

2023年美賽将要如期開賽,這裡為了 讓大家對今年的美賽有一個直接 客觀的了解。對2023年美賽(MCM/ICM)進行一下簡要的介紹。




February 16-20, 2023

開賽時間 中原標準時間 17号(本周五) 6:00

結束時間 中原標準時間 21号(下周二) 9:00

送出截止時間 21号(下周二) 10:00

比賽結果 5月30号之前公布

2023 Contest Dates and Times:

  • Registration Deadline: Before 3:00 p.m. EST on Thursday, February 16, 2023.
  • Contest Starts: 5:00 p.m. EST on Thursday, February 16, 2023.
  • Contest Ends: 8:00 p.m. EST on Monday, February 20, 2023.
  • Solution Report Deadline: 9:00 p.m. EST on Monday, February 20, 2023.
  • Contest Results: The results will be posted on or before May 31, 2023.


  • 在推特上關注@COMAPMath或在微網誌上關注COMAPCHINAOFFICIAL,以擷取最新資訊。
  • 注冊流程已簡化,分為兩部分:顧問注冊和團隊注冊。
  • MCM/ICM競賽現在有25頁的限制。25 頁的限制适用于整個送出,包括摘要表、解決方案、參考清單、目錄、注釋、附錄、代碼和任何問題特定要求。
  • 由于 Covid-19 病毒,鼓勵團隊使用電子通信進行虛拟會議。但是,您的團隊成員隻能與自己團隊的成員進行交流。規則仍然是,團隊不得使用除自己的團隊成員以外的任何人來讨論或擷取處理和解決問題的想法。
  • Follow @COMAPMath on Twitter or COMAPCHINAOFFICIAL on Weibo for the most up to date information.
  • Registration process has been streamlined and split into 2 parts: Advisor Registration and Team Registration.
  • The MCM/ICM Contest now have a 25 page limit. The 25 page limit applies to the entire submission including the Summary Sheet, Solution, Reference List, Table of Contents, Notes, Appendices, Code and any problem specific requirements.
  • Due to the Covid-19 virus teams are encouraged to meet virtually using electronic communications. BUT, your team members may only communicate with members of their own team. The rule remains that teams may not use any persons, other than their own team members, to discuss or obtain ideas for working on and solving their problem.


美賽目前分為兩種類型,MCM(Mathematical Contest In Modeling)和ICM(Interdisciplinary Contest In Modeling),兩種類型競賽采用統一标準進行,競賽題目出來之後,參賽隊伍通過美賽官網進行選題,一共分為下面6種題型。


A 連續型

B 離散型

C 大資料


D 運籌學/圖與網絡

E 環境可持續

F 政策

題目分類大緻如此,但是近年來題目也開始發生微小變化,例如E題,之前都是環境相關的題目,今年開始與 可持續性聯系尤為緊密。

MCM:全稱The Mathematical Contest in Modeling,即數學模組化競賽,偏自然、理工科。對于參賽者的數學模型素養以及模組化能力要求較高,

ICM:全稱Interdisciplinary Contest In Modeling,一般涉及的問題較宏觀和複雜。對于參賽者把握問題主線、權衡宏觀與微觀整體與細節的能力要求較高。


Disqualified DQ即違犯比賽規則 不合格 或者 取消資格

Unsuccessful Participant US即參賽失敗獎 未送出對應的解決方案

Successful Participant S獎即成功參與獎 ,也可以成為三等獎

Honorable Mention H獎即二等獎 對标國賽的省獎

Meritorious M獎即一等獎 對标國賽的國獎

Finalist F獎特等獎 對标國賽的優秀國一

Outstanding Winner O獎 數模比賽的巅峰、最高榮譽,每年隻有四十支左右的隊伍獲得 對标國賽的高教社杯獎

Disqualified - The team's report was found to be in violation of the contest rules.

Disqualified – P lagiarism: The solution paper had undocumented sources, verbatim text, or information lifted from the Internet, and/or was very similar to other papers submitted as determined by judges and/or our pairwise comparison software. All information, ideas, data, algorithms, etc. from outside sources used by team members must have the original source documented and properly referenced. Our pairwise comparison software identifies papers and/or parts of papers as similar to, or exactly the same as, other papers submitted.

Disqualified – W eb: COMAP identified the solution paper, or portions of the solution paper as shared or posted, or a team member (or members) were found to have received assistance through interactive web sites or electronic media. Posting or sharing all, or any part of the problem statement, your solution, or partial solution anywhere during the contest weekend is strictly prohibited. Obtaining all, or any part, of anyone else's solution is also prohibited. Contest rules prohibit seeking assistance outside of team members or obtaining help from human sources–in person or via any medium. COMAP continually monitors the Internet during the contest period.

Unsuccessful Participant - The team's report did not adequately respond to the requirements of the contest problem or a team (or team member) was found to have visited Internet sites discussing the contest problem during the contest period.

Unsuccessful Participant – W eb: A team member (or members) visited websites or social media where contest problems were being openly discussed. Contest rules prohibit seeking assistance outside of team members or obtaining help from human sources–in person or via any medium. COMAP is continually monitoring the Internet during the contest period to include websites and social media where contest solutions are being openly discussed.

Unsuccessful Participant – I ncomplete: The solution paper was found to be significantly incomplete and did not show any serious effort in adequately responding to the contest problem or its requirements.

Successful Participant - The team made a concerted effort to respond to the contest problem and submit a solution report. The report, however, had incomplete responses to all or some requirements, and/or showed some deficiencies or weakness in the modeling processes, analysis, conclusions, and/or communication.

Honorable Mention - The team's solution report indicated an above average effort in addressing all problem requirements, and contained elements that were judged to show sound and supported processes in modeling and problem solving, analysis, conclusions, and communication of results.

Meritorious - The team's solution report was excellent in many aspects of modeling and problem solving, analysis, conclusions, and communication. The report addressed all requirements in a clear, well-supported, well-organized, and well-presented manner.

Finalist - The designation Finalist recognizes teams whose solution reports are exemplary and therefore reached the final round of judging. These papers present complete and logical analysis in an organized and clear presentation above and beyond simply addressing the requirements. These papers are easy to read, easy to follow, logical, and comprehensive. Finalist papers are among the best of all team submissions.

Outstanding Winner - The designation Outstanding recognizes teams whose solution reports are determined, in the final round of judging, to be the "best of the best." These teams' reports are at the highest level relative to the contest submissions in terms of exemplary student work in modeling and problem solving, analysis, and communication. COMAP may publish and use all or part of these submissions as examples of outstanding student work.

