



  Oh my the Chinese will be a hard act to follow. What a shambles the British effort was, very embarrassing indeed. A double decker bus, beckham, an xfactor winner, a sweaty aging rock star, dancers with umbrellas throwng newspapers everywhere. I guess a good symbol of modern day Britain. I fear our efforts will always be second class to China. This might show new labour off for what they are and what they have done to our once great country



  The dancing was a bit straggly in the " London " routine . After seeing all the cyclists taking part,the Chinese will think "Nobody can afford cars in London "



  The British "teaser" was ok, but we were disappointed to see the performer in the wheelchair was not in fact disabled but was leaping around later in the dance.

  英國人還不賴,不過當我們發現那位坐輪椅的表演者根本不是殘疾的時候--他在稍後的舞蹈中到處蹦達來着 --- 好失望呀麼好失望。


  Did anyone else this the 'London 8 minutes' presentation was - dare I say it - rubbish!? Leona sang her heart out on top of a ladder, on top of a bus whilst 20 contemporary dancers did their stuff way below. It was just so low key relative to what had gone on before it.



  But oh, our offering at the closing ceremony was embarrassing.A red bus,a pop singer, an ageing rocker and an overpaid ball kicker was awful. Where was our great Island heritage portrayed in all this flummery?

  哦,我們在閉幕式上的表現真丢臉。一輛紅吧是,一個流行歌手,一個搖滾老頭,還有個我們付了太多薪水給他的踢球的家夥 -- 這一切都太糟糕了。在這堆亂七八糟的糟粕裡頭,我們這個偉大島嶼的傳承卻無處可見。


  Organisers - please do better for us in 2012.

  組織者 -- 行行好,好好幹~在2012年給我們掙點臉

  I'm staying in Singapore and feel embarrassed to go to work tomorrow after that dreadful showing by London 2012  



  I live in Germany and, like the person from Singapore, will be ashamed to meet my friends tomorrow  



  Jimmy Page and David Beckham have been massive icons of British popular culture. I'm not especially a fan of either, but they perfectly suited to the ceremony.  

  Not bothered either way about Leona whatshername, but the chief embarrassment, reducing us instantly to laughing stock of the world and diminishing at a stroke the achievements of our athletes, was the presence of Boris Bloody Johnson!!! This man symbolizes everything wrong with Britain - a deeply untalented buffoon, with a thoroughly sinister interior. Get him off the stage once and for all.

  Jimmy Page和貝殼都是英國流行文化的重大标志。我并不是他們的粉絲,但他們很适合這個演出。

  那個叫Leona啥啥的演出我也不覺得糟(就是那個獨唱的mm),但是最大的丢人之處,直接把我們埋汰成全世界的笑料并且抹殺了我們的運動員取得的成績的,就是那個蝦米Boris Johnson(倫敦那個混混市長)的出現!這家夥象征着英國所有糟糕的東西——一個完全沒有天賦的小醜,内心醜惡。把他永遠逐出舞台吧!


  When I heard about the plans for the London presentation, including the "arrangement" of the national anthem and the rehashed 70s rock music, I thought "it can't possibly be as bad as I'm imagining it". Well, it wasn't. It was a thousand, toe-curlingly hideous times worse. Against the dignity, seriousness and power of the Chinese displays, it was so far beyond embarrassing, my brain has already almost forgotten it, in a desperate paroxysm of self-defence.



  omg, I hope our eight minutes during the closing ceremony is not a foretaste of the tackiness to come in four years time. "  

  It felt a lot longer than eight minutes..... Every cringe and every gasp of horror made it feel like a lifetime!  

  If that is all we have to offer, lets hope the rest of the world has popped out down the pub when we take centre stage.  

  Our athletes deserve much better than this, they did us proud in Beijing (lets not forget the Paralympics too) and will continue to do so.




  Mind you, from the wretched logo to the vacuous miming chick to David Bloody Beckham, it was all a perfect reflection of London and England as they now are: cheap, tatty, shallow, and above all laughing enormously at their own jokes while the rest of the world looks on with contempt. Perfect.   

  Now, 2012... where can I go to avoid it all? Please can I move to China?



  I have been glued to the Olympics constantly and very proud of Team GB but my god what on earth was that 8 minute section in the closing ceremony.  

  The chinese put on a fantastic show and we have basically a red bus and a sparkler.  

  Who ever put this together should be sacked before we are embarressed anymore.  

  By the way BBC should be given a gold medal for the coverage, first class.






  A beautifully organised Games all around, then Boris appears, jacket undone, looking like a drunk who gatecrashed the party, what an embarrassment  





  I have a Grandson living and working in Beijing and I only hope he stays under cover until the humilation dies down a little. It certainly will never go away.   

