
Parser XML and insert into DB with C#

1. Right click ->  Add -> New folder to add a folder to store the orginal File, named : orginalFile

2. Right click ->  Add -> New item -> Class to add new class ,named XMLUtils.cs

3. class XMLUtils


public static List<file_com> readXML()


XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();   // 利用doucment 類來讀取xml


XmlElement root = null ; //初始化根節點

root = doc.DoucmentElement;

XmlNodeList  listNodes = null; // 初始化節點清單

List<file_com>  list = new List<file_com>(); // new 一個對象? 

listNodes =  root.SelectNodes("/aa/bb/cc");

   foreach(XmlNode node in listNodes){

file_cmo cmo = new file_cmo();   // 建立一個對象

        cmo.ins_id = node.Attributes["id"].value;

com.in = getData("/aa/bb/cc/dd");



pubic static string Replace(String str){

if (str.contains("'"))

{ str = str.Replace("'","''");


return str;


public static string getData(XmlNode node, xpath){

string str = node.SelectSingleNode(xpath) == null? null : node.SelectSingleNode(xpath).InnerText;

if (str!=null){

 str = Replace(str);


return str;



4. DBUtils.cs

class DBUtils


private static SqlConnection GetEditorConnection()


return new SqlConnection(AppConfig.GetRequiredSetting("ExtClientConnStr"));  //

private static SqlConnection GetClientConnection()


            return new SqlConnection(AppConfig.GetRequiredSetting("ExtEditorConnStr"));


public static void saveToDB(List<file_cmo> list)


string sql = "";

string values = "";

int index = 1; 

foreach(file_cmo in list){

if (index % 10==1){

sql = "insert into TestFileData"(.....) values";


     values = values +",";


values = values +"('" + file_cmo.aa + "',"........+"')";

if (index%10==0||index ==list.Count)

{sql =sql+values;


value = "";

sql = "";





public static vaoid setDataToTable(string sql)

SqlConnection conn = GetEditorConnection();


SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql,conn);




5. Program.cs

class Program







    <add key="ExtClientConnStr" value="Data Source=.....;Initial Catalog=....;Integrated Security=SSPI;Application Name=.....;"/>

    <add key="ExtEditorConnStr" value="Data Source=.....;Initial Catalog=....;Integrated Security=SSPI;Application Name=.......;"/>   



        <supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.5" />

