

/* File:     mpi_mat_mat_fox_mult.c
 * Purpose:  Implement parallel matrix-vector multiplication using
 *           one-dimensional arrays to store the vectors and the
 *           matrix.  Vectors use block distributions and the
 *           matrix is distributed by block rows.
 * Compile:  mpicc -g -Wall -o mpi_mat_vect_mult mpi_mat_vect_mult.c
 * Run:      mpiexec -n <number of processes> ./mpi_mat_vect_mult
 * Input:    Dimensions of the square matrix 
 * Output:   Product square matrix C = AB
 * Errors:   If an error is detected (m negative, m not evenly
 *           divisible by the number of processes, malloc fails), the
 *           program prints a message and all processes quit.
 * Notes:     
 *    1. Number of processes should evenly divide both n x n
 *    2. Define DEBUG for verbose output
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <mpi.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#define DEBUG					1
#define PRINT_INPUT				1
#define MAX_SIZE				10000

typedef struct{
	int			n_bar;		//矩陣大小  rows=cols = n_bar
	int			n;       //矩陣元素的個數 n = n_bar^2
	double		matrix[MAX_SIZE];

typedef struct{
	int 		p;			/* Total number of processes	*/
	MPI_Comm 	comm;		/* Communicator for entire grid	*/
	MPI_Comm	row_comm;	/* Communicator for my row		*/
	MPI_Comm	col_comm;	/* Communicator for my col		*/
	int			q;			/* Order of grid				*/
	int			my_row;		/* My row number 				*/
	int			my_col;		/* My col number 				*/
	int			my_rank;	/* My rank in the grid comm		*/

void Setup_grid(GRID_INFO_T* grid);
void Fox(int n, GRID_INFO_T* grid, LOCAL_MATRIX_T* local_A,
		LOCAL_MATRIX_T*	local_B, LOCAL_MATRIX_T* local_C);
LOCAL_MATRIX_T* Local_matrix_allocate(int n_bar);

void Set_to_zero(LOCAL_MATRIX_T *local_matrix);
void Local_matrix_mutiply(LOCAL_MATRIX_T* local_A, 
							LOCAL_MATRIX_T* local_B, LOCAL_MATRIX_T* local_C);
void Build_mpi_type(LOCAL_MATRIX_T* local_matrix, MPI_Datatype* input_mpi_type);

void Check_for_error(int local_ok, char fname[], char message[], 
      MPI_Comm comm);
void Get_dims(int* n_p, int* local_n_p, int my_rank, int comm_sz, MPI_Comm comm);
void Allocate_arrays(LOCAL_MATRIX_T** local_A_pp, LOCAL_MATRIX_T** local_B_pp, LOCAL_MATRIX_T** local_C_pp, int local_n, MPI_Comm  comm);
void Read_matrix(char prompt[], LOCAL_MATRIX_T* local_matrix, GRID_INFO_T* grid, int n);

void Print_matrix(char prompt[], LOCAL_MATRIX_T* local_matrix, GRID_INFO_T* grid, int n);
void Print_local_matrix(char prompt[], LOCAL_MATRIX_T *local_matrix, GRID_INFO_T* grid);
void Print(char prompt[], double M[], int n);
MPI_Datatype local_matrix_mpi_t;  //将本地的子矩陣建立為MPI派生資料類型用于集合通信(資料結構類型)
MPI_Datatype local_matrix_mpi_t_i; //用于建立索引類型的MPI派生類型
void Build_mpi_type_indexed(MPI_Datatype* input_mpi_type, int n, int local_n);
int main(void){
   int n, local_n;  //方矩的大小
   int my_rank, comm_sz;
   MPI_Comm comm;
   LOCAL_MATRIX_T* local_A, *local_B, *local_C;
   GRID_INFO_T grid;       //建立grid拓撲結構
   MPI_Init(NULL, NULL);
   comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
   MPI_Comm_size(comm, &comm_sz);
   MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &my_rank);
	srand((unsigned int)time(NULL));//修改種子
   Get_dims(&n, &local_n, my_rank, comm_sz, comm);   //擷取矩陣的參數
	Allocate_arrays(&local_A, &local_B, &local_C, local_n, comm); //為矩陣配置設定空間

	Read_matrix("A", local_A, &grid, n);
	Read_matrix("B", local_B, &grid, n);

