


Yeah,but then it'll be blocking one of outlets. 是嘛,但是這樣會擋住一個插座啊。

yeah,but.... 提出反對或不同意見


What's wrong with him?He's smart,funny,handsome. 他哪裡不好?他聰明有趣又帥氣

Yeah,but he's too short for me.是啊,但是他對我來說有點矮。


He doesn't eat red meat , which is kinda cool. 他不吃紅肉,很酷吧

And he would rather spend all his time outside then anywhere else.他甯願整天待在戶外

My God.He sounds amazing.我的天,他真是太棒了。

Yeah,Yeah,but he has flaws.He does. 是啊,但是他也有缺點。

He is flawed.

flaw (n.) 缺點,瑕疵   have flaws 有缺點


Yeah,but then it'll be blocking one of outlets. 是嘛,但是這樣會擋住一個插座啊。


If you miss the train,then you'll have to get a taxi. 如果你錯過了火車,那就得坐計程車了。

...then sth will be ... 如果...就會進入某種狀态

I thought about going for a run ,but then I'll be all hot and sweaty. 我本打算去跑步,但是那樣就會很熱還會出汗

thought about doing sth 原本打算做某事

go for a run 出去跑步

sweaty (adj.) 出汗的


You need a hand? 要幫忙嗎?

I got it. 我自己能行

Here. So you're gonna miss me when I'm gone? 過來,我走後你會想我嗎?

If I say no,do I still get your room? 如果我說不,我還能住你的房間嗎?


Then ,yes,I'll miss you.那好吧,我會想你


then,yes, I'll.......那好吧,我會

Yeah,but then it'll be blocking one of outlets. 是嘛,但是這樣會擋住一個插座啊。

A is blocking B      A擋住了B

block (v.)擋住

Someone's blocking my car . I can't get out. 誰的車把我給擋住了,我開不出來

get out 從車位裡開出來

Oh,I'm sorry. Am I blocking your view?

block one's view 擋住某人的視線


Let's talk to Tim and hear about way back.跟提姆聊聊,叙叙舊

What is your phone number? 你電話多少

Someone keeps blocking your number on my phone.我總是打不通你電話

I think it's a glitch. 應該是什麼故障吧

That's my call.I'm also on Facebook.And the Twitter.


keep blocking your number 打不通你電話

Yeah,but then it'll be blocking one of outlets. 是嘛,但是這樣會擋住一個插座啊。

one of the...很多物品之中的一個

outlet (n.) 電源插座

plug (n.) 插座,插頭

The only way to turn the machine off is to pull the plug.


pull the plug 拔掉插頭


I need a plug. 我需要給它們充電

Where's the outlet? 電源在哪裡?

Over there,but don't touch! 在那。但是你不能碰


Bedroom,bathroom,living room.

This right here is the kitchen,and thanks for coming by,Bye-bye.

Don't ypu,don't you wanna ask me any questions?

bedroom 卧室

bathroom 浴室

living room 客廳

kitchen 廚房

the master bedroom 大主卧

I want to have the master bedroom. 我想住大主卧


I told you that I would be here for you.我說了我要陪伴在你身邊

We could even decorate his room in , like a whole prirate theme.我們甚至可以裝修一下他的卧室,比如海賊主題。

I always wanted to do that if I had a son.我一直就想這麼做,如果有兒子的話

decorate (v.) 裝修,粉刷

decorate the room in a...theme 以某主題來裝修房間

decorate .... with sth 用某物裝飾

I decorated my room with some beautiful shells.我想用一些漂亮的貝殼來裝飾房間


Carlos,have you lost your mind?卡洛斯,你瘋了嗎?

Well ,you're helping mr pack my stuff. 你幫我打包

I'm helping you remodel your house.我就幫你改造一下房子

remodel (v.)重新塑造,改變某物的形狀或外觀

We've completely remodeled the kitchen.
