
在NIOS II上安裝uClinux全過程的4篇文章 之 後2篇

同一個網站(此網站當年就被屏蔽了無法通路, 用了些科技)的4篇文章, 當年就是參考這4篇文章成功地在NIOS2上裝上了uClinux, 當時還蠻有成就感的. 估計現在這些都過時了, 也沒多少價值了, 權當記錄一下留個紀念.



這篇文章給出了按 "預設來編譯" 和 "custom編譯" 的幾個例子。

3. 第三篇 UClinuxDist

Version 157, changed by [email protected]. 06/15/2008. Show version history

This is about building the kernel and apps using uClinux-dist sources.

If you got any problems, please post over the nios forum.

(This is different from the very old buildroot guide approach. DO NOT MIX UP)

To begin, you must have followed InstallNios2Linux , downloaded the nios2-linux-20080616.tar and checked out the source. Older version dose NOT apply to the procedures described here.

In uClinux-dist dir, perform the menuconfig. DO NOT cd linux-2.6.x

cd uClinux-dist
make menuconfig           

In the menuconfig, make sure it is selected as follows:

Vendor/Product Selection --->   # select
    --- Select the Vendor you wish to target
        Vendor (Altera)  --->   # should have default to Altera
    --- Select the Product you wish to target
        Altera Products (nios2)  --->    # should have defaulted to nios2

Kernel/Library/Defaults Selection --->    # select
        (linux-2.6.x) Kernel Version
        Libc Version (None)  --->     # should have defulat to None - very important.
    [*] Default all settings (lose changes)     # select
    [ ] Customize Kernel Settings
    [ ] Customize Vendor/User Settings
    [ ] Update Default Vendor Settings           

Then <exit> <exit> <yes>

DO NOT change any other setting until first successful boot.

Run vendor_hwselect to setup the memory and io port address map of your Nios II board (see LinuxHwselect for details) . Select the nios2 cpu and sdram.

(still in uClinux-dist dir, DO NOT cd linux-2.6.x)

make vendor_hwselect SYSPTF=/path_to_your_hardware_project/your_system.ptf  # you must give the absolute path to ptf, no space allowed in path           

Compile kernel and apps,


(this will take a while)

If you meet errors, you can use NON_SMP_BUILD=1 make, which avoids parallel make. The messages will be cleaner.

The compressed kernel is stored in the images folder, is called zImage and is in ELF format. You can follow TryOutuClinux to run the new zImage.


In case you want a real clean restart, use "git clean",

git clean -f -x -d

Below is the the start up message of an Altera NEEK dev board.

# nios2-download -g images/zImage
Using cable "USB-Blaster [USB 2-1.2]", device 1, instance 0x00
Pausing target processor: OK
Initializing CPU cache (if present)
Downloaded 1272KB in 7.7s (165.1KB/s)
Verified OK                        
Starting processor at address 0x00500000
# nios2-terminal
nios2-terminal: connected to hardware target using JTAG UART on cable
nios2-terminal: "USB-Blaster [USB 2-1.2]", device 1, instance 0
nios2-terminal: (Use the IDE stop button or Ctrl-C to terminate)

Uncompressing Linux... Ok, booting the kernel.
Linux version 2.6.26-rc6 (hippo@darkstar) (gcc version 3.4.6) #2 PREEMPT Mon Jun 16 14:30:09 CST 2008

uClinux/Nios II
Built 1 zonelists in Zone order, mobility grouping off.  Total pages: 8128
Kernel command line:
PID hash table entries: 128 (order: 7, 512 bytes)
Dentry cache hash table entries: 4096 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
Inode-cache hash table entries: 2048 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
Memory available: 30136k/2333k RAM, 0k/0k ROM (1552k kernel code, 781k data)
Mount-cache hash table entries: 512
net_namespace: 180 bytes
NET: Registered protocol family 16
NET: Registered protocol family 2
IP route cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
TCP established hash table entries: 1024 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
TCP bind hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
TCP: Hash tables configured (established 1024 bind 1024)
TCP reno registered
NET: Registered protocol family 1
io scheduler noop registered
io scheduler deadline registered (default)
ttyJ0 at MMIO 0x8009340 (irq = 8) is a Altera JTAG UART
console [ttyJ0] enabled
ttyS0 at MMIO 0x8008e00 (irq = 7) is a Altera UART
dm9000 Ethernet Driver, V1.30
TCP cubic registered
NET: Registered protocol family 17
RPC: Registered udp transport module.
RPC: Registered tcp transport module.
Freeing unused kernel memory: 572k freed (0x1b8000 - 0x246000)
Shell invoked to run file: /etc/rc
Command: hostname uClinux
Command: mount -t proc proc /proc
Command: mount -t sysfs sysfs /sys
Command: mount -t usbfs none /proc/bus/usb
mount: mounting none on /proc/bus/usb failed: No such file or directory
Command: mkdir /var/tmp
Command: mkdir /var/log
Command: mkdir /var/run
Command: mkdir /var/lock
Command: mkdir /var/empty
Command: ifconfig lo
Command: route add -net netmask lo
Command: cat /etc/motd
Welcome to
          ____ _  _
         /  __| ||_|                
    _   _| |  | | _ ____  _   _  _  _
   | | | | |  | || |  _ \| | | |\ \/ /
   | |_| | |__| || | | | | |_| |/   
   |  ___\____|_||_|_| |_|\____|\_/\_/
   | |

