
tips:server.transfer pass values between asp.net web pages

see also : http://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/ms178139(VS.80).aspx

After reading, I assume this scenario that there are two different source page had same destination. how to get value from whatever source page which we couldn't confirm?

I think out a solusion to solve this question that the second way from up article is available.

For example

Lets create 2 source page as source1.aspx and source2.aspx

Add following code in 2 different source page


and then,its important think we should notice that add following code in destination page named destination.aspx

<%@ Reference Page="~/source1.aspx" %>

<%@ Reference Page="~/source2.aspx" %>

Last, we can write down the code which source page from.

if(this.PreviousPage is source1)


    Response.write("this is a value from source1 page");




    Response.write("this is a value from source1 page");
