3 效果

  函數 f ( x , y ) f(x,y) f(x,y)可以由兩個分量來表征:

  • 入射分量:入射到被觀察場景的光源照射總量,用 i ( x , y ) i(x,y) i(x,y)表示;
  • 反射分量:場景中物體所反射的光照總量,用 r ( x , y ) r(x,y) r(x,y)表示。

  這兩個分量的乘積合并形成 f ( x , y ) f(x,y) f(x,y),

(2) f ( x , y ) = i ( x , y ) r ( x , y ) f(x,y)=i(x,y)r(x,y) \tag{2} f(x,y)=i(x,y)r(x,y)(2)


(3) 0 &lt; i ( x , y ) &lt; ∞ 0 &lt; i(x,y) &lt; \infty \tag{3} 0<i(x,y)<∞(3)

(4) 0 &lt; r ( x , y ) &lt; 1 0 &lt; r(x,y) &lt; 1 \tag{4} 0<r(x,y)<1(4)

  式 ( 4 ) (4) (4)指出反射分量顯示在0(全吸收)和1(全反射)之間。 i ( x , y ) i(x,y) i(x,y)的性質取決于反射源,而 r ( x , y ) r(x,y) r(x,y)的性質則取決于成像物體的特性。這種表示還可以用于照射光通過一個媒體形成圖像的情況。

1.2 同态濾波

  上面談到的圖像形成模型可用于開發一種頻率域處理過程,該過程通過同時壓縮灰階範圍和增強對比度來改善一幅圖像的表觀。一幅圖像 f ( x , y ) f(x,y) f(x,y)可以表示為其照射分量和反射分量的乘積,即

(5) f ( x , y ) = i ( x , y ) r ( x , y ) f(x,y)=i(x,y)r(x,y) \tag{5} f(x,y)=i(x,y)r(x,y)(5)


(6) F [ f ( x , y ) ] ̸ = F [ i ( x , y ) ] F [ r ( x , y ) ] F[f(x,y)] \not= F[i(x,y)]F[r(x,y)] \tag{6} F[f(x,y)]̸​=F[i(x,y)]F[r(x,y)](6)


(7) z ( x , y ) = l n ( f ( x , y ) ) = l n ( i ( x , y ) ) + l n ( r ( x , y ) ) z(x,y)=ln(f(x,y))=ln (i(x,y)) + ln (r(x,y)) \tag{7} z(x,y)=ln(f(x,y))=ln(i(x,y))+ln(r(x,y))(7)


(8) F [ z ( x , y ) ] = F [ l n ( f ( x , y ) ) ] = F [ l n ( i ( x , y ) ) ] + F [ l n ( r ( x , y ) ) ] F[z(x,y)]=F[ln(f(x,y))]=F[ln(i(x,y))]+F[ln(r(x,y))] \tag{8} F[z(x,y)]=F[ln(f(x,y))]=F[ln(i(x,y))]+F[ln(r(x,y))](8)

(9) Z ( u , v ) = F i ( u , v ) + F r ( u , v ) Z(u,v)=F_{i}(u,v)+F_{r}(u,v) \tag{9} Z(u,v)=Fi​(u,v)+Fr​(u,v)(9)

  其中, F i ( u , v ) F_{i}(u,v) Fi​(u,v)和 F r ( u , v ) F_{r}(u,v) Fr​(u,v)分别表示 l n ( i ( x , y ) ) ln(i(x,y)) ln(i(x,y))和 l n ( r ( x , y ) ) ln(r(x,y)) ln(r(x,y))的傅立葉變換。

  用濾波器 H ( u , v ) H(u,v) H(u,v)對 Z ( u , v ) Z(u,v) Z(u,v)進行濾波,有:

(10) S ( u , v ) = H ( u , v ) Z ( u , v ) = H ( u , v ) F i ( u , v ) + H ( u , v ) F r ( u , v ) S(u,v)=H(u,v)Z(u,v)=H(u,v)F_{i}(u,v)+H(u,v)F_{r}(u,v) \tag{10} S(u,v)=H(u,v)Z(u,v)=H(u,v)Fi​(u,v)+H(u,v)Fr​(u,v)(10)


(11) s ( x , y ) = F − 1 { S ( u , v ) } = F − 1 { H ( u , v ) F i ( u , v ) } + F − 1 { H ( u , v ) F r ( u , v ) } s(x,y)=F^{-1}\{ S(u,v)\}=F^{-1}\{ H(u,v)F_{i}(u,v)\}+F^{-1}\{ H(u,v)F_{r}(u,v)\} \tag{11} s(x,y)=F−1{S(u,v)}=F−1{H(u,v)Fi​(u,v)}+F−1{H(u,v)Fr​(u,v)}(11)


