

             *7.1.1 使用RegExp對象
            document.write("<br/>7.1.1 使用RegExp對象<br/>");
            var sToMatch = "cat";
            var reCat = /cat/;
            document.writeln(reCat.test(sToMatch) + "<br/>"); // output "true"
            var sToMatch2 = "a bat, a Cat, a fAt baT, a faT cat";
            var reAt = /at/;
            var arrMatches = reAt.exec(sToMatch2);
            document.writeln(arrMatches.length + "<br/>"); // output 1
            var reAt2 = /at/gi;
            arrMatches = sToMatch2.match(reAt2);
            document.writeln(arrMatches + "<br/>");
            document.writeln(sToMatch2.search(reAt2)+ "<br/>"); //output 3
             *7.1.2  擴充的字元串方法
            document.write("<br/>7.1.2  擴充的字元串方法<br/>");
            var sToChange = "The sky is red.";
            document.writeln(sToChange.replace("red","blue")+ "<br/>"); //output "The sky is blue."
            var reRed = /red/g;
            document.writeln(sToChange.replace(reRed,"blue")+ "<br/>"); //output "The sky is blue."
            var sResultText = sToChange.replace(reRed, function(sMatch){
                return "blue"; 
            document.writeln(sResultText+ "<br/>"); //output "The sky is blue."

            var sColor = "red,blue,yello,green";
            var reComma = /\,/;
            var arrColors = sColor.split(reComma);
            document.writeln(arrColors.length+ "<br/>"); //output 4
             *7.2 簡單模式
             *7.2.1  元字元
             *() [] {} \ ^ $ ? * + . |
            document.write("<br>7.2 簡單模式");
            document.write("<br>7.2.1  元字元<br/>");
            var reQMark = /\?/;
             *7.2.2  使用特殊字元
             *\t 制表符
             *\n 換行符
             *\r 回車符
             *\a 換頁符
             *\e escape字元
             *\cX 與X相對應的控制字元
             *\b 回退字元
             *\v 垂直制表符
             *\0 空字元
            document.write("<br>7.2.2  使用特殊字元<br/>");
            var sColor = "blue";
            var reB = /\x62/;//等價于 8進制/\142/,unicode/\u0062/
            document.writeln(reB.test(sColor) + "<br/>"); // output "true"
            var reWithLines = /\n/g;
             *7.2.3  字元類
            document.write("<br/>7.2.3  字元類<br/>");
            var sToMatch = "a bat, a Cat, a fAt baT, a faT cat";
            var reBatCatRat = /[bcf]at/gi;
            //var reBatCatRat = /[\u0062cf]at/gi;
            var arrMatches = sToMatch.match(reBatCatRat);
            document.writeln(arrMatches.length + "<br/>"); //output "6"

            var sToMatch = "a bat, a Cat, a fAt baT, a faT cat";
            var reBatCatRat = /[^bc]at/gi;
            var arrMatches = sToMatch.match(reBatCatRat);
            document.writeln(arrMatches.length + "<br/>"); //output "2"

