
azure devops中文顯示亂碼,Azure Devops-無法擷取部署狀态

azure devops中文顯示亂碼,Azure Devops-無法擷取部署狀态

I would like to integrate the deployment control into my work items but to do so the Microsoft site recommends to:

Select the "Preview: Report deployment status to Boards" option and

configure the stages and deployment types

azure devops中文顯示亂碼,Azure Devops-無法擷取部署狀态

...but on my Azure DevOps Server, I don't have this choice. What can I do to get this choice or to enable the Deployment control in my work items / bug items?

Here is my view:

EDIT for more informations :

When I try to add the deployment control tool in my work item XML, I get this "error" : Cannot create work item control of type "DeploymentsControl". Legacy extensions are no longer supported in new work item form.

azure devops中文顯示亂碼,Azure Devops-無法擷取部署狀态

解決方案The release deployments control currently works with classic release

pipelines and with Azure DevOps Services (cloud) only.

Since you are using Azure DevOps Server (on-premise), this feature is not supported yet. You may submit a user voice at website below: