
CS61B Homework4作業回顧(附代碼)


DList中的insertFront, insetBack等方法多為視訊前幾節講的Doubly-Linkedlist.

在測試TestLockDList的時候總是出現ClassCastException, 然而我LockDList中的代碼都沒寫錯,也override newNode。後來發現在DList中我雖然建立了newNode方法,但是在insertFront等方法中用的還是

DListNode new_node = new DListNode(item, head.prev, head);

是以後來在LockDList中雖然override newNode,但實際上這個方法根本沒有用到,是以DListNode才無法轉化成LockDListNode。


/* DList.java */

package com.homework4;

 *  A DList is a mutable doubly-linked list ADT.  Its implementation is
 *  circularly-linked and employs a sentinel (dummy) node at the head
 *  of the list.

public class DList {

   *  head references the sentinel node.
   *  size is the number of items in the list.  (The sentinel node does not
   *       store an item.)

  protected DListNode head;
  protected int size;

  /* DList invariants:
   *  1)  head != null.
   *  2)  For any DListNode x in a DList, x.next != null.
   *  3)  For any DListNode x in a DList, x.prev != null.
   *  4)  For any DListNode x in a DList, if x.next == y, then y.prev == x.
   *  5)  For any DListNode x in a DList, if x.prev == y, then y.next == x.
   *  6)  size is the number of DListNodes, NOT COUNTING the sentinel,
   *      that can be accessed from the sentinel (head) by a sequence of
   *      "next" references.

   *  newNode() calls the DListNode constructor.  Use this class to allocate
   *  new DListNodes rather than calling the DListNode constructor directly.
   *  That way, only this method needs to be overridden if a subclass of DList
   *  wants to use a different kind of node.
   *  @param item the item to store in the node.
   *  @param prev the node previous to this node.
   *  @param next the node following this node.
  protected DListNode newNode(Object item, DListNode prev, DListNode next) {
    return new DListNode(item, prev, next);

   *  DList() constructor for an empty DList.
  public DList() {
    //  Your solution here.
      head = newNode(null,head,head);
      head.prev = head;
      head.next = head;
      size = 0;

   *  isEmpty() returns true if this DList is empty, false otherwise.
   *  @return true if this DList is empty, false otherwise.
   *  Performance:  runs in O(1) time.
  public boolean isEmpty() {
    return size == 0;

   *  length() returns the length of this DList.
   *  @return the length of this DList.
   *  Performance:  runs in O(1) time.
  public int length() {
    return size;

   *  insertFront() inserts an item at the front of this DList.
   *  @param item is the item to be inserted.
   *  Performance:  runs in O(1) time.
  public void insertFront(Object item) {
    // Your solution here.
      DListNode new_node = newNode(item, head, head.next);
      head.next.prev = new_node;
      head.next = new_node;


   *  insertBack() inserts an item at the back of this DList.
   *  @param item is the item to be inserted.
   *  Performance:  runs in O(1) time.
  public void insertBack(Object item) {
    // Your solution here.
      DListNode new_node = newNode(item, head.prev, head);
      head.prev.next = new_node;
      head.prev = new_node;

   *  front() returns the node at the front of this DList.  If the DList is
   *  empty, return null.
   *  Do NOT return the sentinel under any circumstances!
   *  @return the node at the front of this DList.
   *  Performance:  runs in O(1) time.
  public DListNode front() {
    // Your solution here.
      if (head.next != null){
        return head.next;
      return null;

   *  back() returns the node at the back of this DList.  If the DList is
   *  empty, return null.
   *  Do NOT return the sentinel under any circumstances!
   *  @return the node at the back of this DList.
   *  Performance:  runs in O(1) time.
  public DListNode back() {
    // Your solution here.
    if (head.next != null){
      return head.prev;
    return null;

   *  next() returns the node following "node" in this DList.  If "node" is
   *  null, or "node" is the last node in this DList, return null.
   *  Do NOT return the sentinel under any circumstances!
   *  @param node the node whose successor is sought.
   *  @return the node following "node".
   *  Performance:  runs in O(1) time.
  public DListNode next(DListNode node) {
    // Your solution here.
      if (node != null || node.next != head){
          return node.next;
      return null;

   *  prev() returns the node prior to "node" in this DList.  If "node" is
   *  null, or "node" is the first node in this DList, return null.
   *  Do NOT return the sentinel under any circumstances!
   *  @param node the node whose predecessor is sought.
   *  @return the node prior to "node".
   *  Performance:  runs in O(1) time.
  public DListNode prev(DListNode node) {
    // Your solution here.
      if (node != null || node.prev != head ){
          return node.prev;
      return null;

   *  insertAfter() inserts an item in this DList immediately following "node".
   *  If "node" is null, do nothing.
   *  @param item the item to be inserted.
   *  @param node the node to insert the item after.
   *  Performance:  runs in O(1) time.
  public void insertAfter(Object item, DListNode node) {
    // Your solution here.
      if (node != null){
          DListNode new_node = newNode(item,node,node.next);
          node.next.prev = new_node;
          node.next = new_node;


   *  insertBefore() inserts an item in this DList immediately before "node".
   *  If "node" is null, do nothing.
   *  @param item the item to be inserted.
   *  @param node the node to insert the item before.
   *  Performance:  runs in O(1) time.
  public void insertBefore(Object item, DListNode node) {
    // Your solution here.
      if (node != null){
          DListNode new_node = newNode(item,node.prev,node);
          node.prev.next = new_node;
          node.prev = new_node;



