
實時調試錯誤 Just-In-Time Debugging Errors

  • <program> 中發生未處理的 win32 異常。對此異常的實時調試失敗,錯誤為: 登入使用者沒有調試崩潰應用程式的權限。


    若要調試 ASP.NET,您必須對 ASP.NET 運作的計算機具有管理者特權,除非 ASP.NET 輔助程序在您進行調試時使用的帳戶下運作。有關 ASP.NET 安全要求的更多資訊,請參見 ASP.NET 調試:系統要求。

  • 無法附加到崩潰程序。指定的程式不是 Windows 或 MS-DOS 程式。

    當您試圖附加到 Windows 2000 下作為另一個使用者運作的程序時會發生該錯誤。

    要解決此問題,請從“調試”菜單打開“附加到程序”對話框,在“可用程序”清單中找到該崩潰程序。如果您不知道崩潰程序的名稱,請檢視“Visual Studio 實時調試器”對話框并記下程序 ID。在“可用程序”清單中選擇該程序并單擊“附加”。在“Visual Studio 實時調試器”對話框中單擊“否”以關閉該對話框。

  • 未能啟動調試器,因為沒有使用者登入。



  • JIT 調試失敗,出現以下錯誤: 0x80040003。

    如果試圖使用 Visual Studio 6.0 作為桌面程序(通常為 explorer.exe)的實時調試調試器,則會發生此錯誤。Visual Studio 6.0 不支援桌面程序調試。

    要解決此問題,請使用 Visual Studio 調試桌面程序。

  • 類沒有注冊。

    此錯誤訓示:調試器試圖建立一個應注冊,但可能因安裝問題而沒有注冊的 COM 類。

    若要解決此問題,請使用安裝盤重新安裝或修複 Visual Studio 安裝。

實時調試錯誤 Just-In-Time Debugging Errors
  • An unhandled win32 exception occurred in <program>. Just-In-Time debugging this exception failed with the following error: The logged in user did not have access to debug the crashing application.

    This message indicates that an attempt to do Just-In-Time debugging failed because the user does not have proper access permissions. For more information, see Remote Debugging Permissions.

    To debug ASP.NET, you must have Administrator privileges on the machine where ASP.NET runs, unless the ASP.NET worker process is running under the account you are debugging from. For more information about ASP.NET security requirements, see ASP.NET Debugging: System Requirements.

  • Unable to attach to the crashing process. The specified program is not a Windows or MS-DOS program.

    This error occurs when you try to attach to a process running as another user under Windows 2000.

    To fix this problem, open the Attach to Process dialog box from the Debug menu and find the crashing process in the Available Processes list. If you do not know the name of the crashing process, look at the Visual Studio Just-In-Time Debugger dialog and note the process ID. Select the process in the Available Processes list and click Attach. In the Visual Studio Just-In-Time Debugger dialog, click No to dismiss the dialog box.

  • Debugger could not be started because no user is logged on.

    This error occurs if you attempt to do Just-In-Time debugging on a machine where there is no user logged onto the console. As a result, there is no session in which to display the Just-In-Time debugging dialog box.

    To fix this problem, log onto the machine.

  • JIT Debugging failed with the following error: 0x80040003.

    This error occurs if you attempt to use Visual Studio 6.0 as the Just-In-Time debugging debugger for the desktop process, usually explorer.exe. Visual Studio 6.0 does not support the debugging of the desktop process.

    To fix this problem, use Visual Studio to debug the desktop process.

  • Class not registered.

    This error indicates that the debugger tried to create a COM class that should be registered, but is not, probably due to an installation problem.

    To fix this problem, use the setup disk to reinstall or repair your Visual Studio installation.