(12) i ′ ( x , y ) = F − 1 { H ( u , v ) F i ( u , v ) } i^{&#x27;}(x,y)=F^{-1}\{ H(u,v)F_{i}(u,v)\} \tag{12} i′(x,y)=F−1{H(u,v)Fi​(u,v)}(12)

(13) r ′ ( x , y ) = F − 1 { H ( u , v ) F r ( u , v ) } r^{&#x27;}(x,y)=F^{-1}\{ H(u,v)F_{r}(u,v)\} \tag{13} r′(x,y)=F−1{H(u,v)Fr​(u,v)}(13)


(14) s ( x , y ) = i ′ ( x , y ) + r ′ ( x , y ) s(x,y)=i^{&#x27;}(x,y)+r^{&#x27;}(x,y) \tag{14} s(x,y)=i′(x,y)+r′(x,y)(14)

  因為 z ( x , y ) z(x,y) z(x,y)是通過輸入圖像的自然對數形成的,是以可以通過對濾波後的圖像的指數這一反處理過程來形成輸出圖像。

(15) g ( x , y ) = e s ( x , y ) = e i ′ ( x , y ) e r ′ ( x , y ) = i 0 ( x , y ) r 0 ( x , y ) g(x,y) = e^{s(x,y)}=e^{i^{&#x27;}(x,y)}e^{r^{&#x27;}(x,y)}=i_{0}(x,y)r_{0}(x,y) \tag{15} g(x,y)=es(x,y)=ei′(x,y)er′(x,y)=i0​(x,y)r0​(x,y)(15)


(16) i 0 ( x , y ) = e i ′ ( x , y ) i_{0}(x,y)=e^{i^{&#x27;}(x,y)} \tag{16} i0​(x,y)=ei′(x,y)(16)

(17) r 0 ( x , y ) = e r ′ ( x , y ) r_{0}(x,y)=e^{r^{&#x27;}(x,y)} \tag{17} r0​(x,y)=er′(x,y)(17)


  該方法是以稱之為同态系統的一類系統的特殊情況為基礎的,方法的關鍵是照射分量和反射分量的分離,然後,同态濾波函數 H ( u , v ) H(u,v) H(u,v)可以對各分量進行操作。

【圖像處理】-012 同态濾波1 理論依據2 實作3 效果


  • (1) 對輸入圖像進行對數變換,原理上對應将照射分量和反射分量分離;
  • (2) 進行傅立葉變換;
  • (3) 在頻域對圖像進行濾波處理;
  • (4) 對濾波處理的結果進行反傅立葉變換;
  • (5) 對反傅立葉變換的結果進行指數變換,得到輸出結果圖像。


  使用同态濾波器可以更好地控制照射分量和反射分量。這種控制需要指定一個濾波器函數 H ( u , v ) H(u,v) H(u,v),它可以對傅立葉變換的低頻和高頻部分用不同的方法處理。

【圖像處理】-012 同态濾波1 理論依據2 實作3 效果
【圖像處理】-012 同态濾波1 理論依據2 實作3 效果

上圖顯示的是一個可用的濾波器剖面圖。如果 γ H \gamma _{H} γH​和 γ L \gamma _{L} γL​標明,而 γ H &gt; 1 \gamma _{H}&gt;1 γH​>1且 γ L &lt; 1 \gamma _{L}&lt;1 γL​<1,那麼該濾波器函數取象于衰減低頻(照射)分量,而增強高頻(反射)分量。最終結果是同僚進行動态範圍的壓縮和對比度的增強。

(18) H ( u , v ) = ( γ H − γ L ) [ 1 − e − c [ D 2 ( u , v ) / D 0 2 ] ] + γ L H(u,v)=(\gamma_{H}-\gamma_{L})[1-e^{-c[D^{2}(u,v)/D_{0}^2]}]+\gamma_{L} \tag{18} H(u,v)=(γH​−γL​)[1−e−c[D2(u,v)/D02​]]+γL​(18)

2 實作

2.1 Matlab實作

function [image_out] = myHF(image_in, rh, rl, c, D0)
% 同态濾波器
% 輸入為需要進行濾波的灰階圖像,同态濾波器的參數rh, rl,c, D0
% 輸出為進行濾波之後的灰階圖像