   *  remove() removes "node" from this DList.  If "node" is null, do nothing.
   *  Performance:  runs in O(1) time.
  public void remove(DListNode node) {
    // Your solution here.
      if (node != null && node != head){
          node.prev.next = node.next;
          node.next.prev = node.prev;
          node.prev = null;
          node.next = null;

   *  toString() returns a String representation of this DList.
   *  @return a String representation of this DList.
   *  Performance:  runs in O(n) time, where n is the length of the list.
  public String toString() {
    String result = "[  ";
    DListNode current = head.next;
    while (current != head) {
      result = result + current.item + "  ";
      current = current.next;
    return result + "]";
    public void checkInvariants() {
        System.out.println("\nVerifying invariants.");
        boolean tightShip = true;
        // 1) head != null.
        if (head == null) {
            System.out.println("ERROR: Invariant 1 failed.");
            System.out.println("head == null!");
            tightShip = false;

        DListNode x = head;
        int cur = 0;
            // 2) For any DListNode x in a DList, x.next != null.
            if (x.next == null) {
                System.out.println("ERROR: Invariant 2 failed.");
                System.out.println("x.next == null for element " + cur);
                tightShip = false;

            // 3) For any DListNode x in a DList, x.prev != null.
            if (x.prev == null) {
                System.out.println("ERROR: Invariant 3 failed.");
                System.out.println("x.prev == null for element " + cur);
                tightShip = false;

            // 4) For any DListNode x in a DList, if x.next == y, then y.prev == x.
            DListNode y = x.next;
            if (y.prev != x) {
                System.out.println("ERROR: Invariant 4 failed.");
                System.out.println("x.next == y but y.prev != x for element " + cur);
                tightShip = false;

            // 5) For any DListNode x in a DList, if x.prev == y, then y.next == x.
            y = x.prev;
            if (y.next != x) {
                System.out.println("ERROR: Invariant 5 failed.");
                System.out.println("x.prev == y but y.next != x for element " + cur);
                tightShip = false;

            y = null;
            x = x.next;
        } while (x != head);

        // 6) size is the number of DListNodes, NOT COUNTING the sentinel,
        // that can be accessed from the sentinel (head) by a sequence of
        // "next" references.
        if (size != --cur) {
            System.out.println("ERROR: Invariant 6 failed.");
            System.out.println("size == " + size);
            System.out.println("Should be " + cur + ".");
            tightShip = false;

        System.out.print("You ");
        if (!tightShip) {
            System.out.print("do not ");
        System.out.println("run a tight ship!\n");

     *  main() contains test code for making new DList objects, inserting and
     *  removing nodes, and detemining the size of DList objects.
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Constructing a new DList.");
        DList l1 = new DList();
        System.out.println("Current size: " + l1.length());

        System.out.println("\nAttempting to remove the head node.");
        System.out.println("Current size: " + l1.length());

        System.out.println("\nAttempting to remove the node after head.");
        System.out.println("Current size: " + l1.length());

        System.out.println("\nAttempting to insert a new front node containing 3.");
        l1.insertFront(new Integer(3));
        System.out.println("Current size: " + l1.length());

        System.out.println("\nAttempting to insert a new front node containing 2.");
        l1.insertFront(new Integer(2));
        System.out.println("Current size: " + l1.length());

        System.out.println("\nAttempting to insert a new front node containing 99.");
        l1.insertFront(new Integer(99));
        System.out.println("Current size: " + l1.length());

        System.out.println("\nAttempting to remove the node after head.");
        System.out.println("Current size: " + l1.length());

        System.out.println("Attempting to insert a new back node containing 9");
        l1.insertBack(new Integer(9));
        System.out.println("Current size: " + l1.length());

        System.out.print("\nAttempting to insert a new back node containing ");
        l1.insertBack(new String("deleteMe"));
        System.out.println("Current size: " + l1.length());

        System.out.print("\nAttempting to insert a new node containing 4 after the ");
        System.out.println("second node.");
        l1.insertAfter(4, l1.next(l1.head).next);
        System.out.println("Current size: " + l1.length());

        System.out.println("\nAttempting to remove the back node.");
        System.out.println("Current size: " + l1.length());

        System.out.print("\nAttempting to insert a new node containing 8 after ");
        System.out.println("the second to last node.");
        l1.insertAfter(8, l1.prev(l1.back()));
        System.out.println("Current size: " + l1.length());

        System.out.println("Constructing a new DList.");
        DList l2 = new DList();

        System.out.print("\nAttempting to set the head node of the new DList ");
        System.out.println("to the first node of the old DList.");
        System.out.print("Good luck with that! (I bet it will screw up the ");
        l2.head = l1.head.next;
        System.out.println("First DList:");
        System.out.println("Second DList:");


package com.homework4;

public class LockDList extends DList {

    protected LockDListNode newNode(Object item, DListNode prev, DListNode next) {
        return new LockDListNode(item,prev,next);

    public void lockNode(DListNode node){
        ((LockDListNode) node).locked = true;

    public void remove(DListNode node) {
        if(((LockDListNode) node).locked){


package com.homework4;

 *  A DListNode is a node in a DList (doubly-linked list).

public class DListNode {

   *  item references the item stored in the current node.
   *  prev references the previous node in the DList.
   *  next references the next node in the DList.

  public Object item;
  protected DListNode prev;
  protected DListNode next;

   *  DListNode() constructor.
   *  @param i the item to store in the node.
   *  @param p the node previous to this node.
   *  @param n the node following this node.
  DListNode(Object i, DListNode p, DListNode n) {
    item = i;
    prev = p;
    next = n;


package com.homework4;

public class LockDListNode extends DListNode {
    boolean locked;

    LockDListNode(Object i, DListNode p, DListNode n) {
        super(i, p, n);
        locked = false;