	Build_mpi_type_indexed(&local_matrix_mpi_t, n, local_n);
   Fox(n, &grid, local_A, local_B, local_C);
	//printf("rank:%d n: %d local_n: %d\n",my_rank,n,local_n);
	//printf("rank:%d &n_bar: %p &n: %p &matrix: %p\n",my_rank,&local_A->n_bar,&local_A->n,local_A->matrix);
	//Print_local_matrix("local_A", local_A, &grid);
	//Print_local_matrix("local_B", local_B, &grid);
	//Print_local_matrix("local_C", local_C, &grid);
	Print_matrix("C", local_C, &grid, n);
   return 0;
}  /* main */

void Check_for_error(
      int       local_ok   /* in */, 
      char      fname[]    /* in */,
      char      message[]  /* in */, 
      MPI_Comm  comm       /* in */) {
   int ok;

   MPI_Allreduce(&local_ok, &ok, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MIN, comm);
   if (ok == 0) {
      int my_rank;
      MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &my_rank);
      if (my_rank == 0) {
         fprintf(stderr, "Proc %d > In %s, %s\n", my_rank, fname, 
}  /* Check_for_error */

void Get_dims(
      int*      n_p        /* out */,
      int*      local_n_p  /* out */,
      int       my_rank    /* in  */,
      int       comm_sz    /* in  */,
      MPI_Comm  comm       /* in  */) {
   int local_ok = 1;

   if (my_rank == 0) {
      printf("Enter the Dimensions(n x n) of square matrix of A\n");
      scanf("%d", n_p);
   MPI_Bcast(n_p, 1, MPI_INT, 0, comm);
   if (*n_p <= 0 || (int)sqrt(comm_sz) * (int)sqrt(comm_sz) != comm_sz ||
       *n_p % (int)sqrt(comm_sz) != 0) local_ok = 0;
   Check_for_error(local_ok, "Get_dims",
      "n must be positive and evenly divisible by comm_sz", 
   *local_n_p = *n_p/(int)sqrt(comm_sz);
}  /* Get_dims */

void Allocate_arrays(
      LOCAL_MATRIX_T**  local_A_pp  /* out */, 
      LOCAL_MATRIX_T**  local_B_pp  /* out */, 
      LOCAL_MATRIX_T**  local_C_pp  /* out */, 
      int       local_n     /* in  */, 
      MPI_Comm  comm        /* in  */) {

   int local_ok = 1;

   *local_A_pp = Local_matrix_allocate(local_n);
   *local_B_pp = Local_matrix_allocate(local_n);
   *local_C_pp = Local_matrix_allocate(local_n);

   if (*local_A_pp == NULL || local_B_pp == NULL ||
         local_C_pp == NULL) local_ok = 0;
   Check_for_error(local_ok, "Allocate_arrays",
         "Can't allocate local arrays", comm);
}  /* Allocate_arrays */

void Read_matrix(
      char      		prompt[]   		/* in  */, 
      LOCAL_MATRIX_T*	local_matrix	/* out */,
      GRID_INFO_T*      grid    		/* in  */, 
      int       		n    			/* in  */) {
   double* M = NULL;
   int local_ok = 1;
   int i, j, u, v;
	int dest, k;
	int coordinates[2];
	k = local_matrix->n_bar;
   if (grid->my_rank == 0) {
	   v = 0;
      M = malloc(n*n*sizeof(double));
      if (M == NULL) local_ok = 0;
      Check_for_error(local_ok, "Read_matrix",
            "Can't allocate temporary matrix", grid->comm);
      printf("Enter the matrix %s\n", prompt);
      for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
         for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
			scanf("%lf", &M[i*n+j]);
            M[i*n+j] = rand() % 50;  //(0-49)
	for(dest = 0; dest < grid->p; dest++){
		MPI_Cart_coords(grid->comm, dest, 2, coordinates);
		if(dest == grid->my_rank){
			for(u = 0; u < k; u++)
				local_matrix->matrix[v*k + u] = M[i*n + j*k + u];
				MPI_Send(&M[coordinates[0]*k + coordinates[1]*k], 1, local_matrix_mpi_t_i, dest, 0, grid->comm); 
   } else {
      Check_for_error(local_ok, "Read_matrix",
            "Can't allocate temporary matrix", grid->comm);
		for(i = 0; i < k; i++)
			MPI_Recv(&local_matrix->matrix, k*k, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, 0, grid->comm, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
	for(i = 0; i < n; i++){
		for(j = 0; j < grid->q; j++){
			coordinates[0] = i / k;
			coordinates[1] = j;
			MPI_Cart_rank(grid->comm, coordinates, &dest);
			if(dest == grid->my_rank){
				for(u = 0; u < k; u++)
					local_matrix->matrix[v*k + u] = M[i*n + j*k + u];
				MPI_Send(&M[i*n+j*k], k, MPI_DOUBLE, dest, 0, grid->comm); 
   } else {
      Check_for_error(local_ok, "Read_matrix",
            "Can't allocate temporary matrix", grid->comm);
		for(i = 0; i < k; i++)
			MPI_Recv(&local_matrix->matrix[k*i], k, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, 0, grid->comm, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
}  /* Read_matrix */

