
TypeScript Resources

TypeScript looks like a great start to evolving javascript.  I am going to start playing with it seeing what it is like.  This is the post I will update will all the resources I've found.

  • Welcome to TypeScript - The TypeScript Language has an offical site, and this is it. This site does a nice job of giving the key information about the language and its uses, as well as highlighting that it is an open source project, which is cross platform. TypeScript is still causing quite a buzz in the community, here are some more of peoples initial impressions: 
  • Introducing TypeScript - Rob Eisenberg 
  • Why does TypeScript have to be the answer to anything? - Scott Hanselman 
  • TypeScript (or the obligatory post about it) - Shawn Wildermuth 
  • TypeScript project in Visual Studio 2012 - Linvi 
  • Microsoft TypeScript : A quick introduction and A Love Affair Begins here. - Anoop Madhusudanan 
  • Microsoft TypeScript : A Typed Superset of JavaScript & Using TypeScript in ASP.NET MVC Projects - Shiju Varghese 
  • Hello TypeScript - Getting Started - Sumit Maitra
