
eclipse 打包插件



Fat Jar Eclipse Plug-In Tutorial

Step 1:

Create a new Java Project "demolib"

Create a new Java Project named "demolib".

Add the Class "demolib.DemoLib.java" containing the following code:

package demolib;

public class DemoLib {
    public static void sayHello() {

The Project should look something like this:

eclipse 打包插件
Step 2

: Create a jar file using Fat Jar Plug-In

In the "Package-Explorer" (not the "Resource-View") right click on the project "demolib".

Select "Fat Jar > Quick Build Fat Jar"

eclipse 打包插件

A Configuration Dialog appears. Just press "Finish".

eclipse 打包插件

The File "demolib_fat.jar" has been created in the project root directory.

eclipse 打包插件
Step 3

: Create a new Java-Project "demorun"

Create a new Java Project named "demorun".

In the project properties add the Library "demolib/demolib_fat.jar" to the Java Build Path":

eclipse 打包插件
Step 4

: Create Main Class

Add the Class "demorun.DemoRunMain.java" containing the following code:

package demorun;

import demolib.DemoLib;

public class DemoRunMain {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

The Project should look something like this:

eclipse 打包插件
Step 5

: Start the Build Fat Jar Dialog

Start the Export Wizard from the File-Menu ("File" -> "Export").

Select "+ Fat Jar Exporter" and click "next >".

eclipse 打包插件

Select the project "demorun" and click "next >".

eclipse 打包插件

A Configuration-Dialog appears showing the current Settings.

eclipse 打包插件
Step 6

: Select the Main Class

The Main Class - the one containing the static methode main - must be defined in the jar.

Click on the "Browse..." Button on the right side behind the Main-Class Edit field.

eclipse 打包插件

Select "DemoRunMain" and click the "OK" Button.

The FullyQualifiedName "demorun.DemoRunMain" is now set for "Main-Class".


: Finish

Save the current Settings by clicking on the "Finish" Button.

eclipse 打包插件

The File "demorun_fat.jar" has been created in the project root directory.

In addition the file ".fatjar" storing the configuration settings has been created in the project root directory

The created jar file contains all classes from all referenced jar files (demolib_fat.jar) and the project classes.

This file can be executed anywhere, no classpath has to be set, because all necessary libraries

are extracted inside the "Fat Jar":

> java -jar deomrun_fat.jar