void Print_matrix(
      char      		prompt[]   		/* in  */, 
      LOCAL_MATRIX_T*	local_matrix	/* out */,
      GRID_INFO_T*      grid    		/* in  */, 
      int       n    					/* in  */) {
   double* M = NULL;
   int local_ok = 1;
   int i, j, u, v;
	int source, k;
	int coordinates[2];
	k = local_matrix->n_bar;
   if (grid->my_rank == 0) {
	   v = 0;
      M = malloc(n*n*sizeof(double));
      if (M == NULL) local_ok = 0;
      Check_for_error(local_ok, "Read_matrix",
            "Can't allocate temporary matrix", grid->comm);
	for(source = 0; source < grid->p; source++){
		MPI_Cart_coords(grid->comm, source, 2, coordinates);
		if(source == grid->my_rank){
			for(u = 0; u < k; u++)
				local_matrix->matrix[v*k + u] = M[i*n + j*k + u];
				MPI_Recv(&M[coordinates[0]*k + coordinates[1]*k], 1, local_matrix_mpi_t_i, source, 0, grid->comm, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE); 
	Print(prompt, M, n);
   } else {
      Check_for_error(local_ok, "Read_matrix",
            "Can't allocate temporary matrix", grid->comm);
		for(i = 0; i < k; i++)
			MPI_Recv(&local_matrix->matrix, k*k, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, 0, grid->comm);
	for(i = 0; i < n; i++){
		for(j = 0; j < grid->q; j++){
			coordinates[0] = i / k;
			coordinates[1] = j;
			MPI_Cart_rank(grid->comm, coordinates, &source);
			if(source == grid->my_rank){
				for(u = 0; u < k; u++)
					M[i*n + j*k + u] = local_matrix->matrix[v*k + u];
				MPI_Recv(&M[i*n+j*k], k, MPI_DOUBLE, source, 0, grid->comm, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE); 
	Print(prompt, M, n);
   } else {
      Check_for_error(local_ok, "Read_matrix",
            "Can't allocate temporary matrix", grid->comm);
		for(i = 0; i < k; i++)
			MPI_Send(&local_matrix->matrix[k*i], k, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, 0, grid->comm);
}  /* Print_matrix */

void Print_local_matrix(		
	char 			prompt[],		/* in */
	LOCAL_MATRIX_T*	local_matrix,	/* in */
	GRID_INFO_T*    grid){			/* in */

	char temp_prompt[50];
	sprintf(temp_prompt,"%s of rank %d", prompt,grid->my_rank);
	Print(temp_prompt, local_matrix->matrix, local_matrix->n_bar);
}/* Print_local_matrix */

void Print(
	char 		prompt[],  	/* in */
	double 		M[], 		/* in */
	int 		n){			/* in */
	int i, j;
	printf("matrix %s\n",prompt);
	for(i = 0; i < n; i++){
		for(j = 0; j < n; j++)
			printf(" %11lf", M[i*n+j]);

void Setup_grid(GRID_INFO_T* grid){
	int old_rank;
	int dimensions[2];
	int wrap_around[2];
	int coordinates[2];
	int free_coords[2];
	/* Set up Global Grid Information */
	/* We assump p is a perfect square */
	grid->q = (int)sqrt((double)grid->p);
	dimensions[0] = dimensions[1] = grid->q;
	wrap_around[0] = wrap_around[1] = 1;

