
linux find 權限不夠,超級使用者find: `/home/pipi/.gvfs': 權限不夠

用sudo su指令切換成的根使用者,在找某檔案的時候報錯:

[email protected]:/home/pipi# find / -perm -2000


find: `/home/pipi/.gvfs': 權限不夠

就是普通使用者pipi的主目錄下的一個叫 .gvfs 的目錄,

dr-x------  2 pipi pipi        0  5月  6 10:06 .gvfs

d?????????  ? ?    ?         ?            ? .gvfs

permission denied on .gvfs

When attempting to use the update system I receive a unable to stat and permission denied on /home/whatever/.gvfs

When looking at it with an ls -l it looks like

????????????? ? ? ? ? ? .gvfs

you can not chown, touch, edit, remove, or do anything as the user of the home dir or as root. Both receive a permission denied.

Any suggestions?

Also, I am running OpenSuSE 11.0. I found similar issues in the beta / rc sections of the forum but I am running the actual release for 11.

A solution to remove .gvfs , odd directory:

#umount /home/useraccount/.gvfs

#find . -inum 554009 -exec rm{} \;

After that,

#rm -rf .gvfs



I think this is a "well-know" bug, reported several times. So, maybe still

not fixed:


Bug 467862 - By opening firefox a file ".gvfs" are created in the home

direcotry with no access rights


Bug 368628 - gvfs: Random crashes





系統為了安全起見不允許root使用者登陸圖形界面的,可以終端登陸,再檢視/root檔案夾,裡面好像沒什麼東東,如果你實在想看/root 檔案夾,可以修改權限,不過不建議這麼做

以root登陸終端 chmod o+r /root

建議看過後改回chmod o-r /root