
手指觸摸滑動物體帶慣性的旋轉 以及放大縮小(用插件easytouch 控制物體的旋轉和縮放)

using UnityEngine;

using UnityEngine.UI;

using System.Collections;

public class AR_TouchController : MonoBehaviour {

public GameObject[] scaleGameobject = new GameObject[]{} ;

public GameObject objectToRotate;

public float rotateSpead;

public float   scaleSpeed;

public bool smothMovement;

private bool interactive = true;

static AR_TouchController myInstance;

static int instances = 0;

public static AR_TouchController Instance




if (myInstance == null ) {

myInstance = FindObjectOfType( typeof(AR_TouchController )) as AR_TouchController;


return myInstance;



//Called at the biginning of the game

void Start()


//Calibrates the myInstance static variable


if (instances > 1) {

// Debug.LogError ("Warning: There are more than one AR_TouchController at the level");

}else {

myInstance = this;


ResourceModel.myEvent += FindSon;


// Subscribe to events

void OnEnable(){

EasyTouch.On_SwipeStart += On_SwipeStart;

EasyTouch.On_Swipe += On_Swipe;

EasyTouch.On_SwipeEnd += On_SwipeEnd;

EasyTouch.On_PinchIn += On_PinchIn;

EasyTouch.On_PinchOut += On_PinchOut;

EasyTouch.On_PinchEnd += On_PinchEnd;


void OnDisable(){



void OnDestroy(){



void UnsubscribeEvent(){

EasyTouch.On_SwipeStart -= On_SwipeStart;

EasyTouch.On_Swipe -= On_Swipe;

EasyTouch.On_SwipeEnd -= On_SwipeEnd;

EasyTouch.On_PinchIn -= On_PinchIn;

EasyTouch.On_PinchOut -= On_PinchOut;

EasyTouch.On_PinchEnd -= On_PinchEnd;


// At the swipe beginning 

private void On_SwipeStart( Gesture gesture){

//Pich = objectToRotate.transform.eulerAngles.y;

//Yaw = objectToRotate.transform.eulerAngles.x;


float Yaw = 0;

float Pich = 0;

float targetYaw = 0;

float targetPich = 0;

// During the swipe

private void On_Swipe(Gesture gesture){

if (interactive) {

targetYaw = gesture.deltaPosition.x;

targetPich = gesture.deltaPosition.y;

if (smothMovement) {

// Yaw = Mathf.Lerp (Yaw, targetYaw, Time.deltaTime * rotateSpead);

// Pich = Mathf.Lerp (Pich, targetPich, Time.deltaTime * rotateSpead);

} else {

Yaw = Mathf.Lerp (Yaw, targetYaw, 1);

Pich = Mathf.Lerp (Pich, targetPich, 1);




void Update(){

if (objectToRotate == null)


Yaw = Mathf.Lerp (Yaw, targetYaw, Time.deltaTime * rotateSpead);

Pich = Mathf.Lerp (Pich, targetPich, Time.deltaTime * rotateSpead);

//Debug.Log ("Yaw: " + Yaw + "  targetYaw:" + targetYaw);

if ((Yaw != targetYaw) || (Pich != targetPich)) {

objectToRotate.transform.Rotate (transform.up, -Mathf.Deg2Rad * Yaw * 20 * rotateSpead, Space.Self);

objectToRotate.transform.Rotate (transform.right, Mathf.Deg2Rad * Pich * 20 * rotateSpead, Space.World);



// At the swipe end 

private void On_SwipeEnd(Gesture gesture){

//Pich = objectToRotate.transform.eulerAngles.y;

//Yaw = objectToRotate.transform.eulerAngles.x;

targetYaw = 0;

targetPich = 0;


// At the pinch in

private void On_PinchIn(Gesture gesture){

if (interactive) {

float zoom = Time.deltaTime * gesture.deltaPinch * scaleSpeed;

Vector3 scale = objectToRotate.transform.localScale;

float zoomX = Mathf.Clamp (scale.x - zoom, 0.1f,3);

float zoomY = Mathf.Clamp (scale.y - zoom, 0.1f,3);

float zoomZ = Mathf.Clamp (scale.z - zoom, 0.1f,3);

objectToRotate.transform.localScale = new Vector3 (zoomX, zoomY, zoomZ);

//Debug.Log (objectToRotate.transform.localScale);



// At the pinch out

private void On_PinchOut(Gesture gesture){

if (interactive) {

float zoom = Time.deltaTime * gesture.deltaPinch * scaleSpeed;

Vector3 scale = objectToRotate.transform.localScale;

float zoomX = Mathf.Clamp (scale.x + zoom, 0.1f,3);

float zoomY = Mathf.Clamp (scale.y + zoom, 0.1f,3);

float zoomZ = Mathf.Clamp (scale.z + zoom, 0.1f,3);

objectToRotate.transform.localScale = new Vector3 (zoomX, zoomY, zoomZ);

//Debug.Log (zoomX);



// At the pinch end

private void On_PinchEnd(Gesture gesture){


// public mathod

public void SetTouchable(bool canTouch){

interactive = canTouch;


void FindSon(){

for (int i=0;i<scaleGameobject.Length;i++)


if (scaleGameobject [i].transform.childCount >= 1) {

objectToRotate = scaleGameobject [i].transform.GetChild (0).transform.transform.gameObject;