	MPI_Cart_create(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 2, dimensions, wrap_around, 1, &(grid->comm));
	MPI_Comm_rank(grid->comm, &(grid->my_rank));
	MPI_Cart_coords(grid->comm, grid->my_rank, 2, coordinates);
	grid->my_row = coordinates[0];
	grid->my_col = coordinates[1];
	/* Set up row communicators */
	free_coords[0] = 0;
	free_coords[1] = 1;
	MPI_Cart_sub(grid->comm, free_coords, &(grid->row_comm));
	/* Set up col communicators */
	free_coords[0] = 1;
	free_coords[1] = 0;
	MPI_Cart_sub(grid->comm, free_coords, &(grid->col_comm));
}/* Setup_grid */

void Fox(
	int 			n		/* in */,
	GRID_INFO_T*	grid	/* in */,
	LOCAL_MATRIX_T*	local_A	/* in */,
	LOCAL_MATRIX_T*	local_B	/* in */,
	LOCAL_MATRIX_T*	local_C	/* out */){
	LOCAL_MATRIX_T* temp_A;    /* Storage for the submatrix of A*/
							   /* used during the current stage */
	int stage;
	int bcast_root;
	int n_bar;
	int source;
	int dest;
	MPI_Status status;
	n_bar = n / grid->q;   /* the dimension of submatrix */
	/* Calculate addresses for circular shift of B */
	source = (grid->my_row + 1) % grid->q;
	dest = (grid->my_row -1 + grid->q) % grid->q;
	/* Set aside storage for the broadcast block of A */
	temp_A = Local_matrix_allocate(n_bar);
	for(stage = 0; stage < grid->q; stage++){
		bcast_root = (grid->my_row + stage) % grid->q;
		if(bcast_root == grid->my_col){
			MPI_Bcast(local_A, 1, local_matrix_mpi_t, bcast_root, grid->row_comm);
			Local_matrix_mutiply(local_A, local_B,local_C);
			MPI_Bcast(temp_A, 1, local_matrix_mpi_t, bcast_root, grid->row_comm);
			Local_matrix_mutiply(temp_A, local_B, local_C);
		MPI_Sendrecv_replace(local_B, 1, local_matrix_mpi_t, dest, 0, 
							source, 0, grid->col_comm, &status);
	}/* for */
}/* Fox */
void Build_mpi_type_indexed(MPI_Datatype* input_mpi_type,int n, int local_n){
	int i;
	int count = local_n;
	int array_of_blocklength[count];
	int array_of_displacements[count];
	for(i = 0; i < count; i++){
		array_of_blocklength[i] = local_n;
		array_of_displacements[i] = n*i;
	MPI_Type_indexed(3, array_of_blocklength, array_of_displacements, 
						MPI_DOUBLE, input_mpi_type);
}/* Build_mpi_type_indexed */
void Build_mpi_type(
	LOCAL_MATRIX_T* local_matrix		/* in */, 
	MPI_Datatype* input_mpi_type		/* out*/){

	int count = 3;
	int array_of_blocklengths[3]= {1,1,local_matrix->n};
	MPI_Datatype array_of_types[3] = {MPI_INT, MPI_INT, MPI_DOUBLE};
	MPI_Aint n_bar_addr, n_addr, matrix_addr;
	MPI_Aint array_of_displacements[3] = {0};
	MPI_Get_address(&local_matrix->n_bar, &n_bar_addr);
	MPI_Get_address(&local_matrix->n, &n_addr);
	MPI_Get_address(&local_matrix->matrix, &matrix_addr);
	array_of_displacements[1] = n_addr - n_bar_addr;
	array_of_displacements[2] = matrix_addr - n_addr;

	MPI_Type_create_struct(count, array_of_blocklengths, array_of_displacements, array_of_types, input_mpi_type);
	MPI_Type_commit(input_mpi_type);  //使新資料類型能夠通信
}/* Build_mpi_type */

LOCAL_MATRIX_T* Local_matrix_allocate(
	int n_bar		/* in */){
	LOCAL_MATRIX_T *temp_matrix = (LOCAL_MATRIX_T*)malloc(sizeof(LOCAL_MATRIX_T));
	temp_matrix->n_bar = n_bar;
	temp_matrix->n = n_bar*n_bar;
	return temp_matrix;
}/* Local_matrix_allocate */

void Set_to_zero(
	LOCAL_MATRIX_T *local_matrix	/* in */){
	int i;
	for(i = 0; i < local_matrix->n; i++){
		local_matrix->matrix[i] = 0;
}/* Set_to_zero */

void Local_matrix_mutiply(
	LOCAL_MATRIX_T* local_A		/* in  */, 
	LOCAL_MATRIX_T* local_B		/* in  */, 
	LOCAL_MATRIX_T* local_C		/* out */){

	int i,j,k,n = local_C->n_bar;
	for(i = 0; i < n; i++){
		for(j = 0; j < n; j++){
			for(k = 0; k < n; k++)
				local_C->matrix[i*n+j] += local_A->matrix[i*n+k]*local_B->matrix[k*n+j];
}/* Local_matrix_mutiply */