[m, n] = size(image_in); 
P = 2*m; 
Q = 2*n; 
% 取對數
image1 = log(double(image_in) + 1);
fp = zeros(P, Q);
%對圖像填充0,并且乘以(-1)^(x+y) 以移到變換中心
for i = 1 : m 
    for j = 1 : n 
        fp(i, j) = double(image1(i, j)) * (-1)^(i+j); 
% 對填充後的圖像進行傅裡葉變換
F1 = fft2(fp);
% 生成同态濾波函數,中心在(m+1,n+1)
Homo = zeros(P, Q); 
a = D0^2; 
% 計算一些不變的中間參數
r = rh-rl; 
for u = 1 : P
    for v = 1 : Q 
        temp = (u-(m+1.0))^2 + (v-(n+1.0))^2;
        Homo(u, v) = r * (1-exp((-c)*(temp/a))) + rl;
G = F1 .* Homo;
% 反傅裡葉變換
gp = ifft2(G);
% 處理得到的圖像
image_out = zeros(m, n, 'uint8'); 
gp = real(gp); 
g = zeros(m, n); 
for i = 1 : m 
    for j = 1 : n 
        g(i, j) = gp(i, j) * (-1)^(i+j);
% 指數處理 
ge = exp(g)-1;
% 歸一化到[0, L-1]
mmax = max(ge(:)); 
mmin = min(ge(:)); 
range = mmax-mmin; 
for i = 1 : m 
    for j = 1 : n 
        image_out(i,j) = uint8(255 * (ge(i, j)-mmin) / range);



clear all;
close all; 
image1 = imread('../images/61.jpg');
image1 = rgb2gray(image1);
[m, n] = size(image1); 
image2 = myHF(image1, 0.6, 0.55, 1, 80); 
% 顯示圖像
subplot(1,2,1), imshow(image1), title('原圖像'); 
subplot(1,2,2), imshow(image2), title('D0 = 80');


2.2 OpenCV實作

#include "../include/importOpenCV.h"
#include "../include/baseOps.h"
#include "../include/opencv400/opencv2/core.hpp"
#include <iostream>

//High-Frequency-Emphasis Filters
cv::Mat Butterworth_Homomorphic_Filter(cv::Size sz, int D, int c, float rh, float rl, cv::Mat& realIm)
	cv::Mat single(sz.height, sz.width, CV_32F);
	cv::Point centre = cv::Point(sz.height/2, sz.width/2);
	double radius; 
	float upper = rh ; 
	float lower = rl ;
	long dpow = D*D; 
	float W = (upper - lower); 
	for(int i = 0; i < sz.height; i++)
		for(int j = 0; j < sz.width; j++)
			radius = pow((float)(i - centre.x), 2) + pow((float) (j - centre.y), 2);
			float r = exp(-c*radius/dpow); 
			if(radius < 0) 
				single.at<float>(i,j) = upper;
				single.at<float>(i,j) =W*(1 - r) + lower; 

	cv::Mat butterworth_complex;
	//make two channels to match complex 
	cv::Mat butterworth_channels[] = { cv::Mat_<float>(single), cv::Mat::zeros(sz, CV_32F)};
	cv::merge(butterworth_channels, 2, butterworth_complex);
	return butterworth_complex; 

//DFT 傳回功率譜Power

注意:這裡計算的不是标準的傅立葉變換,因為為了進行同态濾波,對輸入圖像進行了src = log(1+src)的操作。
cv::Mat FFT2(cv::Mat frame_bw, cv::Mat& image_complex, cv::Mat &image_phase, cv::Mat &image_mag)
	cv::Mat frame_log;
	frame_bw.convertTo(frame_log, CV_32F); 
	frame_log = frame_log/255;//歸一化
	frame_log += 1;
	cv::log( frame_log, frame_log); 

