
圖像解析力算法—SFR(Spatial Frequency Response)源碼分析(二)--完

在上一篇圖像解析力算法—SFR(Spatial Frequency Response)源碼分析(一)中介紹了SFR的幾個重要函數,接下來我們看一下主流程和其他函數。


short sfrProc (double **freq, double **sfr, 
	       int *len,
	       double *farea,
	       unsigned short size_x, int *nrows,
	       double *slope, int *numcycles, int *pcnt2, double *off, double *R2,
	       int version, int iterate, int user_angle)
  unsigned short i, j, col, err = 0;
  long pcnt;
  double dt, dt1, sfrc, tmp, tmp2;
  double *temp=NULL, *shifts=NULL, *edgex=NULL, *Signal=NULL;
  double *AveEdge=NULL, *AveTmp=NULL;
  long *counts=NULL;
  int nzero;
  unsigned short size_y;
  unsigned int bin_len;
  double avar, bvar, offset1, offset2, offset;
  double centroid;
  int start_row, center_row;
  double *farea_old;
  double cyclelimit;
  FILE *fp = NULL;

  size_y = *nrows;

  /* Verify input selection dimensions are EVEN */
  if (size_x%2 != 0) { 
    fprintf(stderr, "ROI width is not even.  Does this really matter???\n");
    return 1;

  /* At least this many cycles required. */
  /* For special iterative versions of the code, it can go lower */
  if (iterate) cyclelimit = 1.0;
  else cyclelimit = 5.0;

  /* Allocate memory */
  shifts = (double *)malloc(size_y*sizeof(double));
  temp = (double *)malloc(size_y*sizeof(double));
  edgex = (double *)malloc(size_y*size_x*sizeof(double));
  Signal = (double *)malloc(size_y*size_x*sizeof(double));

  if( !user_angle ) {
    err = locate_centroids(farea, temp, shifts, size_x, size_y, &offset1); 
    if (err != 0)     { return 2; }

    /* Calculate the best fit line to the centroids */
    err = fit(size_y, temp, shifts, slope, &offset2, R2, &avar, &bvar);
    if (err != 0)     { return 3; }
    if (version)
      MTFPRINT4("\nLinear Fit:  R2 = %.3f SE_intercept = %.2f  SE_angle = %.3f\n",  
	      *R2, avar, atan(bvar)*(double)(180.0/M_PI))

  /* Check slope is OK, and set size_y to be full multiple of cycles */
  err = check_slope(*slope, &size_y, numcycles, cyclelimit, 1);

  /* Start image at new location, so that same row is center */
  center_row = *nrows/2;
  start_row = center_row - size_y/2;
  farea_old = farea;
  farea = farea + start_row*size_x;
  /* On center row how much shift to get edge centered in row. */
  /* offset = 0.;  Original code effectively used this (no centering)*/
    offset = *off - size_x/2;
    offset = offset1 + 0.5 + offset2  - size_x/2; 

  *off = offset;
  if(version & ROUND || version & DER3)
    offset += 0.125;

  if (err != 0)     {   /* Slopes are bad.  But send back enough
			   data, so a diagnostic image has a chance. */
    *pcnt2 = 2*size_x;  /* Ignore derivative peak */
    return 4; 

  /* reference the temp and shifts values to the new y centre */
  /* Instead of using the values in shifts, synthesize new ones based on 
     the best fit line. */
  // 基于拟合結果更新shifts
  col = size_y/2;
  for (i=0; i < size_y; i++) {
    shifts[i] = (*slope) * (double)(i-col) + offset;

  /* Don't normalize the data.  It gets normalized during dft process */
  /* To normalize here, set dt = min and dt1 = max of farea data      */
  dt = 0.0;
  dt1 = 1.0;

  if (version & ESFFILE)
    fp = fopen("esf.txt","w");

  /* Calculate a long paired list of x values and signal values */
  pcnt = 0;
  for (j = 0; j < size_y; j++) {
    for (i = 0; i < size_x; i++) {
      edgex[pcnt] = (double)i - shifts[j];//計算每個點到刀口的距離
      Signal[pcnt] = ((farea[((j*(long)size_x)+i)]) - dt)/(dt1-dt); //歸一化每個點的亮度
      if ((version & ESFFILE) && edgex[pcnt] < size_x/2 + 3 &&
	  edgex[pcnt] > size_x/2 - 3)
	fprintf(fp, "%f %f\n", edgex[pcnt], Signal[pcnt]);

  if (version & ESFFILE)

  /* Allocate more memory */
  bin_len = (unsigned int)(ALPHA*size_x);
  AveEdge = (double *)malloc(bin_len*sizeof(double));
  AveTmp = (double *)malloc(bin_len*sizeof(double));
  counts = (long *)malloc(bin_len*sizeof(long));
  /* Project ESF data into supersampled bins */
  nzero = bin_to_regular_xgrid((unsigned short)ALPHA, edgex, Signal, 
			       AveEdge, counts, 
			       size_x, size_y); 

  /* Compute LSF from ESF.  Not yet centered or windowed. */
  // 将ESF轉換為差分圖LSF, 并計算LSF的矩心
  if ( (version&DER3) ) 
    calculate_derivative( bin_len, AveTmp, AveEdge, &centroid, 1);
    calculate_derivative( bin_len, AveTmp, AveEdge, &centroid, 0);

  if (iterate == 0) {
    /* Copy ESF to output area */
    for ( i=0; i<bin_len; i++ )
      farea_old[i] = AveTmp[i];