            var sToMatch = "num1, num2, num3, num4, num5, num6, num7, num8, num9";
            var reOneToFour = /num[1-4]/gi;
            var reNotOneToFour = /num[^1-4]/gi;
            var arrMatches = sToMatch.match(reOneToFour);
            document.writeln(arrMatches.length + "<br/>"); //output "4"
            document.writeln(sToMatch.match(reNotOneToFour).length + "<br/>"); //output "5"
             * .    [^\n\r]         除了換行和回車之外的任意字元
             * \d   [0-9]           數字
             * \D   [^0-9]          非數字字元
             * \s   [ \t\n\x0B\f\r] 空白字元
             * \S   [^ \t\n\x0B\f\r]非空白字元
             * \w   [a-zA-Z_0-9]    單詞字元(所有的字母、所有的數字和下劃線)
             * \W   [^a-zA-Z_0-9]   非單詞字元
            var sToMatch = "567 9838 abc";
            var reThreeNums = /\d{3} \d{4}/;
            document.writeln(reThreeNums.test(sToMatch) + "<br/>"); //output "true"
             *7.2.4  量詞
             * ?        times = 0, 1
             * * (星号) times = 0, 1, 2, ...
             * +        times = 1, 2, ...
             * {n}      times = n
             * {n,m}    times = n, n+1, ..., m-1, m
             * {n,}     itmes = n, n+1, ...
            document.write("<br/>7.2.4  量詞<br/>");
            var reBreadReadOrRed = /b?red?d/; //比對bread, read, red
             * 貪婪量詞:先看整個字元串是否比對,如果沒有,就去掉最後一個,一直到發現一個比對或是不剩任何字元
             * 惰性量詞:從一個字元串開始讀入,如果沒有,就加入第二個字元,如此知道發現比對或整個字元串都檢查過也沒有比對
             * 支配量詞:隻嘗試比對整個字元串 -> 目前大多浏覽器不支援
             * 貪婪     惰性        支配
             * ?        ??          ?+ 
             * *        *?          *+
             * +        +?          ++
             * {n}      {n}?        {n}+
             * {n,m}    {n,m}?      {n,m}+
             * {n,}     {n,}?       {n,}+
            var sToMatch = "abbbaabbbaaabbb1234";
            var re1 = /.*bbb/g;
            var re2 = /.*?bbb/g;
            //var re3 = /.*+bbb/g;
            document.writeln(sToMatch.match(re1) + "<br/>"); //output "abbbaabbbaaabbb"
            document.writeln(sToMatch.match(re2) + "<br/>"); //output "abbb,aabbb,aaabbb"
            //document.writeln(sToMatch.match(re3) + "<br/>"); //output "abbbaabbbaaabbb"
             *7.4 了解RegExp對象
             *7.4.1 執行個體屬性
             * global       -   Boolean
             * ignoreCase   -   Boolean
             * lastIndex    -   代表下次比對将會從哪個字元位置開始(隻有當使用exec及
             * test函數才會填入,否則為0)
             * multiline    -   Boolean, 表示m是否已設定
             * source       -   在正規表達式的源字元串形式
            document.write("<br>7.4 了解RegExp對象");
            document.write("<br>7.4.1 執行個體屬性<br/>");
            var reDogDog = /dogdog/g;
            var reDogDog = /(dog){2}/g;
            var re1 = /(dog)?/;
            var re2 = /(dog)*/;
            var re3 = /(dog)+/;
            var re = /([bd]ad?)*/;
            var re = /(mom (and dad)?)/;
            String.prototype.trim = function(){
                var reExtraSpace = /^\s+(.*?)\s+$/;
                return this.replace(reExtraSpace,"$1");
            document.write(" abc ".trim().length);//output 3
             *7.3.2  反向引用
             *(A?(B?(C?))) ->
             *              (A?(B?(C?)))
             *              (B?(C?))
             *              (C?)
            document.write("<br/>7.3.2  反向引用<br/>");
            var sToMatch = "#123456789";
            var reNumbers = /#(\d+)/;
            document.write(RegExp.$1 +"<br/>"); //output 123456789
             * 轉義序列: /(dog)\1/ <=> /dogdog/
            var sToChange = "1234 5678";
            var reMatch = /(\d{4}) (\d{4})/;
            var sNew = sToChange.replace(reMatch, "$2 $1");
            document.write(sNew +"<br/>"); // output "5678 1234"
             *7.3.3  候選
            document.write("<br/>7.3.3  候選<br/>");
            var reBadWords  = /badword|anotherbadword/gi;
            var sUserInput = 'This is a string using badword1 and badword2';
            var sFinalText = sUserInput.replace(reBadWords, '****');
            document.write(sFinalText +"<br/>"); // output "This is a string using ****1 and ****2"
            var sFinalText = sUserInput.replace(reBadWords, function(sMatch){
                return sMatch.replace(/./g,"*"); 
            document.write(sFinalText +"<br/>"); // output "This is a string using *******1 and *******2"
             *7.3.4  非捕獲性數組
            document.write("<br/>7.3.4  非捕獲性數組<br/>");
            var sToMatch = "#123456789";
            var reNumbers = /#(?:\d+)/;
            document.write("nothing:" + RegExp.$1 +"<br/>"); // output ""

            String.prototype.stripHTML = function(){
                return this.replace(/<(?:.|\s)*?>/, "");
            var sTest = "<b>This would be bold</b>";
            document.write(sTest.stripHTML() +"<br/>"); // output ""

             *7.3.5  前瞻
            document.write("<br/>7.3.5  前瞻<br/>");
            var sToMatch1 = "bedroom";
            var sToMatch2 = "bedding";
            var reBed = /(bed(?=room))/;
            var reNotRoom = /(bed(?!room))/;
            document.write(reBed.test(sToMatch1) +"<br/>"); // output "true"
            document.write(RegExp.$1 +"<br/>"); // output "bed"
            document.write(reBed.test(sToMatch2) +"<br/>"); // output "false"
            document.write(reNotRoom.test(sToMatch1) +"<br/>"); // output "false"
            document.write(RegExp.$1 +"<br/>"); // output "bed"
            document.write(reNotRoom.test(sToMatch2) +"<br/>"); // output "true"
             *7.3.6  邊界
             * ^    行開頭
             * $    行結尾
             * \b   單詞的邊界
             * \B   非單詞的邊界
            document.write("<br/>7.3.6  邊界<br/>");
            var sToMatch = "Important word is  the last one.";
            var reLastWord = /(\w+)\.$/;
            document.write(RegExp.$1 +"<br/>"); // output "one"