	/*2.Expand the image to an optimal size The performance of the DFT depends of the image size.
	It tends to be the fastest for image sizes that are multiple of 2, 3 or 5. 
	We can use the copyMakeBorder() function to expand the borders of an image.*/ 
	cv::Mat padded;
	int M = cv::getOptimalDFTSize(frame_log.rows);
	int N = cv::getOptimalDFTSize(frame_log.cols);
	cv::copyMakeBorder(frame_log, padded, 0, M - frame_log.rows, 0, N - frame_log.cols, cv::BORDER_CONSTANT, cv::Scalar::all(0));
	/*Make place for both the complex and real values The result of the DFT is a complex. 
	Then the result is 2 images (Imaginary + Real), and the frequency domains range is much 
	larger than the spatial one. Therefore we need to store in float ! That's why we will 
	convert our input image "padded" to float and expand it to another channel to hold 
	the complex values. Planes is an arrow of 2 matrix (planes[0] = Real part, planes[1] = Imaginary part)*/ 
	cv::Mat image_planes[] = { cv::Mat_<float>(padded), cv::Mat::zeros(padded.size(), CV_32F)};
	/*Creates one multichannel array out of several single-channel ones.*/ 
	cv::merge(image_planes, 2, image_complex);
	/*Make the DFT The result of thee DFT is a complex image : "image_complex"*/
	cv::dft(image_complex, image_complex);
	//Create spectrum magnitude// 
	/*Transform the real and complex values to magnitude NB: We separe Real part to Imaginary part*/ 
	cv::split(image_complex, image_planes);
	//Starting with this part we have the real part of the image in planes[0] and the imaginary in planes[1] 
	cv::phase(image_planes[0], image_planes[1], image_phase);
	cv::magnitude(image_planes[0], image_planes[1], image_mag);
	cv::Mat Power = image_planes[0] + image_planes[1];
	return Power; 


void IFFT2(cv::Mat input, cv::Mat& inverseTransform)
	/*Make the IDFT*/
	cv::Mat result;
	cv::idft(input, result, cv::DFT_SCALE);
	/*Take the exponential*/ 
	cv::exp(result, result);
	std::vector<cv::Mat> planes;
	cv::split(result, planes);
	cv::magnitude(planes[0], planes[1], planes[0]);
	planes[0] = planes[0] - 1.0;
	cv::normalize(planes[0], planes[0], 0, 255, cv::NORM_MINMAX);
	planes[0].convertTo(inverseTransform, CV_8U);

void ShiftFFT2(cv::Mat &fImage)
	//For visualization purposes we may also rearrange the quadrants of the result, so that the origin (0,0), corresponds to the image center. 
	cv::Mat tmp, q0, q1, q2, q3;
	/*First crop the image, if it has an odd number of rows or columns. 
	Operator & bit to bit by -2 (two's complement : -2 = 111111111....10) 
	to eliminate the first bit 2^0 (In case of odd number on row or col,
	we take the even number in below)*/ 
	fImage = fImage(cv::Rect(0, 0, fImage.cols & -2, fImage.rows & -2));
	int cx = fImage.cols/2; 
	int cy = fImage.rows/2; 
	/*Rearrange the quadrants of Fourier image so that the origin is at the image center*/ 
	q0 = fImage(cv::Rect(0, 0, cx, cy));
	q1 = fImage(cv::Rect(cx, 0, cx, cy));
	q2 = fImage(cv::Rect(0, cy, cx, cy));
	q3 = fImage(cv::Rect(cx, cy, cx, cy));
	/*We reverse each quadrant of the frame with
	its other quadrant diagonally opposite*/ 
	/*We reverse q0 and q3*/ 
	/*We reverse q1 and q2*/ 

int main()

	cv::Mat src = cv::imread("../images/61.jpg");
	cv::cvtColor(src, src, cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
	cv::imshow("原圖", src);
	cv::Mat img;
	cv::Mat imgHls;
	std::vector<cv::Mat> vHls;
	if (src.channels() == 3) 
		cvtColor(src, imgHls, cv::COLOR_BGR2HSV);
		split(imgHls, vHls); 

	cv::Mat img_complex,img_mag,img_phase;
	cv::Mat fpower = FFT2(img,img_complex,img_phase,img_mag);
	int D0 = 80; 
	int n = 1; 
	int w = img_complex.cols;
	int h = img_complex.rows; 

	float rH = 0.6; 
	float rL =0.55; 
	cv::Mat filter,filter_complex;
	filter_complex = Butterworth_Homomorphic_Filter(cv::Size(w,h),D0,n,rH,rL,filter);
	cv::mulSpectrums(img_complex, filter_complex, filter_complex, 0);
	cv::Mat result;
	cv::Mat dst;
	if(src.channels() == 3)
		vHls.at(2)= result(cv::Rect(0,0,src.cols,src.rows));
		cvtColor(imgHls, dst, cv::COLOR_HSV2BGR);

	cv::imshow("dst", dst);

	return 0;

3 效果


3.1 Matlab

【圖像處理】-012 同态濾波1 理論依據2 實作3 效果

3.2 OpenCV

【圖像處理】-012 同态濾波1 理論依據2 實作3 效果

