
對應Intel SSE的android NEON


// Intel SSE
// shift the entire 128 bit value with 2 bytes to the right; this is done 
// without sign extension by shifting in zeros
__m128i val = _mm_srli_si128(vector_of_8_s16, 2);
// insert the least significant 16 bits of "some_16_bit_val"
// the whole thing in this case, into the selected 16 bit 
// integer of vector "val"(the 16 bit element with index 7 in this case)
val = _mm_insert_epi16(val, some_16_bit_val, 7);

對應的,在Android ARM 體系中,要用 VEXT 指令集. 

int16x8_t val = vextq_s16(vector_of_8_s16, another_vector_s16, 1);