            var reFirstWord = /^(.+?)\b/;
            document.write(RegExp.$1 +"<br/>"); // output "Important"
            var sToMatch = "First second third fourth fifth sixth";
            var reWords = /\b(\S+?)\b/g;//複雜寫法
            var reWords = /(\w+)/g; //簡單寫法
            var arrWords = sToMatch.match(reWords);
            document.write(arrWords +"<br/>"); // output "First,second,third,fourth,fifth,sixth"
             *7.3.7  多行模式
            document.write("<br/>7.3.7  多行模式<br/>");
            var sToMatch = "First second\nthird fourth\nfifth sixth";
            var reLastWordOnline = /(\w+)$/g;
            var arrWords = sToMatch.match(reLastWordOnline);            
            document.write(arrWords +"<br/>"); // output "sixth"
            var reLastWordOnline = /(\w+)$/gm; //多行模式
            var arrWords = sToMatch.match(reLastWordOnline);            
            document.write(arrWords +"<br/>"); // output "second,fourth,sixth"
             *7.4 了解RegExp對象
             *7.4.1 執行個體屬性
             * global       -   Boolean
             * ignoreCase   -   Boolean
             * lastIndex    -   代表下次比對将會從哪個字元位置開始(隻有當使用exec及
             * test函數才會填入,否則為0)
             * multiline    -   Boolean, 表示m是否已設定
             * source       -   在正規表達式的源字元串形式
            document.write("<br>7.4 了解RegExp對象");
            document.write("<br>7.4.1 執行個體屬性<br/>");
            var reTest = /[ba]*/i;
            document.write(reTest.global+"<br/>"); // output "false"
            document.write(reTest.ignoreCase+"<br/>"); // output "true"
            document.write(reTest.multiline+"<br/>"); // output "false"
            document.write(reTest.source+"<br/>"); // output "[ba]*
            var sToMatch = "bbq is short for barbecue";
            var reB = /b/g;
            document.write(reB.lastIndex + "<br/>"); // output "1"
            document.write(reB.lastIndex + "<br/>"); // output "2"
            document.write(reB.lastIndex + "<br/>"); // output "18"
            document.write(reB.lastIndex + "<br/>"); // output "21"
             *7.4.2 靜态屬性
             * input        $_      最後用于比對的字元串(傳遞給exec()或test()的字元串)
             * lastMatch    $&      最後比對的字元
             * lastParen    $+      最後比對的分組
             * leftContext  $`      在上次比對的前面的子串
             * multiline    $*      用于指定是否所有的表達式都使用多行模式的布爾值
             * rightContext $'      在上次比對之後的子串
            document.write("<br/>7.4.2 靜态屬性<br/>");
            var sToMatch = "this has been a short, short summer";
            var reShort = /(s)hort/g;
            document.write(RegExp.input + "<br/>"); // output "this has been a short, short summer"
            document.write(RegExp.leftContext + "<br/>"); // output "this has been a "
            document.write(RegExp.rightContext + "<br/>"); // output ", short summer"
            document.write(RegExp.lastMatch + "<br/>"); // output "short"
            document.write(RegExp.lastParen + "<br/>"); // output "s"
             *7.5 常用模式
             ** 常見應用場景 **
             * 日期
             * 信用卡号
             * URL
             * E-mail位址
            document.write("<br>7.5 常用模式<br>");
            //日期格式: dd/mm/yyyy 如:31/05/2011
            var reDate = /\d{1,2}\/\d{1,2}\/d{4}/; //基本比對,但沒有考慮月份及天數的有效範圍
            var reDay = /0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01]/;
            var reMonth = /0[1-9]|1[0-2]/;
            var reYear = /19|20\d{2}/;
            function isValidateDate(sText){
                var reDate = /(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])\/(0?[1-9]|1[0-2])\/(19|20\d{2})/;
                return reDate.test(sText);
            document.write(isValidateDate("28/02/2011") + "<br/>"); // output "s"

            var reEmail = /^(?:\w+.?)*\w+@(?:\w+\.?)*\w+$/;
            function isValidaEmail(sText){
                var reEmail = /^(?:\w+.?)*\w+@(?:\w+\.?)*\w+$/;
                return reEmail.test(sText);
            document.write(isValidaEmail("[email protected]") + "<br />");//output "true"      
