
iphone xr xs_如何通過在iPhone X,XR,XS和iPhone XS Max上滑動來快速切換應用程式

iphone xr xs_如何通過在iPhone X,XR,XS和iPhone XS Max上滑動來快速切換應用程式

iphone xr xs

iphone xr xs_如何通過在iPhone X,XR,XS和iPhone XS Max上滑動來快速切換應用程式

When Apple introduced the concept of an iPhone without a Home button, it brought with it a new concept for those who switch apps frequently. The Home bar—the elongated pill-like shape at the bottom of the screen that you swipe up to return Home—also lets you switch quickly between recent apps.

當蘋果公司推出不帶主螢幕按鈕的iPhone的概念時,它為經常切換應用程式的人帶來了新的概念。 首頁欄-向上滑動螢幕底部會呈圓形的細長藥丸形狀,傳回“首頁”-還可以讓您在最近的應用程式之間快速切換。

If you’re an iPhone XR, XS, or XS Max owner, you may already be familiar with a swipe up and pause gesture that opens the multitasking view. But if you just need to switch to a recently-used app, there’s a quicker, more elegant way of doing so.

如果您是iPhone XR,XS或XS Max的所有者,則可能已經熟悉打開多任務視圖的向上滑動和暫停手勢 。 但是,如果您隻需要切換到最近使用的應用程式,則可以使用一種更快,更優雅的方法。

Swipe that Home bar to the right to switch to your previously-used app. Swipe right again to keep going through recent apps.

向右滑動該Home欄以切換到以前使用的應用。 再次向右滑動即可繼續浏覽最新的應用程式。

iphone xr xs_如何通過在iPhone X,XR,XS和iPhone XS Max上滑動來快速切換應用程式

Not only is this method of multitasking quicker, but it also means that you are much less likely to accidentally return to the Home screen when trying to invoke the multitasking view.


翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/394861/how-to-quickly-switch-apps-by-swiping-on-the-iphone-x-xr-xs-and-iphone-xs-max/

iphone xr xs