For further information check:

Execution Finished, Exiting

Sash command shell (version 1.1.1)

Now, you can config uClinux-dist for costmize kernel and select your apps. I enabled only SMC91C111 and DM9000 Ethernet device drivers for Altera dev board in default config, you should enable your EtherNet driver in kernel config otherwise. see LinuxConfig for kernel config items.

Still in uClinux-dist dir, DO NOT cd linux-2.6.x

make menuconfig

Kernel/Library/Defaults Selection --->
(linux-2.6.x) Kernel Version
(None) Libc Version
[ ] Default all settings (lose changes)
[*] Customize Kernel Settings    <== to change kernel config
[*] Customize Vendor/User Settings  <== to change user apps config
[ ] Update Default Vendor Settings           

Then <exit> <exit> <yes> .

It will enter kernel config first, then it will enter user apps config, you can select more apps.

After you change config,


You may want to now run your own program on the uClinux system.

An example Hello World program is here: CompileHello

There are more example programs linked under Then More Fun here: ?Clinux

Here is more usage about uClinux,

/> ifconfig eth0  # staic ip
/> route add default gw     # gateway
/> ifconfig
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:07:ED:00:00:00 
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          RX packets:8 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:7 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:2260 (2.2 KiB)  TX bytes:2854 (2.7 KiB)

lo        Link encap:Local Loopback 
          inet addr:  Mask:
          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
          RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

/> inetd &  # start inetd to invoke telnetd and ftpd services
/> boa &  # start httpd with cgi-demo
/> netstat -a  # show network services
Active Internet connections (servers and established)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State     
tcp        0      0 *:http                  *:*                     LISTEN     
tcp        0      0 *:ftp                   *:*                     LISTEN     
tcp        0      0 *:telnet                *:*                     LISTEN     
Active UNIX domain sockets (servers and established)
Proto RefCnt Flags       Type       State         I-Node Path
/> free
MemTotal:         6520 kB
MemFree:          4340 kB
Buffers:             0 kB
/> ps
    1      S     147K     0K  2.8 /init
    2      S       0K     0K  0.0 ksoftirqd/0
    3      S       0K     0K  0.0 events/0
    4      S       0K     0K  0.0 khelper
    5      S       0K     0K  0.0 kthread
    6      S       0K     0K  0.0 kblockd/0
    7      S       0K     0K  0.0 pdflush
    8      S       0K     0K  0.0 pdflush
    9      S       0K     0K  0.0 kswapd0
   10      S       0K     0K  0.0 aio/0
   17      R     147K     0K  0.3 -/bin/sh
   19      S     147K     0K  0.2 dhcpcd
   22      S      95K     0K  0.1 inetd
   23      S     275K     0K  0.4 boa

ftpd usage, user : ftp, password: , dir : /home/ftp

boa and cgi usage, dir : /home/httpd

You can check what is in busybox, by running "busybox" on uClinux.

You can check what is in sash, by "help" .

We use initramfs instead of the default romfs . The initramfs is generated from romfs dir and the dev file in vendors/Altera/nios2/romfs_list . See InitramfsUpdate .

The simplified "init" program will run etc/rc and etc/inittab during startup.

If you want to customize startup, eg inet servers and eth config, you should update the files vendors/Altera/nios2/ rc and inittab.

We arrange to minimize the memory usage. We use sash as default shell, it is smaller than busybox and take less memory. We include some standalone networking servers, such as inetd and telnetd. We build some networking utility into busybox, such as ifconfig,route,netstat,telnet,wget..etc. We don't use sh in busybox, and don't use servers in busybox as it takes a lot of memory.

You may use the simple history in sash. Use "h" to list history. Use "!" , d=1..20, to recall one of the history, eg "!3" for the 3rd cmd line.

Use control-H for backspace.