  /* Find the peak/center of LSF */
  locate_max_PSF( bin_len, AveEdge, &pcnt);//這裡獲得了最大值的中心


    MTFPRINT3("Off center distance (1/4 pixel units): Peak %ld  Centroid %.2f\n", 
	      pcnt-bin_len/2, centroid-bin_len/2)

  if((version & PEAK) == 0)//忽略差分後的最大值
    pcnt = bin_len/2;  /* Ignore derivative peak */
    MTFPRINT("Shifting peak to center\n")

  /* Here the array length is shortened to ww_in_pixels*ALPHA,
     and the LSF peak is centered and Hamming windowed. */
  apply_hamming_window((unsigned short)ALPHA, bin_len,
		       (unsigned short)size_x, 
		       AveEdge, &pcnt);

  /* From now on this is the length used. */
  *len = bin_len/2;

  if (iterate == 0) {
    /* Copy LSF_w to output area */
    for ( i=0; i<bin_len; i++ )
      farea_old[size_x*(int)ALPHA+i] = AveEdge[i];

  tmp = 1.0;
  tmp2 = 1.0/((double)bin_len) ;

  /* Now perform the DFT on AveEdge */
  /* ftwos ( nx, dx, lsf(x), nf, df, sfr(f) ) */
  //ftwos( number, dx, *lsf, ns, ds, *sfr)
  (void) ftwos(bin_len, tmp, AveEdge, (long)(*len), 
	       tmp2, AveTmp); 

    (*freq) = (double *)malloc((*len)*sizeof(double));
    (*sfr) = (double *)malloc((*len)*sizeof(double));

  for (i=0; i<(*len); i++) {
    sfrc = AveTmp[i];
    (*freq)[i]= ((double)i/(double)size_x);   //每個點對應的頻率
    (*sfr)[i] = (double) (sfrc/AveTmp[0]);    //歸一化sfr

  /* Free */

  *nrows = size_y;
  *pcnt2 = pcnt;



void apply_hamming_window(  unsigned short alpha,
                            unsigned int oldlen,  //size_x*4
                          unsigned short newxwidth, //size_x
			  double *AveEdge, long *pcnt2)
  long i,j,k, begin, end, edge_offset;
  double sfrc;

  /* Shift the AvgEdge[i] vector to centre the lsf in the transform window */
  // 将Avgedge移到中心位置, 兩邊由于移動造成的空位由0補齊
  edge_offset = (*pcnt2) - (oldlen/2);//不能了解為什麼一定要反着計算,pcnt2肯定是小于oldlen/2吧。。
  if (edge_offset != 0) {                                                   //cer=6
    if (edge_offset < 0 ) {  //這裡根據分析的話,應該edge_offset隻會小于0啊。。     ↓
      for (i=oldlen-1; i > -edge_offset-1; i--)            //   [l l l l l l l max l l l l l]
                  AveEdge[i] = (AveEdge[i+edge_offset]);   //    ↑     ↑        ↑
      for (i=0; i < -edge_offset; i++)                     //   left center=3 right
                  AveEdge[i] = 0.00; /* last operation */    //offset = center-cer=-3
    } else {                                               //            cer=6
                                                           //              ↓
      for (i=0; i < oldlen-edge_offset; i++)               // [0 0 0 l l l l l l l max l l]
                  AveEdge[i] = (AveEdge[i+edge_offset]);   //  ↑           ↑        ↑
      for (i=oldlen-edge_offset; i < oldlen; i++)          //            center=3
		  AveEdge[i] = 0.00;
  /* Multiply the LSF data by a Hamming window of width NEWXWIDTH*alpha */
  begin = (oldlen/2)-(newxwidth*alpha/2);//上下看來,begin隻會等于0,因為oldlen=bin_len, bin_len=size_x*alpha == newxwidth*alpha
  if (begin < 0) begin = 0;
  end = (oldlen/2)+(newxwidth*alpha/2);
  if (end > oldlen )  end = oldlen;
  for (i=0; i< begin; i++) 
    AveEdge[i] = 0.0;
  for (i=end; i< oldlen; i++) 
    AveEdge[i] = 0.0;

  // 給begin和end之間的資料加上漢明窗
  // 漢明窗 W(n,α ) = (1 -α ) - α cos(2*PI*n/(N-1)) ,(0≤n≤N-1)
  // 一般情況下,α取0.46
  // 下面計算方法等于窗發生了平移(故符号發生了變化), 結果是一樣的
  for (i=begin,j = -newxwidth*alpha/2; i < end; i++,j++) {
    sfrc = 0.54 + 0.46*cos( (M_PI*(double)j)/(newxwidth*alpha/2) );
    AveEdge[i] = (AveEdge[i])*sfrc; 
  if (begin != 0) /* Shift LSF to begin at index 0 (rather than begin) */
    for (k=0, i=begin; k<newxwidth*alpha; i++,k++) 
      AveEdge[k] = AveEdge[i];



unsigned short ftwos(long number, double dx, double *lsf, 
		     long ns, double ds, double *sfr)
  double a, b, twopi, g;
  long i,j;

    //                n-1              k
    // DFT ==> X[k] = Σ  x[n]e^(-j2π - n)
    //                n=0              N

  twopi = 2.0 * M_PI;
  for (j = 0; j < ns; j++){//ns=1/2*bin_len  前一半
    g = twopi * dx * ds * (double)j;
    for (i = 0, a = 0, b = 0; i < number; i++) { 
      a += lsf[i] * cos(g * (double)(i));
      b += lsf[i] * sin(g * (double)(i)); 
    sfr[j] = sqrt(a * a + b * b); 
  return 0;