  In 8 mins we have become the laughing stock of the world.  




  I thought it was fine. Are we going to have to look forward to another four years of whingeing about the Olympics? If so, I'm glad I'm living in China.  




  —— Leona! Poor girls must be so nervous!

  —— She sounds like a whale mating     

  I didn't think it was possibly but this both sucks and blows.    

  Grow up London 2012 and stop trying to be so 'cool'. This is embarrassing.  

  —— 利昂娜!可憐的姑娘們很緊張吧!

  —— 她聽起來像是隻正在交配的鲸魚  


  成熟點,London 2012,别那麼裝酷。真丢人


  Funny how the Beijing Olympics had absolutely nothing to do with Beijing. They were all about China. But the London Olympics are apparently all about London.   



  Is anyone else finding this all a bit shabby after the chinese dancing etc   


  Why don't my buses look like that?   



  The Chinese did it again the closing was amazing. First class and out of this world. The one negative was the London Show what in the heck was that. In Athens when the Chinese did there welccome to show it was amazing and you knew you where going to get something special in Beijing. I hope that London does better than what they showed to-day.



  Replicate it, we don’t have a chance it hell. For one thing we’ll be lucky to find 1% of the volunteers from Beijing. Perhaps all the people claiming on benefits should be forced to volunteer !!!  

  Smith, London


  Thank you family of China. Thank you Beijing 2008.

  We are all Children of the World and China have proved that to us.

  All of the Olympians deserve credit for all the dedication and effort. It is the Greatest Show on Earth. With the best of the best. 2012 will be a great test for GB and as one Nation what a great challenge for us.





  Well done China on a fantastic organisation of the games which was flawless and Team GB for their medal haul. Thank you China for putting the U.S into second place.

  (注意看最後一句 --)    


  Well done, China! You have given the world a magnificent Olympics despite the efforts of the chattering classes in the Western media to portray you as some Stalinist state.



  The female who hugged Yao Ming was Lauren Jackson, an Australia basketball player playing in WNBA. After Yao entered NBA, there was rumor she had a crush on Yao, but Yao turned her down. There were many gossip about them.

  So, seeing them hugging at the closing ceremony really really made me laugh, because 4 years ago, at the closing ceremony of Athens Olympic, Yao and his girlfriend 'Ye Li' came out together and that was the first time their relationship went public


  那個在閉幕式上擁抱姚明的女運動員是在WNBA打球的Lauren Jackson,當姚進入NBA打球時,他們曾經發生過一段绯聞,但是姚拒絕了她>_<看到他們在閉幕式上擁抱真是太好玩了,你知道四年前在雅典的閉幕式上,姚和他的女朋友葉莉第一次手牽手出現在公衆面前


  What was that red bus /umbrella garbage all about? What an embarrassment for UK. It was not so much the pathetic handover performance that upset me, but the arrogant, rude and disgraceful behavior of London’s mayor Boris Johnson when attending the handover party in Bejing. Show some respect Mr BJ ! Beijing was a gracious host and deserves some praise at the handover.  

  Robert, Windsor

  TMD紅色巴士和垃圾雨傘到底是蝦米啊??!!真是給英國丢臉啊。從來沒有比這次可憐的交接儀式更雷到我的了。而那個倫敦市長Boris Johnson 在北京閉幕式的交接儀式上無知、粗魯和毫無尊重的表現更是丢人。給北京一點尊重吧!北京是個熱情和藹的主人,在交接儀式上值得尊重!!


  Production of Global sporting superstars at the 2008 Beijing Games is correct and will remain memorable. Yet, some of us tend to place focus on matters of less importance and one wonders what is their ulterior motives. All countries with high crime rates should learn from these recently concluded games, and note that it is of high importance to develop the youths sporting potential from a tender age, so that their high energy can be burnt in the right direction and not in criminal activities.  

  Hollis N Hosein, Trinidad and Tobago -WI



  8 minutes of total rubbish , What the hell are we playing at , That whole bus thing and crazy people was a total sham , And as for the indian girl representing the children of England well I have seen it all now . What a mess , 2012 wont be a patch on this olympics.  

  sam, london



  Well done China, well presented games, Boris came across well, showed we have a good mayor, who knows what London has to do to ensure we put on a good show, advice from those of us who are still British is dump most of the things in the 8 minutes as they are not in tune with London/British values or what people know us for, increase the use of the union flag as the useless logo looks half useful in that guise! Boris has clearly been saddled with Livingston’s leftie leftovers, dump them be bold!  