/> h
 1: netstat -a
 2: date
 3: ntpdate pool.ntp.org
 4: date
 5: boa &
 6: inetd &
 7: ifconfig
 8: dhcpcd &
 9: free
10: ps
/> !10
    1      S     147K     0K  1.7 /init
    2      S       0K     0K  0.0 ksoftirqd/0
    3      S       0K     0K  0.0 events/0
    4      S       0K     0K  0.0 khelper
    5      S       0K     0K  0.0 kthread
    6      S       0K     0K  0.0 kblockd/0
    7      S       0K     0K  0.0 pdflush
    8      S       0K     0K  0.0 pdflush
    9      S       0K     0K  0.0 kswapd0
   10      S       0K     0K  0.0 aio/0
   11      S       0K     0K  0.0 mtdblockd
   18      R     147K     0K  0.1 /bin/sh
   19      S     147K     0K  0.0 dhcpcd
   22      S      95K     0K  0.0 inetd
   23      S     275K     0K  0.0 boa

3.1 update git to the latest

After you have first successful boot, you may use "git pull" to update the kernel and uClinux-dist. Please refer to GitServer .

cd uClinux-dist
git pull
cd ..
cd linux-2.6
git pull
cd ..           

4. 第四篇 TryOutuClinux

Version 54, changed by mschnell. 08/08/2008. Show version history

You may try out the uClinux on your Altera Nios dev board before compiling anything. You can learn how to run a compiled program on your board. It is a very basic and important step. The kernel image was built from uClinux-dist with the default config. Both the sof and ptf files come from the example project, and there is no change. The sof and kernel image version must match, otherwise it will not run.

Please check UClinuxDist for booting up message and usage. After you get uClinux boot up successfully, you can build the kernel image with the ptf file of the same hardware project.

You will need Quartus and Nios2eds installed. Download the sof and zImage files for your board to a working dir, eg c:download on Windows or ~/download on Linux. Note the drives mapping in Nios II command shell (cygwin), drive c: is named as /cygdrive/c/ and c:download is /cygdrive/c/download.

Open a Nios II command shell on Windows from Windows Start-->Programs-->Altera-->Nios II 7.2 -->Nios II Command Shell, and change to the download dir.

cd /cygdrive/c/download

Or open a shell terminal on Linux and change to the download dir.

cd ~/download

Note: If you don't have a Nios II license and have generated the .sof file yourself then its usage will be restricted. Follow the following instructions but run the nios2-configure-sof instruction from one command shell and run the nios2-download and nios2-terminal instructions from another. This allows the nios2-configure-sof to keep in contact with the processor so as to allow it to keep running.

4.1 For DE2 2C35 dev board

step 1. Configure the FPGA,

nios2-configure-sof DE2_NIOS_HOST_MOUSE_VGA.sof


step 2. Download and run the kernel image,

nios2-download -g zImage_DE2_NIOS_HOST_MOUSE_VGA_v1.6

The kernel image was built with DE2_NIOS_HOST_MOUSE_VGA.ptf (was system_0.ptf) in the project DE2_System_v1.6/DE2_demonstrations/DE2_NIOS_HOST_MOUSE_VGA of the DE2 v1.6 CD.

4.2 For DE2-70 dev board

step 1. Configure the FPGA,

nios2-configure-sof DE2_70_NIOS_HOST_MOUSE_VGA.sof

step 2. Download and run the kernel image,

nios2-download -g zImage_DE2_70_NIOS_HOST_MOUSE_VGA_v1.1

The kernel image was built with DE2_70_NIOS_HOST_MOUSE_VGA.ptf (was DE2_70_SOPC.ptf) in the project DE2_70_SYSTEM_cd_v1.1/DE2_70_demonstrations/DE2_70_NIOS_HOST_MOUSE_VGA of the DE2-70 v1.1 CD.

4.3 For DE1 dev board

step 1. Configure the FPGA,

nios2-configure-sof DE1_SD_Card_Audio.sof

step 2. Download and run the kernel image,

nios2-download -g zImage_DE1_SD_Card_Audio_v0.6

The kernel image was built with DE1_SD_Card_Audio.ptf (was system_0.ptf) in the project DE1_CD_v0.6/DE1_demonstrations/DE1_SD_Card_Audio of the DE1 v0.6 CD.

4.4 For Nios II Embedded Evaluation Kit, Cyclone III Edition, including Cyclone III starter kit (aka the "NEEK")

Easiest way to run Linux on the NEEK:

step 1: Copy the unzipped content of the NEEK-uCLinux-eek.zip file as a subdirectory ("uCLinux") into the "Altera_EEK_Applications" directory on the SD-card provided with the kit.

step 2: With the Application Selector you now can select and start "uCLinux"

View the embedded file info.txt (e.g. in the Application Selector) to see what it can do and how it's done.

