


  • 問題描述
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  • 處理過程






● 用戶端執行DML操作進行資料變更

● 将相關的變更資料頁寫入wal buffer,對應的資料更新寫到記憶體中的資料頁(髒頁)

● 事務commit時,wal buffer進行刷盤,寫入到wal log,該步驟已經保證了資料不會丢失

● 周期性checkpoint出發将記憶體中的髒頁進行刷盤




● max_wal_size( integer) : 兩次checkpoint之間允許的最大wal日志大小,這是一個軟限制,當重負載、失敗archive_command等情況下可能超出該參數設定大小。增加此參數會增加崩潰恢複所需的時

● min_wal_size( integer) :隻要 WAL 磁盤使用率保持在此設定以下,舊的 WAL 檔案總是會在檢查點被回收以備将來使用,而不是被删除。這可用于確定保留足夠的 WAL 空間來處理 WAL 使用量的峰值,例如在運作大型批處理作業時。

● wal_keep_segments : 主節點資料庫為standby節點保留的最大wal log數量

● wal_level : wal日志記錄模式


● standby資料庫執行個體複制存在一定的異常,導緻主節點儲存大量的wal日志

● 邏輯複制訂閱端資料消費異常,導緻釋出節點堆積大量的wal日志




psql=#SELECT * FROM pg_settings where name like '%wal%'
| NAME                         | SETTING           | UNIT           | CATEGORY                      | SHORT_DESC                                                                                              | EXTRA_DESC                                                                                               | CONTEXT           | VARTYPE           | SOURCE             | MIN_VAL           | MAX_VAL           | ENUMVALS                                  | BOOT_VAL           | RESET_VAL           | SOURCEFILE           | SOURCELINE           | PENDING_RESTART           |
| max_wal_senders              | 20                |                | Replication / Sending Servers | Sets the maximum number of simultaneously running WAL sender processes.                                 |                                                                                                          | postmaster        | integer           | configuration file | 0                 | 262143            |                                           | 10                 | 20                  |                      |                      |                           |
| max_wal_size                 | 32768             | MB             | Write-Ahead Log / Checkpoints | Sets the WAL size that triggers a checkpoint.                                                           |                                                                                                          | sighup            | integer           | configuration file | 2                 | 2147483647        |                                           | 1024               | 32768               |                      |                      |                           |
| min_wal_size                 | 8192              | MB             | Write-Ahead Log / Checkpoints | Sets the minimum size to shrink the WAL to.                                                             |                                                                                                          | sighup            | integer           | configuration file | 2                 | 2147483647        |                                           | 80                 | 8192                |                      |                      |                           |
| rds_max_non_super_wal_snd    | 10                |                | Ungrouped                     | Sets the maximum number of simultaneously running WAL sender processes requested by non-super users.    |                                                                                                          | sighup            | integer           | configuration file | -1                | 262143            |                                           | -1                 | 10                  |                      |                      |                           |
| wal_block_size               | 8192              |                | Preset Options                | Shows the block size in the write ahead log.                                                            |                                                                                                          | internal          | integer           | default            | 8192              | 8192              |                                           | 8192               | 8192                |                      |                      |                           |
| wal_buffers                  | 2048              | 8kB            | Write-Ahead Log / Settings    | Sets the number of disk-page buffers in shared memory for WAL.                                          |                                                                                                          | postmaster        | integer           | configuration file | -1                | 262143            |                                           | -1                 | 2048                |                      |                      |                           |
| wal_compression              | off               |                | Write-Ahead Log / Settings    | Compresses full-page writes written in WAL file.                                                        |                                                                                                          | superuser         | bool              | default            |                   |                   |                                           | off                | off                 |                      |                      |                           |
| wal_consistency_checking     |                   |                | Developer Options             | Sets the WAL resource managers for which WAL consistency checks are done.                               | Full-page images will be logged for all data blocks and cross-checked against the results of WAL replay. | superuser         | string            | default            |                   |                   |                                           |                    |                     |                      |                      |                           |
| wal_keep_segments            | 64                |                | Replication / Sending Servers | Sets the number of WAL files held for standby servers.                                                  |                                                                                                          | sighup            | integer           | configuration file | 0                 | 2147483647        |                                           | 0                  | 64                  |                      |                      |                           |