  [GlobalTemplar], Kingston upon Thames, United Kingdom




  It has been a long time that I felt embarrassed for 8 long minutes. I really hope the organizers get there act together for the 2012 Olympics in London, because whether we like it or not the Chinese did a wonderful job from beginning to end. Whether true or false, let us hope the Red Arrows will do a fly past at the opening ceremony in London because that will be something worth watching, unless of course Boris has something up his sleeve to surprise us all.  

  Rose, Bicester

  很長一段時間内,我都為我們的8分鐘感到丢臉,我真心希望那些組織者去為了我們的2012年倫敦奧運會,一起去那裡(北京)看看,因為不管我們喜歡與否,中國人從頭到尾都做得非常棒。無論正确與否,讓我們希望在倫敦開幕式前the Red Arrows(英國紅箭飛行表演隊,在BBC開幕式的評論上就有英國人提到我們不會又上紅箭吧,看來英國果然隻有紅箭啊-_-)能夠騰飛起來,隻有那樣,說不定才有點看頭,除非Boris又把他的手揣在兜裡,來給我們所有人一個驚喜!


  In the London segment in the final countdown at the end of the Bejing olypics was total rubbish. If that is the best we can do to portray ourselves, then what will the rest of the world think. As a once great country we are now behind the third world, Shame  

  Thomas Smith, Newcastle upon Tyne



  There is one word for the "London 2012" presentation at the Beijing Olympic closing ceremony...naff !

  This includes Boris Johnson who looked as though he is in need of a decent tailor. It would help if he buttoned up his jacket. He looked like a 4th form schoolboy.

  The Chinese show was magnificent. Our athletes were brilliant.  

  Delewar, Colchester


  這其中包括咱們的市長大人Boris Johnson ,他看起來需要一個體面的形象顧問,如果他把扣子扣上,看起來也不會那麼囧,他看起來像一個4年級的中學生!


  The closing ceremony was just fine apart from the British bit which was simply atrocious!

  Why did we have some prehistoric rock guitarist and a talent show winner miming to some abysmal sound track? What has David Beckham got to do with the Olympics? Hardly portrays a young, vibrant and exciting vision of what the 2012 games might offer.

  If this is an example of how good London's Olympics is going to be, then perhaps Boris should ask the Chinese to keep the Olympic flame in Beijing.  






  The Beijing to London handover shows how ill equipped we are to deal with an event of this scale.

  Compared to spectacular displays by the Chinese, our offering is a pathetic embarrassment.

  The 2012 Party belongs on Blue Peter and was on par with an end of term school show: Scouting for Girls destroying London’s Calling; Morrisons’ theme tune by Last Choir Standing and The Feeling playing with no feeling at all.

  Is this all Britain has to offer?  

  Helen, Liverpool



  2012年的開幕式應該是以Blue Peter 為主吧,而閉幕式會以中學畢業晚會的形式來搞:調戲女孩子的聲音毀壞倫敦的通訊;合唱團唱Morrisons的詩歌腔調;唯一的感覺就是沒有感覺。



  The Chinese showed their rich heritage and history in a dignified and beautiful performance.

  Us? We showed just what a farce 2012 will be.

  Our country's heritage (prior to the last government!) is one to be proud of. We have customs and a richer history than many others. So why are we showing a logo from the 70's (I'm a designer, it's shocking!) and a display of ageing rock, one-hit wonders, chavs and only modern London?

  I'm proud to be English, but in 2012? I may be moving...  

  Angela, Chesterfield






  Lets hope the UK can match the chinese games with same character and skill! Well its all up to Boris now and his management capabillities!! We know our athletes are capable!! Mind you he has on hell of a job to beat!!  

  [newtried], maidenhead, United Kingdom


  Why couldn't the BBC TV commentators just shut up when there is music on the screen? They did the same stupid thing at the opening and once again today. The TV is there for us to WATCH and when the music is on why give commentary? Also so much about history and the meaning of this and the meaning of that and the symbolism of this and that. For Heavans sake WHY did they not just shut up and let us listen to the music, to the drums and all that was happening. This was a disastrous coverage.  

  Hercules, London





  606: "A beautifully organised Games all around, then Boris appears, jacket undone, looking like a drunk who gatecrashed the party, what an embarrassment."



  AND HERE'S BECKS! AND A WOMAN IN A RUNNING OUTFIT PLAYING A VIOLIN! Becks boots a ball into the crowd... just the one, and it doesn't quite make the crowd... a couple of officials have a bit of a scrabble over it... and that's that, London's eight minutes are up... what to make of that?
