
java dataframe agg,Apache Spark Dataframe Groupby agg()用于多列

java dataframe agg,Apache Spark Dataframe Groupby agg()用于多列

I have a DataFrame with 3 columns i.e. Id, First Name, Last Name

I want to apply GroupBy on the basis of Id and want to collect First Name, Last Name column as list.

Example :- I have a DF like this


|id |fName |lName |


|1 |Akash |Sethi |

|2 |Kunal |Kapoor |

|3 |Rishabh|Verma |

|2 |Sonu |Mehrotra|


and I want my output like this


|id |fname |lName |


|1 |[Akash] |[Sethi] |

|2 |[Kunal, Sonu] |[Kapoor, Mehrotra] |

|3 |[Rishabh] |[Verma] |


Thanks in Advance


You can aggregate multiple columns like this:

df.groupBy("id").agg(collect_list("fName"), collect_list("lName"))

It will give you the expected result.