| wal_level                    | logical           |                | Write-Ahead Log / Settings    | Set the level of information written to the WAL.                                                        |                                                                                                          | postmaster        | enum              | configuration file |                   |                   | {minimal,replica,logical}                 | replica            | replica             |                      |                      |                           |
| wal_log_hints                | off               |                | Write-Ahead Log / Settings    | Writes full pages to WAL when first modified after a checkpoint, even for a non-critical modifications. |                                                                                                          | postmaster        | bool              | default            |                   |                   |                                           | off                | off                 |                      |                      |                           |
| wal_receiver_status_interval | 1                 | s              | Replication / Standby Servers | Sets the maximum interval between WAL receiver status reports to the primary.                           |                                                                                                          | sighup            | integer           | configuration file | 0                 | 2147483           |                                           | 10                 | 1                   |                      |                      |                           |
| wal_receiver_timeout         | 60000             | ms             | Replication / Standby Servers | Sets the maximum wait time to receive data from the primary.                                            |                                                                                                          | sighup            | integer           | default            | 0                 | 2147483647        |                                           | 60000              | 60000               |                      |                      |                           |
| wal_retrieve_retry_interval  | 1000              | ms             | Replication / Standby Servers | Sets the time to wait before retrying to retrieve WAL after a failed attempt.                           |                                                                                                          | sighup            | integer           | configuration file | 1                 | 2147483647        |                                           | 5000               | 1000                |                      |                      |                           |
| wal_segment_size             | 2048              | 8kB            | Preset Options                | Shows the number of pages per write ahead log segment.                                                  |                                                                                                          | internal          | integer           | default            | 2048              | 2048              |                                           | 2048               | 2048                |                      |                      |                           |
| wal_sender_timeout           | 60000             | ms             | Replication / Sending Servers | Sets the maximum time to wait for WAL replication.                                                      |                                                                                                          | sighup            | integer           | configuration file | 0                 | 2147483647        |                                           | 60000              | 60000               |                      |                      |                           |
| wal_sync_method              | fdatasync         |                | Write-Ahead Log / Settings    | Selects the method used for forcing WAL updates to disk.                                                |                                                                                                          | sighup            | enum              | default            |                   |                   | {fsync,fdatasync,open_sync,open_datasync} | fdatasync          | fdatasync           |                      |                      |                           |
| wal_writer_delay             | 10                | ms             | Write-Ahead Log / Settings    | Time between WAL flushes performed in the WAL writer.                                                   |                                                                                                          | sighup            | integer           | configuration file | 1                 | 10000             |                                           | 200                | 10                  |                      |                      |                           |
| wal_writer_flush_after       | 64                | 8kB            | Write-Ahead Log / Settings    | Amount of WAL written out by WAL writer that triggers a flush.                                          |                                                                                                          | sighup            | integer           | configuration file | 0                 | 2147483647        |                                           | 128                | 64                  |                      |                      |                           |
傳回 19 行記錄,花費 5.00 ms.

psql=#SELECT * FROM pg_settings where name like '%checkpoint_timeout%'
| NAME               | SETTING           | UNIT           | CATEGORY                      | SHORT_DESC                                               | EXTRA_DESC           | CONTEXT           | VARTYPE           | SOURCE             | MIN_VAL           | MAX_VAL           | ENUMVALS           | BOOT_VAL           | RESET_VAL           | SOURCEFILE           | SOURCELINE           | PENDING_RESTART           |
| checkpoint_timeout | 1200              | s              | Write-Ahead Log / Checkpoints | Sets the maximum time between automatic WAL checkpoints. |                      | sighup            | integer           | configuration file | 30                | 86400             |                    | 300                | 1200                |                      |                      |                           |
傳回 1 行記錄,花費 4.00 ms.







select pg_drop_replication_slot(’${unhealth_logical_slot_name}’);