Another Application Selector Application is SLS_Console.zip uploaded with permission of SLS Corp. This distribution shows the Linux starting messages on the NEEK's LCD screen and opens a shell that is displayed on the LCD screen and can be used with a PS2 keyboard attached to the NEEK.

Without using the SD-Card you can do this:

step 1. Configure the FPGA,

nios2-configure-sof cycloneIII_embedded_evaluation_kit_web_server.sof

step 2. Download and run the kernel image,

nios2-download -g zImage_cycloneIII_embedded_evaluation_kit_web_server


The kernel image was built with cycloneIII_embedded_evaluation_kit_web_server_sopc.ptf in the Cyclone III Embedded Evaluation Kit Web Server files.

However, the TSE MAC driver is not ready yet, and the ethernet won't work.

4.5 For Cyclone III starter kit only

step 1. Configure the FPGA,

nios2-configure-sof cycloneIII_embedded_evaluation_kit_web_server.sof

step 2. Download and run the kernel image,

nios2-download -g zImage_cycloneIII_embedded_evaluation_kit_web_server


The kernel image was built with cycloneIII_embedded_evaluation_kit_web_server_sopc.ptf in the Cyclone III Embedded Evaluation Kit Web Server files.

However, the ethernet won't work as there isn't one on this board.

Useful wiki page: Cyclone III - Nios II - Starter board

4.6 For Altera Nios dev board 2C35 edition (not DSP board 2C35)

step 1. Configure the FPGA,

nios2-configure-sof NiosII_cycloneII_2c35_full_featured.sof

step 2. Download and run the kernel image,

nios2-download -g zImage_NiosII_cycloneII_2c35_full_featured_v7.2


The kernel image was built with NiosII_cycloneII_2c35_full_featured_sopc.ptf in the Nios2eds v7.2 installation dir, nios2eds/examples/verilog/niosII_cycloneII_2c35/full_featured .

4.7 For Altera Nios dev board 1C20 edition

step 1. Configure the FPGA,

nios2-configure-sof NiosII_cyclone_1c20_full_featured.sof

step 2. Download and run the kernel image,

nios2-download -g zImage_NiosII_cyclone_1c20_full_featured_v7.2


The kernel image was built with NiosII_cyclone_1c20_full_featured_sopc.ptf in the Nios2eds v7.2 installation dir, nios2eds/examples/verilog/niosII_cyclone_1c20/full_featured .

4.8 For Altera Nios dev board 2S60 ROHS edition

step 1. Configure the FPGA,

nios2-configure-sof NiosII_stratixII_2s60_RoHS_full_featured.sof

step 2. Download and run the kernel image,

nios2-download -g zImage_NiosII_stratixII_2s60_RoHS_full_featured_v7.2


The kernel image was built with NiosII_stratixII_2s60_RoHS_full_featured_sopc.ptf in the Nios2eds v7.2 installation dir, nios2eds/examples/verilog/niosII_stratixII_2s60_RoHS/full_featured .

But the ethernet port on 2S60 may not work , due an issue in the design file v7.2.

4.9 For Altera Nios dev board 1S10 edition

step 1. Configure the FPGA,

nios2-configure-sof NiosII_stratix_1s10_full_featured.sof

step 2. Download and run the kernel image,

nios2-download -g zImage_NiosII_stratix_1s10_full_featured_v7.2


The kernel image was built with NiosII_stratix_1s40_full_featured.ptf in the Nios2eds v7.2 installation dir, nios2eds/examples/verilog/niosII_stratix_1s10/full_featured .

4.10 For Altera Nios dev board 1S40 edition

step 1. Configure the FPGA,

nios2-configure-sof NiosII_stratix_1s40_full_featured.sof

step 2. Download and run the kernel image,

nios2-download -g zImage_NiosII_stratix_1s40_full_featured_v7.2


The kernel image was built with NiosII_stratix_1s40_full_featured.ptf in the Nios2eds v7.2 installation dir, nios2eds/examples/verilog/niosII_stratix_1s40/full_featured .

If you are using time-limited sof , read opencore plus,


Tethered Mode

Tethered mode requires an Altera serial joint test actions group (JTAG)

cable connected between the JTAG port on your board and the host

computer, which runs the Quartus II Programmer for the duration of the

hardware evaluation period. The Quartus II Programmer only requires a

minimum installation of the Quartus II software—no license is required.
